I put the JP on my shots as local charter operators in my area have been putting them on there sites claiming they were taken from their boats.
At one point today there were 4 charter operators all jostling for a group of whales, after aprox 1hr they left the whales in search of others as theses were staying down and barely breaking surface between breaths.
We came along and within 10 mins the whales were playing within 30m of us, where at times we needed to get out of there way.
Ive photographed whales and dolphins for several years and found by simply turning off your engine and sounder these mammals seem to treat you more as if you were one of them. The pings from a sounder can be quite strong, I can even feel them if I free-dive beneath the boat.
Most people will of had dolphins swim the bow waves of their boat but found as soon as the boat stops they move away. Once again if you turn off the sounder then cut the engine they will often stay long enough to swim with them for a while (you need to be able to slip into the water without any splash).