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Old 29 June 2003, 16:50   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: West Wickham
Boat name: Aries IV
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Etec 250
MMSI: 235036477
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 273

I have established that even if I knocked down a garage and made some other modifications to my house, I would still not be able to accommodate a 5.5 mtr RIB at home, as I couldn't turn it in the road!

This means that I can revert back to looking at a mid-sized RIB of perhaps 7.5 - 7.8 mtrs.

I am a little confused by Ribcraft's present offerings, which include a "Ribcraft 7.5" and a 7.8 mtr boat from its "Offshore Commercial" range. I know that the latter has a slightly larger beam, and appears to be a heavier boat, but it is impossible to make a real like for like comparison between these boats, as the company's web-site does not really provide enough information.

For example, the commercial craft has a marine ply eggbox internal structure, which is apparently "ideally suited to the serious user". Well, when I eventually get it, I think that I shall be one of those, if use of my present boat (almost sold - I think) is anything to go by. But does this mean that the 7.5 is not suited to the serious user?

I would be grateful to hear your views on these models, also any comments about engines and performance. My present thinking is along the lines of a Vmax 225 HPDI for the 7.5 and a Vmax 250 HPDI for the 7.8, as I am a bit of a sucker for hi-tech kit, and engines don't get much more "hi-tech" than these - fuel is injected at 1,000 PSI!

Thank you for your thoughts!

Chris Murray is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 29 June 2003, 20:11   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Great Harwood, Lancs
Boat name: Tigger II
Make: Bombardier Aerodeck
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Hi Chris

I took delivery of a Ribcraft 7.8 this Easter and to date love it.
Not a outboard version but the Yanmar 240HP diesel.

Cant comment about the 7.5 but belive is lighter and more suited for the "performace" leaisure market then the 7.8, which is a heavy boat.
At present with 240HP/Bravo 3, I am only getting 34 ish Knots at WOT. But belive I still need to do some playing with props, trim etc and only have 30 hours on clock.

Dont know where you like but mine is based in Fleetwood Lancs and your more than welcome to have a look and a trip out if you like.

The other option is give Jason or Mark a ring at Ribcraft and go to see them, they have always bee happy to go through things with me.

If you have any specific questions drop me a PM.

Regards Gary
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Old 30 June 2003, 21:29   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: West Wickham
Boat name: Aries IV
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Etec 250
MMSI: 235036477
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 273
Hello Gary,

Thank you for your input.

I must admit that I am a bit of a speed enthusiast (my Falcon 23 sports cruiser does 36 kts and I thought it was a bit slow!) so it looks like I would either need to go for the lighter boat or "invest" in the recently released 300hp HPDI for a 7.8

Unfortunately, my wife is not very keen on the latter in spite of my protestations that the 225, 250 and 300 are all the same block, so it looks like the 7.5 might be more appropriate for my purposes.

Actually, I do intend to cruise to the Channel Islands and other (mostly) English-speaking venues, which is why I am keen to get a boat that can handle long distances in relative comfort.

I did briefly think about diesel, but since we shall probably only have cheap diesel for a year or two after I take delivery of the boat, it doesn't seem that attractive to me at this stage.

I have discovered that the 7.5 can take a 60 gallon tank, so at least range shouldn't be a problem!

Thanks again for your input and your kind offer to view/go out on your boat. I look forward to meeting you and other Ribnet members when I eventually get my new boat.

In the meantime, I anticipate becoming a SIB member for the next couple of years.

Best wishes,

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Old 30 June 2003, 21:43   #4
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When you are choosing between petrol and diesel, as well as the price of fuel you should consider the availability. Diesel is available on the quayside almost everywhere, but petrol is often more difficult to find.

If you go for a big petrol engine and plane to do any serious cruising you will either need to make compromises on where you go or be prepared to haul endless jerry cans!

For serious cruising, even when red diesel eventually goes, I would choose diesel every time.

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Old 01 July 2003, 07:07   #5
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Originally posted by John Kennett
If you go for a big petrol engine and plane
John, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think chris mentioned buying an aircraft! if he is, I'm not sure they're readily available in diesel form!
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Old 01 July 2003, 07:38   #6
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Didn't the Luftwaffe have diesel Junker's??
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Old 01 July 2003, 12:19   #7
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You two can't help yourselves, can you?
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Old 01 July 2003, 12:23   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Great Harwood, Lancs
Boat name: Tigger II
Make: Bombardier Aerodeck
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Engine: Tohatsu 25HP
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 626
Hi Chris

If you want speed but also want to cruise long distances, maybe solo why not go for twin 225's

You get the best of both worlds, power and safety.
Oh dont tell the wife about the cost though

On the diesel I belive the descision on tax has been put off till 2007, and I expect it will go the way everyone thinks and we will get taxed. However as John says fuel can be a problem but also HP fo HP diesels still use much less fuel then even moden HPDI engines. I am getting better thhn 1NM/L out of mine.

Regards Gary
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Old 01 July 2003, 18:51   #9
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Originally posted by Jon Fuller
John, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think chris mentioned buying an aircraft! if he is, I'm not sure they're readily available in diesel form!
I didn't mention a diesel plane did I? "Big petrol engine" was what I said

Thinking about it, for serious cruising a plane would be much more comfortable. You could probably buy a half decent little Cessna for the price of a 10m Scorpion cabin RIB, and cruise sedately at 80 knots!

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Old 02 July 2003, 20:45   #10
Country: UK - England
Town: West Wickham
Boat name: Aries IV
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Etec 250
MMSI: 235036477
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 273

I don't want to become another Alan Priddy! I should have thought that central Solent to Guernsey for example, is not much more than 120 Nm.

By my reckoning, a 60 galon tank at 3.5 MPG (conservative estimate) should give a theoretical range of 210 Nm and a "safe" range of around 160 Nm. Who knows ... I might even get 4 MPG, with an even greater range!

At a cruising speed of say 35kts, 120 Nm should take around around 3hrs 26 minutes.

Even Bray, Alderney sells petrol, if there is enough water to be able to get it delivered to the inner harbour, so I do not really see that availability of fuel should be too much of a problem in English-speaking parts.

However, I do appreciate your comments re. availability of fuel and I can see that cruising along the northern coast of France might pose a few problems.

I shall not always be "cruising" and I like few things better than a good "spin" on a fast boat. I should have thought that there would be no contest between the performance and top speed of a 225 HPDI and a 230 HP diesel, on a 7.5 mtr boat. (unless you know different!)

Does anyone have info that they would like to share on the performance of diesels in such boats (apart from Gary, who has contributed above, in relation to a somewhat heavier boat)?


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