28 October 2021, 07:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Northam
Boat name: My Boatty Too
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: Ymaha 2.5 outboard
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 56
RIBCRAFT 5.85m PRO, or alternative.
'Ribcraft' is seemingly our unit's 'preferred' supplier, but just asking in case there are obvious alternatives out there it would be silly to not also consider?
Alternatives would need to be very similar.
This is in the UK.
Many thanks.
28 October 2021, 08:21
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pembroke
Boat name: Rapscallion
Make: Humber Destroyer 6.0
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-TEC 150
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Posts: 360
28 October 2021, 08:30
Country: Ireland
Length: 7m +
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 17
Redbay Boats?
I haven't been a fan of XS for dive boats: a lip and trip hazard under the bottle racks of the two new XS dive boats I've been on in the last two years. And both had wiring issues.
28 October 2021, 16:04
Country: UK - England
Town: N. Devon
Boat name: (Not Another) Nutkin
Make: Highfield
Length: 6m +
Engine: Outboard, Honda 135
MMSI: 232036183
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Posts: 2,058
Is this for diving? I've a Highfield that I use which would make a great dive boat, and with the ali hull and deck takes quite a lot of abuse.
28 October 2021, 22:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucester
Boat name: Lunasea
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzi 140
MMSI: 232005050
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 2,013
What is your "unit" and what is the role of the boat - where to be used, what to be used for pax to carry, what conditions will you be out in etc. ?
You haven't provided enough info for a reasoned answer. Give some detail and I'm sure you will get some sound advice.
Member of the Macmillan Round the Isle of Wight Club
28 October 2021, 23:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Northam
Boat name: My Boatty Too
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: Ymaha 2.5 outboard
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 56
Thanks for the comments, folks - really appreciated.
What's an 'XS', Oisin?
Yes, I appreciate I didn't give much info, so I'll correct that. In general, tho', the Ribcraft 5.85 PRO is 'ideal' in concept, so I was just wondering if there were alternative similar designs that should also be considered.
It's for a Sea Cadet Unit. Primary use will be to teach PowerBoating, so a 4-seat layout is ideal. Will also act as a safety boat.
The 5.85m size was chosen to allow enough space on board for the crew being trained, but also for taking on rescued sailing boat crew as and when required. And just for generally increased seaworthiness and to make the whole helming experience more worthy too - piloting a 'proper' boat!
29 October 2021, 08:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucester
Boat name: Lunasea
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzi 140
MMSI: 232005050
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 2,013
RC585 will do all of that. An RC5.3 will also do that, bit less space but more compact and if teaching small groups of youngsters a slightly smaller boat may beneficial - the 5.3 is configurable with a 2x2 single jockey layout.
A Ribeye could work, and as Treerat says Highfield with ali hull and large tubes may be a contender. I guess as always it will come down to budget and local servicing - what engine are you considering?
Member of the Macmillan Round the Isle of Wight Club
29 October 2021, 08:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Northam
Boat name: My Boatty Too
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: Ymaha 2.5 outboard
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 56
By 'RC' do you mean Ribcraft? If so, yes, the 5.85m ticks the boxes.
Interesting - I wasn't aware of a 5.3m model, only the much smaller (too small) 4.8 PRO.
As for outboards, I think we'd hope to use our new 60HP Evinrude E-Tec BRP which has had less than one season's use due to C-19. Yes, I know there are potential issues with this make since they've closed, but it's an engine and controls we already have, and it's 'new'. Perhaps underpowered for a 5.85m? The boat would need to be able to plane comfortably in order to teach this practice.
Do any of the suggested alternatives - Humber, Highfield, Ribeye, XS (which one is that?) - actually come out on top of the Ribcraft for any good solid reason (like the ali deck?), or are they 'just' alternatives of similar quality and performance and value? If not, then Ribcraft it almost certainly will be.
Thanks for all your comments.
29 October 2021, 09:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: El Mono
Make: Ribtec 9M
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yanmar 315/Bravo III
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Posts: 921
If it's for Sea Cadets, I'd suggest speaking to Tony at Inshore Boating first, given the 4.8/585 Ribcraft fleets they have provisioned for the national boat stations/hubs in recent years. They have put together a standardised spec for the existing boats making them more suitable to Sea Cadet training. And/or maybe get yourself across to e.g. Weymouth boat station, where they have both and you could have a look/play!
It depends what exactly you are going to do with it and what the operating area is. But personally having spent vast amounts of time in both craft for the SCC, for general unit level activities/safety boating I think a 585 is a touch on the large side and the 4.8 would probably be my pick. For Lv1/2 the seating isn't really a big problem. Intermediate/Advanced would obviously need more like a 585 with individual seats.
Ping me a PM if it would help to have a chat from a Sea Cadet background.
29 October 2021, 09:38
Country: UK - England
Town: N. Devon
Boat name: (Not Another) Nutkin
Make: Highfield
Length: 6m +
Engine: Outboard, Honda 135
MMSI: 232036183
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,058
Originally Posted by Devs Ad
Do any of the suggested alternatives - Humber, Highfield, Ribeye, XS (which one is that?) - actually come out on top of the Ribcraft for any good solid reason (like the ali deck?), or are they 'just' alternatives of similar quality and performance and value? If not, then Ribcraft it almost certainly will be.
Thanks for all your comments.
I own a Highfield, Lakeland owns a RC. Both do what we need, we often travel together and both boats perform well. Does either come out 'on top' of the other? I doubt it, both give a great ride, both have the desired seating for those onboard and both have solid, reliable engines.
I believe that for teaching and safety work the ali construction of the HF gives and advantage over the RC in that it'll take a bit of a beating before it needs to go off to the repair shop. Mark anchors, weights, kit never seem to like fiberglass decks in a unit. On the flip side the smaller tubes on the RC make life easier to get people in from the water.
So I suspect its more down to local supplier, engine servicing options locally, delivery times and price. All the above will probably be of more help in deciding then actually what's best - there are loads of threads on here based on that question, and the answer is usually - mine!!
XS ribs - https://www.xs-ribs.co.uk
29 October 2021, 10:06
Country: UK - England
Town: suffolk
Boat name: not yet
Make: Gemini + XS
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 140/merc 60
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Posts: 1,305
I suspect some of your enthusiasm for your prefered model maybe the "british built by craftsmen" which many of us have ground in !
not sure what this is telling us ?
29 October 2021, 18:57
Country: USA
Town: Anchorage
Boat name: Naiad
Make: Naiad
Length: 4m +
Engine: Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 3
How about a Naiad or Solas? They are good boats with aluminum hulls.
30 October 2021, 09:57
Country: Ireland
Length: 7m +
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 17
XS Ribs https://www.xs-ribs.co.uk/ an economic choice.
Zodiac MilPro might also be worth a look; similar quality glasswork to Ribcraft and Humber and they make a 4.7m which worked well with a 50hp afaik is modelled from the old Avon Seariders (flooding hull). The tubes are larger than the RC4. 8. That said when I looked into getting one last, they were the priciest of the lot.
Ribcraft also make a 5.45 called there 545. My dive club has been running one for the last 23 years, still on its original tubes second engine (currently a Optimax 90hp) and only recently required glasswork on the transom knees. Though the 545 would need something a little larger than a 60hp to reach 25kts with >4 pax. Ours will do 27kts with 6 fully kitted diver and a Coxswain.
I would also agree with paulbrown22 that a 585 may be on the large side for a sailing safety boat with 16year olds on the helm.
As treerat said about the tube diameter the RC4.8 has tubes that are appreciable smaller than the RC585. Both a pro (easy to pull people into the boat) and a con (freeboard especially in the rougher stuff).
In the sailing clubs I've been involved in:
One used a 5.8m Lencraft with a 70hp for Mark laying and Powerboat L2. A 5.2m Lencraft with a 50hp and a 4.2m Zodiac Pro 2 with a 40hp as work horses for sailing sessions. The Zodiac was solid and really the work horse. The Lencrafts I wouldn't rate and would avoid. The 5.8m only really got use in rougher conditions (waves >2.5m winds >F5) and was typically the last boat to go out.
Another sailing club uses a 28year old Osprey Eagle 5.6m with 60hp as their mark laying boat. It's been used by more experienced staff for the last 7 years for their sailing sessions due to length and power. Though it will struggle to plane with 6 adults on board. A shame Osprey stopped producing this model. The 4.2m Lencraft with 40hp is the staff favourite due to manoeuvrability and ease to effect a rescue compared to the Osprey Eagle 5.6m. The 4.2m Lencraft with 40hp won't plane with more than 3 adults so makes it unusable for the high speed manoeuvres on the L1 & L2.
I can't comment on aluminium hulled Ribs I've no experience with them yet.
31 October 2021, 09:31
Country: Ireland
Town: Howth
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 37
My sailing club only use Avon Seariders/ Zodiac MilPro as safety and mark laying boats. These boats do hundreds of hours a year. Tried a ribcraft 4.8 and the sr4.7 would eat it for breakfast in the (very!) rough. Tubes on the seariders were more resistant to abrasion from pulling up marks etc. The ribcraft looked awful after a couple of seasons, the seariders were fine despite having seen more use. The rc4.8 was a fine boat however, wider inside and can be had now with a 3 seat layout I believe, but for heavy use the seariders are superior IMO.
31 October 2021, 13:19
Country: UK - England
Town: Northam
Boat name: My Boatty Too
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: Ymaha 2.5 outboard
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 56
That is all excellent info - thank you all so much.
By Ribcraft being the 'preferred' make, I think that might be from higher up in the SCC.
I have to say now that I'm having doubts about the 5.85m size - it was the preferred choice between the two sizes offered, as the 4.8m is no bigger (or only marginally so) than our other RIB, a Valliant Sport (I think it is).
I agree with the 5.85m size making it less manoeuvrable for 'safety' use, but this would be of minor importance as we have a second RIB for this. Deck space along with 4 seats is paramount, so the smaller tubes would also help in this respect.
I will pass on my new thoughts (thanks!) regarding the size, and whether something a little smaller might be better - 5.3-ish size. Also the comments regarding the alternatives, and the benefits of ali decks, etc.
A slightly smaller RIB would also allow us to use the Evin 60 BRP successfully.
Thanks again. :-)
31 October 2021, 14:35
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
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Make: Cormate
Length: 7m +
Engine: Verado 200
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Posts: 364
There’s nothing wrong with a new evinrude 60, excellent engine but you would need to limit the rib to 5m maximum.
01 November 2021, 16:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucester
Boat name: Lunasea
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzi 140
MMSI: 232005050
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 2,013
I was at Ribcraft today.
They seem to be turning out a few Sea Cadet badged 4.8s with 2 x single jockey seats. I would suggest the Sea Cadets may have a central preferred / standard spec.
Perfectly possible to instruct in a 4.8 with instructor standing / sitting on tubes, with 1-2 trainees sitting on the tubes.
A 60HP will be way underpowered for anything over 5m, but would work on a 4.8.
If other manufacturers build for scout / cadet organisations they will have some specs / they'll be able to discuss with you. I'm sure Ribcraft will be happy to discuss what boat will best suit your organisation's needs.
Member of the Macmillan Round the Isle of Wight Club
01 November 2021, 19:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: El Mono
Make: Ribtec 9M
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yanmar 315/Bravo III
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 921
Originally Posted by lakelandterrier
I was at Ribcraft today.
They seem to be turning out a few Sea Cadet badged 4.8s with 2 x single jockey seats. I would suggest the Sea Cadets may have a central preferred / standard spec.
Yes, the Sea Cadet organisation has a standard spec for the Ribcraft 4.8 and 585 they buy centrally for the national training centres, with a number of design changes suited to the typical work they undertake. But individual units can buy whatever boats they want to meet their training needs/operating areas. Having said that, given the above questions, I strongly suggest the unit gets in touch with the Sea Cadets Inshore Boating team who will be able to advise based on their knowledge of all the other Sea Cadet units and training centres, and their strong relationship with Ribcraft. The Sea Cadets also have many of both craft at various training centres should they wish to have a detailed look/test of both and compare side by side.
01 November 2021, 20:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Wild West
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Make: No Boat
Length: under 3m
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 5,306
Originally Posted by Devs Ad
'Ribcraft' is seemingly our unit's 'preferred' supplier, but just asking in case there are obvious alternatives out there it would be silly to not also consider?
Alternatives would need to be very similar.
This is in the UK.
Many thanks.
There are Always alternatives...
....though there must be reasons they are the "preferred supplier" 
If you don't know why .....maybe just ask
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