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Old 26 April 2006, 09:00   #1
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ribcraft vs ocean-pro

Hello guys,
I dont know how many humber ocean-pro owners there are out there, but I would like to hear your opinions about these boats in the 5.7 size. Also I would be interested in any comparisons with the ribcraft 5.85.
Thanks, Nick.
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Old 26 April 2006, 09:03   #2
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Think you pay more for a Rib craft and they are very good boats.
Humber are cheaper and I don't think they have the finish but are good solid sea boats (heavier than the rib craft). It is a price issue me thinks...
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Old 26 April 2006, 09:44   #3
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Originally Posted by Rodan
Humber are cheaper and I don't think they have the finish but are good solid sea boats
Hmmm not sure I agree with the good solid bit unless they build the O P a whole lot better than my Destroyer (tubes splitting at 303 hours)!
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Old 26 April 2006, 12:37   #4
Country: UK - England
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Don,t know how much my opinion is worth as still inexperienced compared to most of the guys on here. Not driven a Ribcraft & my Humber is a bit bigger than the size you are after but here it is for what its worth.

Nice deep V hull and lands softly. The tubes are full diameter all the way round and don't taper like some makes. Together with a raised nose & heavy build - feels stable and safe. Inside & not pertched on top if you know what I mean. Tubes & hull seem well finished. Disappointed with some of the catches and locks on the bench seat storage but obviously done to a price. As much my inexperience as anything - if I had known more I would have specified something a bit more substantial. As it is they are niggly minor points and things I will change when I get a spare minute.

As for sea keeping, just done 3 days on Loch Lomond - didn't sink once. But seriously, out in very heavy swell off Flamborough Head at the end of last year with white crests (some breaking) & strong wind giving a very confused sea. Never once felt we had a problem & loved every minute of it. Did get very wet though.

Seems a fast hull as well. I've only got a 140hp Suzuki on the back and I have had it up to 41 Knots (according to the GPS).

I don't think you can doubt the Humber seakeeping ability. Just be careful when specifying what you want and ask to see examples before you buy. Its just the little details which are missing - but I guess thats where the price difference comes in. Solid boat though.
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Old 26 April 2006, 12:55   #5
Country: UK - England
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again the humber we use is a little bigger than the one you have suggested a 5.7m? ours is the 6.3 m model, but not infinitely bigger so i assume you could draw some accurate comparisons.

Ability, and control in sea: Very solid in all sea states, inspires confidence, never felt unsafe, lands softly, handles big chop, and large swell very well, used to own a zodiac and couldnt believe the improvement when i went out in the humber for the first time! also very good at cornering, grips like nobodies business!

speed: obviously depending on what engine you have on it, we have a 140hp suzuki, which pushes it at a top speed of 41 knots with one person and half tank of fuel so far. not the quickest boat around, but thats the substitute you pay for having a deeper vee hull, and the superior rough water performance!

tubes: i hear that BogMonster had troubles with the tubes, well, although the boat is only a year old, i cannot find any fault so fr with the tubes, they seem solidly built, nicely done! obviously time will tell, but i think that the newer humbers have been done with more attention, perhaps the result of =feedback of old humber owners on their finnish styling etc!

engine set up was excellent as is the hull and tubes. the only thing that humber could do muich better is the finnishing, like the cut off points on the console and seating, just doesnt seem classy when you look at it closely, however it doesnt look bad at all, and the overall design of the consoles and seating, i like! its just the finnish could be done better! also the rear bench seat we have, the back rest flexes a bit which i would prefer it didnt, doesnt seem like it isnt strong enough but i just prefer a back rest which feels solid........minor faults in my opinion!

if you would like some pictures let me know, i think its a very attractive boat , but im no expert at re-sizing the pictures, so would be easier to email them to you if wanted!

so overall great hull pedigree, overall good tough construction, a real work boat, not super yacht finnish, but its a real rib, great at doing what people have come to associate with ribs, great rough water performance, with a robust nature!

the ribcraft 585has a great reputation though, i havent used one, but people say good things about them, saying that humber have been around for much longer and have the experience!
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Old 26 April 2006, 13:08   #6
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Reszing pics is simple if you use this

Just select all the pics you want to resize - right click - select small - 640x480 - and it will do it all for you - dead simple!!!
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