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Old 09 May 2010, 09:11   #21
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Ribex 2010 today

I agree with Hightower!

I found with a few exceptions yesterday it was difficult to find an exhibitor to talk to - many stands appeared not to be manned at all and on many others even after looking seriously at a craft no-none put themselves forward to engage in coversation / a pitch.

Worst for us was the much vaunted nad promoted FAMILY RYA rib rides / training sessions would take children as they had no suitable lifejackets! Had to be at least 10 even though the posters showed children much young -a great disappointement fro the lakeland pups!

However, Ribcraft were great, engaging, positive, and again many thanks to Adam for taking us out for a good trial in the 5.3 - I want one! - and giving me a good blast at the helm. Ribcraft did have chlidren's lifejackets so we could all get out - making up for the earlier disappointment.

The chaps at Ballistic were also good, and offered a spin, but we didn't have the time unfortunately.

Generally I found little enthusiasm around most stands with the exceptions noted. An interesting day though

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Old 09 May 2010, 09:24   #22
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I agree ! I Although biased to Ribcraft (as an owner) they have always seem VERY ready to talk and discuss all aspects of Ribbing and their boats. I found the worst salepeople the ones who were on the electronics stands. I am in the market for some new fairly expensive electronics and found it easier to pull a tooth out than engage the staff who just seemed to want to stand talking at the back of their stall to each other.
Never mind their loss - no commision, which they have gotta be to on ? right ?
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Old 09 May 2010, 09:49   #23
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Originally Posted by sarahscottiedog View Post
I am in the market for some new fairly expensive electronics and found it easier to pull a tooth out than engage the staff who just seemed to want to stand talking at the back of their stall to each other.
Never mind their loss - no commision, which they have gotta be to on ? right ?
I gave up trying to buy gear from shows a few years ago. You'll get better deals online for quality equipment. The only stuff cheap at shows IMV, is tat bought in to full bargain buckets and outdated stock.
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Old 09 May 2010, 10:01   #24
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Originally Posted by Mollers View Post
I gave up trying to buy gear from shows a few years ago. You'll get better deals online for quality equipment. The only stuff cheap at shows IMV, is tat bought in to full bargain buckets and outdated stock.
I was chatting to one of the guys on the Garmin stand and he commented that the only reason they attend these shows is to meet the boat builders and sell to them. I think most of the electronics suppliers don't expect to get any retail sales at these shows, they are used to getting loads of questions from people that then go and buy the stuff from ebay and in most case from an importer fo sub UK trade prices.

You can see why they might be skeptical !
Chris Stevens

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Old 09 May 2010, 10:16   #25
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
You can see why they might be skeptical !
yes, but any sale will mean some profit surely ? They have done the expensive bit by turning up. Even if we then go & buy online it is still stock moving through the system ?
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Old 09 May 2010, 10:50   #26
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I've manned trade show stands for almost 20 years and I could tell you stories!

You have two types on the stands:

1. Owners/Stakeholders

2. Marketing Fluffies (or worse, Rent-a-Bodies)

Type 1 are very keen to sell, but can be very reluctant to waste time on "Showies" - They know what you are!! You'll have to press the right buttons to tie up £175k of boat on the water when it could be gathering drool on the pontoon. However, they should be pleasant and informative to all comers.

Type 2 are tosspots and feel that showing up of a weekend and after hours is sacrifice enough. They often set up a stand and go AWOL with the other Fluffies. We don't bother sending Type 2s to shows any more.
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Old 09 May 2010, 11:10   #27
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Originally Posted by Tim M View Post
I really think some of the manufactures need to look at their sales people. ............

...the general consensus is that some manufacturers really need to get their act together when it comes to the people that represent them. Several of my customers went home feeling a bit disappointed they hadn't been taken more seriously, and I know for a fact several were there with the intention of using this as a test ground for future purchases.
I couldn't agree more.
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Old 09 May 2010, 12:33   #28
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We had an interesting experience as well.

We had the funds to buy a 140/150hp engine there and then and nobody was particularly helpful, prepared to price match on an different brand etc. Yamaha were not interested and Suzuki didn't even know if their engine on display was along or extra long shaft!

The only place I had a "pleasant" experience was with Charlie at Ribcraft on the Icom stand where they were keen to help and chat about their products.

Ribquest continue to impress me and do appear to be a serious contender for the established brands.

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Old 09 May 2010, 12:36   #29
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I went to the 'music event' last night. Freezing cold; nowhere to sit; no heaters. Lame.

Went to the show this morning, only to be told my ticket stub was not vaild for today.

This show should be FREE ENTRY next year & forget the music. The two aren't compatible.

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Old 09 May 2010, 13:10   #30
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with a few exceptions the show was rubbish, there was a couple of new boats there with guys who were prepared to think outside of the box but everything else looked the same as every other year, it didn't help me seeing a lot of my mouldings that have been stretched appearing on a certain well known manufacturer show boat, what's laughable is there nicking my ideas from 6 years ago, as i said just a couple of guys there with some original ideas, i'm think i'm brewing up to design a whole new boat, hull, deck, cabin the lot, get away from cheap tacky fittings, average upholstrey, flow coated flash lines and glassed over ply decks, it saddens me to think that these manufacturers are conceited enough to think the general public won't notice, a well known guy i was with summed it up just by saying " horrendous"
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Old 09 May 2010, 14:57   #31
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
I was chatting to one of the guys on the Garmin stand and he commented that the only reason they attend these shows is to meet the boat builders and sell to them. I think most of the electronics suppliers don't expect to get any retail sales at these shows, they are used to getting loads of questions from people that then go and buy the stuff from ebay and in most case from an importer fo sub UK trade prices.

You can see why they might be skeptical !
I went to the show yesterday and popped into talk to Garmin because I'd been having 1 or 2 problems with my 4008 chartplotter . Kevin the taller of the 2 asked me if i'd come to the show by RIB . Yes I had . He came straight to my boat and popped his all singing and dancing SD card into my chartplotter and hey Presto after a few minutes of uploading/downloading/installing/ etc .... It worked lilke a dream.... thankyou Garmin for a great bit of service ......Oh and thankyou John Wood (sales director Ribeye) for the free tickets ..... its the first time Ive been to RIBEX.... I rather liked the look of the Ribcraft
get me on the water
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Old 09 May 2010, 15:33   #32
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Just a thought - if I was really serious about spending say £30-100K+ on a boat then I would have already spoken to the likely contendors before the show - and I would quite likely have made an appointment to meet the sales guy(s) and take the boat for a spin at the show also. Having been to numerous trade shows over the years, I'm convinced if you are serious about buying something you can usually get that across to the salesman and get some interest. If you are tyre kicking (or as people on forum's like to describe it - a potential customer in future years) then a good salesman can spot it and ensure he uses his time more constructively - which might be talking to people off site on the phone. Still no excuse for being rude.

I could have predicted 90% of this thread, even though I've never been to RibEx - simply because almost all tradeshows are the same; the real business isn't from people wandering aimlessly around shows - its from prearranged meetings, known contacts and buyers who knew what they were looking for.
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Old 09 May 2010, 16:05   #33
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Just a thought - if I was really serious about spending say £30-100K+ on a boat then I would have already spoken to the likely contendors before the show - and I would quite likely have made an appointment to meet the sales guy(s) and take the boat for a spin at the show also. Having been to numerous trade shows over the years, I'm convinced if you are serious about buying something you can usually get that across to the salesman and get some interest. If you are tyre kicking (or as people on forum's like to describe it - a potential customer in future years) then a good salesman can spot it and ensure he uses his time more constructively - which might be talking to people off site on the phone. Still no excuse for being rude.

I could have predicted 90% of this thread, even though I've never been to RibEx - simply because almost all tradeshows are the same; the real business isn't from people wandering aimlessly around shows - its from prearranged meetings, known contacts and buyers who knew what they were looking for.
maybe true, but looking around after the show they all looked like they were there for a good piss up and looked relieved that the public were gone
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Old 09 May 2010, 16:13   #34
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Originally Posted by gossy View Post
I went to the show yesterday and popped into talk to Garmin because I'd been having 1 or 2 problems with my 4008 chartplotter . Kevin the taller of the 2 asked me if i'd come to the show by RIB . Yes I had . He came straight to my boat and popped his all singing and dancing SD card into my chartplotter and hey Presto after a few minutes of uploading/downloading/installing/ etc .... It worked lilke a dream.... thankyou Garmin for a great bit of service ......Oh and thankyou John Wood (sales director Ribeye) for the free tickets ..... its the first time Ive been to RIBEX.... I rather liked the look of the Ribcraft
Was that was you rafted up to my little blue Vipermax then? Nice to meet you!

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Old 09 May 2010, 16:15   #35
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Originally Posted by biffer View Post
maybe true, but looking around after the show they all looked like they were there for a good piss up and looked relieved that the public were gone
Wasn't much in the way of Public there anyway!

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Old 09 May 2010, 16:15   #36
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Originally Posted by biffer View Post
maybe true, but looking around after the show they all looked like they were there for a good piss up and looked relieved that the public were gone
I live in Cowes, and the whole event is pretty much ignored. No posters & paid entry amounts to lack of interest.

Also, you could get a brilliant very of the stage from the Town Quay. Cost? Zilch. Why did we bother paying???

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Old 09 May 2010, 16:16   #37
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no berth space for us

few days ago we launched our large passenger/cargo carrying Rib, could have been a major coo and attraction at Ribex, sadly the organisers missed out.
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Old 09 May 2010, 16:22   #38
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore View Post
I live in Cowes, and the whole event is pretty much ignored. No posters & paid entry amounts to lack of interest.

Also, you could get a brilliant very of the stage from the Town Quay. Cost? Zilch. Why did we bother paying???

i have a home in cowes also, we got 5 free entry tickets just walking down the high street
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Old 09 May 2010, 17:49   #39
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I bought 4 tickets at almost £20 a pop. What a waste of money. Why was the concert not in the Events Centre? There was hardly an audience for gawds sake! I live in Cowes and own a rib but I will never bother going again. I suggest RIBEX goes elsewhere in future. How about Portland?
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Old 09 May 2010, 17:56   #40
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Originally Posted by Wight Skipper View Post
I bought 4 tickets at almost £20 a pop. What a waste of money. Why was the concert not in the Events Centre? There was hardly an audience for gawds sake! I live in Cowes and own a rib but I will never bother going again. I suggest RIBEX goes elsewhere in future. How about Portland?
I went to the 1st one in Weymouth with Barrus free passes. T'was good from what I can remember.
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