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Old 15 May 2009, 14:55   #41
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Okay you explain it better then - or is that the best you can come up with???
I was waiting for the ""dis the Scorpion ""bit, it normally goes hand in hand with the revenger bit..

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Old 15 May 2009, 15:15   #42
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
I thought I had covered that???
You Just didn't make it obvious to the newcommers

All a bit boring for the more experienced RIBer but thought I'd add my own experiences.

My experiences were with a BWM. A great first time RIB and was meant to be a deep V but was acually a medium I think. Anyway it went really well in the flat calm and turned a good head of speed with an 80 on the back (about 35 knotts). However with the Solent chop always ever round the corner a trip outward bound might be OK, but sometimes the wind against tide would chop up the sea's and the return journey would be very uncomfortable. Hence the speed would need to be decreased to around 18 knotts and the journey would take a lot longer and wetter.

With my current RIB (Deep V) although it is .7m longer I have a 150 on the back it only manages about 38/40 knotts that's only 4knotts faster in the flat stuff. However when the conditions get worse I am able to keep up a decent cruising speed up at around 28 knotts or faster in the same conditions as my other craft.

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Old 15 May 2009, 16:24   #43
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It always comes down to Money
if you could have a Scorpion or Revenger for the same price as a Rib eye
which would you chouse
I had a Cobra the biggest heap of ---- i have ever owned
but many on this fourm love them
Its a trade off. cost layout, engine 2 stroke 4 stroke etc etc
as any body got it dead right yet,
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Old 15 May 2009, 16:33   #44
Country: UK - England
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CodP, I thought your summary was extremely helpful. It was aimed at me and was well received (and understood) by me.

As I mentioned before, I won't be taking my family to France, I won't be out in a Force 9, I won't be out in the winter, or in the dark, or in heavy seas.... So a deep V hull is a sideshow for my needs. Handy to have, just not vital.

This is me, the ayatollah and our two minnows. I realise this is an anathema to some of the hard-core RIB users here - a FAMILY! A PICNIC! Burn him! Gas him like a badger!

Thanks for all the input so far everyone - both here and in PM's, it's been incredibly helpful. I've gone from novice to er, confused novice (I jest).

PS Edit - I realise this is dull for the experienced users, having read so many posts in my search, newbies asking the same style of question. So I do appreciate your patience. Thanks.....
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Old 15 May 2009, 16:55   #45
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Originally Posted by neilda View Post

PS Edit - I realise this is dull for the experienced users, having read so many posts in my search, newbies asking the same style of question. So I do appreciate your patience. Thanks.....
I think offering advice for people getting they're first RIB is what RIBnet does best.
All the best with your search
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Old 15 May 2009, 16:57   #46
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PS Edit - I realise this is dull for the experienced users, having read so many posts in my search, newbies asking the same style of question. So I do appreciate your patience. Thanks..... [/QUOTE]

Neil as a Forum user there is no issue in my mind about asking what you might believe is a simple question, I forum is for everyone to share experiences and hopefully gain from others. I trust you will find a great RIB for your family and suggest you ask as many questions as you want
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Old 15 May 2009, 17:24   #47
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Originally Posted by neilda View Post
I realise this is an anathema to some of the hard-core RIB users here - a FAMILY! A PICNIC! Burn him! Gas him like a badger!
Nah .. thats not the issue .. I'm probably a 'fairer' weather ribber too, I quite enjoy a good 'six' in decent weather too, sometimes I have family, some times some 'yahoo' ers who want to leap off waves , Its all a mix, and the craft you choose just reflects what purpose you intend to use it for. Some peeps are canny, and dont like to see their investment tumble, so invest in higher end kit, with a better finish. And there is a big difference in finish between some makes, not just in quality, but in design as well.

To make an informed choice, get as much demo time in as you can. Cheap ribs are a good way of getting on the water with decent seakeeping, which gives you confidence , to let you do some exploring for example and if you get caught out with some foul weather, you'll want to know its going to get you home, especially with the family, so there are some other ways of looking at it. Where I cruise for example, rapidly appearing bad weather is a significant problem, so I wouldnt feel as confidant with a second hand engine for example, as I'd have no way of knowing the previous treatment its had, and therefor I have more confidence in choosing new, and running it carefully .. sure .. nothing is perfect, but I know its increased my confidence, and that confidence is important for me, so its not just about the quality of stainless fit out, you see ?.

Its a complex mix of factors, but the starting point is the budget, and from what you say, there are loads of excellent boats out there, new or used. Theres a fair chance your first boat might not be your best, as it happens, my 2nd and 4th Ribs were my best ones so far, so dont be afraid to learn by your choices, but ya gotta just take the plunge sometimes, its the only true way to find out ....... then you can come back on here and grin/sob/bitch/blow trumpet about it .. Good Luck what ever you choose anyway
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Old 15 May 2009, 17:56   #48
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Cheers for that!

I doubt I have the sort of budget that'll put me in a RIB to be snooty about, hopefully one that I won't sob about, but certainly one I'll be excited about.

I'm a lot clearer about the type of boat and engine combination and whilst there's some negatives on one or two makers, it's actually fair play - I understand why.

There will always be a bigger, better, faster boat.

When I do end up in either my Ford Mondeo or Murcielago, there's quite a few here that I'll want to say a personal thanks to. Trouble is, right now, I have a house full of life jackets, charts, china graph pencils, boat hooks, cool boxes, deck shoes and assorted paraphernalia - but there's something missing!
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Old 15 May 2009, 18:14   #49
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All i would add is that I had a problem arise with my ribtec, which arose due to a poor fitout by the idiot dealer. Ribeye now fit their own boats out, for this reason.

Despite it being out of warranty, and that really it was the dealers responsibility,Ribeye helped financially with sorting the problem.

I'm delighted with the boat (okay so its a ribtec rathar than ribeye but its all the same company now) but i can't praise their customer service highly enough. Top company who will defintely look aftyer you.
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Old 18 May 2009, 21:58   #50
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
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Well...... I found a boat and the deal is done.

A Ribeye 650 with a Yamaha 150hp engine. I found it through RIBnet.... or to put it more accurately, it found me through RIBnet.

Many thanks to the many emailers offering help and encouragement particularly Tim M.

I know that there are a couple of folk on here who passionately dislike Ribeye, however the majority of those who contacted me (not all Ribeye owners) warmly backed my ultimate choice for a competent leisure boat. I was also swayed by the excellent and open approach of Ribeye themselves, a really nice bunch of people.

So thanks everyone for answering the dumb questions and for having the patience to deal with this strident and stubborn nautical toddler!

I owe a few beers - even Mollers if he can bear to be seen with a chap that has a Ford Mondeo! We'll compare cars one day and then I can have a go at taking the p*ss!

Thanks again - it's been incredibly helpful to have such a great knowledge base so readily at hand. I believe the expression is 'see you on the water....'

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Old 18 May 2009, 23:07   #51
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I'll be one of the first to congratulate you to becomming a new RIB owner Neil.

Perhaps you'd like to update your profile to reflect this important milestone.

Have you thought of a name yet?

Looks Slow but is Fast
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Old 18 May 2009, 23:15   #52
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Thanks Andy.... I'm getting quite excited and nervous in equal measure! Tides, charts, VHF.. there's a lot to learn.

No I haven't thought of a name yet - am I right in thinking that the name is an informal way of identifying a boat rather than something official?
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Old 18 May 2009, 23:22   #53
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Glad you found one in the end Neil. See you out on the water some time!

Ref name, you can call it anything you want, within reason!
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Old 18 May 2009, 23:55   #54
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Originally Posted by neilda View Post
Thanks Andy.... I'm getting quite excited and nervous in equal measure! Tides, charts, VHF.. there's a lot to learn.

No I haven't thought of a name yet - am I right in thinking that the name is an informal way of identifying a boat rather than something official?
One step at a time

Take her out with other RIB's and more experienced persons is my advice. This will give you all the confidence you need for the first trips.

PBII course is of course handy too, but not essential if you're very practical about everything.

Name....When you register your boat with the CG66 scheme Here then obviously it's an easy way for the Coastguard to identify your RIB/Boat and to talk to you on the Radio using your boats name. So obviously you wouldn't want to call your boat "Gay Day" or anything like that

When you put out a verbal comunication/distress to the Coastguard, in all probability they will search your boat name on the data base, this will give them all sorts of information like a description of your boat (even a picture), your cruising distance, PAX onboard, safety equipement carried etc etc to include home address and next of kin. So it makes sence to have a name that is easy to hear, understand and spell.

But that said, you can call your boat anything.

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Old 19 May 2009, 07:27   #55
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VHF Radio

Neil if you need a hand sorting out the VHF licencing and also getting the DSC number transferred and registered (if your radio is a DSC version). Feel free to ask as I have just gong through this process with the ofcom website for about the forth time and can now say I fully understand it

If you need to get you VHF licence and don't live nr. a training school then http://www.oceantraining.com/ do it online and via the telephone. Much easier in the comfort of your own home.

Chris Stevens

Born fiddler
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Old 19 May 2009, 08:12   #56
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
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Hi Chris - that's interesting, I didn't realise you could do the VHF online.

I'm taking an instructor with me for 8 hours immediately on collection of the boat, I imagine that much of the basics will be covered - I plan to follow this up with another day to take me to RYA2.
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Old 19 May 2009, 10:11   #57
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by neilda View Post
Hi Chris - that's interesting, I didn't realise you could do the VHF online.

I'm taking an instructor with me for 8 hours immediately on collection of the boat, I imagine that much of the basics will be covered - I plan to follow this up with another day to take me to RYA2.
Congrats Neil Hope you enjoy your new toy!

Hightower, thanks for posting the link to https://mcanet.mcga.gov.uk/public/cg66/ I didn't know of that scheme.
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Old 21 May 2009, 11:15   #58
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
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I'm going to call the boat 'Aja' (pronounced Asia) after a favourite album. It was all my wife's idea.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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Old 21 May 2009, 11:37   #59
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Originally Posted by neilda View Post
I'm going to call the boat 'Aja' (pronounced Asia) after a favourite album. It was all my wife's idea.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
These guys will make your name up

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Old 22 May 2009, 17:36   #60
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
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Originally Posted by bedajim View Post
These guys will make your name up


Thanks for that - I've already had the sign made up by make-a-sign.co.uk who delivered next day. It looks pretty smart - all I have to do now is apply it straight!
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