13 May 2009, 13:46
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 558
Ribeye and other makes [was RIBEX photos]
I am in this picture in the distance - boating fame at last!
I'm new here and about to buy a boat, but I detect a general negative view towards the Ribeye range and I'm not sure why that is. They seem highly rated in the boating press...
Originally Posted by Nasher
13 May 2009, 13:57
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An instructor I know has a Ribeye - it's about 4 or 5 years old now - he uses it a lot and drives it with gusto - no problems and he's quite happy with it.
13 May 2009, 13:57
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Originally Posted by neilda
I detect a general negative view towards the Ribeye
What a week! Two stroke v Four Stroke, and now a Ribeye discussion
13 May 2009, 14:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
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Posts: 558
Originally Posted by Leapy
What a week! Two stroke v Four Stroke, and now a Ribeye discussion

I don't think the 2 stroke Vs 4 stroke debate will ever be resolved, but I'm definitely curious why some on here appear so anti Ribeye. I'm close to buying one for family days out and they are ideal in terms of seating configuration, size and engine partner. However, as someone with much to learn, I have no wish to drop a chunk of change on something if it's flawed in some way.
Many instructors seem to use them (which speaks volumes) and owners, whilst naturally biased, say they're very happy.
If we were talking cars it would be quite straightforward to give advice on a Ford GT Vs a 430 (for example), RIBs must surely be similar if not the same?
13 May 2009, 14:53
Country: UK - England
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Agree with you Neil - not sure why they are so disliked. Ive had a breif run inone & a look over them & cant see anything much to complain about . In my view definately no worse than most & a lot better than some.
You get dogs of boats of all makes so I'd take any ' hardcore ' criticism or equally praise with a pinch of salt !
13 May 2009, 14:59
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Originally Posted by neilda
...I have no wish to drop a chunk of change on something if it's flawed in some way...Many instructors seem to use them (which speaks volumes) and owners, whilst naturally biased, say they're very happy.
I don't feel qualified to comment on anything other than Ribcraft. It's the only RIB make I've owned.
Others, with more experience than me, will, I'm sure, offer comment also. Some comment will be opinion, some will be hearsay, some will be hard earned or well researched fact.
The trick, is knowing which is which
13 May 2009, 16:50
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Originally Posted by neilda
I am in this picture in the distance - boating fame at last!
I'm new here and about to buy a boat, but I detect a general negative view towards the Ribeye range and I'm not sure why that is. They seem highly rated in the boating press...
Hi Neil, As you see I use Ribeye for Charter, have had 650 with 150 4 stroke Yam for three years and never let me down, have now had the 785,s with 250 Yam for last 18months and again never let me down. I also find the Ribeye team very supportive. Speak as I find terrific and no complaints with kit or the people behind Ribeye. Also good second hand value , holds its price well. Good Luck Ian
13 May 2009, 17:49
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Neil, were you at Ribex with a freinds on Saturday? Did I go out for a run in the Ballistic 6.5 with your group?
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
13 May 2009, 21:24
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
Agree with you Neil - not sure why they are so disliked.
Actually not sure that you will find many people on here who hate Ribeyes, but what you will find is a following of people who do believe that they are not the best boat in the market (but fine for moderate family use in reasonably weather). However there are a small number (possibly one!) of people who own(ed) a Ribeye and refuse to consider that any other boat could be better - and that winds up the first group of people!
13 May 2009, 21:30
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Actually not sure that you will find many people on here who hate Ribeyes, but what you will find is a following of people who do believe that they are not the best boat in the market (but fine for moderate family use in reasonably weather). However there are a small number (possibly one!) of people who own(ed) a Ribeye and refuse to consider that any other boat could be better - and that winds up the first group of people!
Yep, that's about the long and short of it other than, the first group quite enjoy winding up the smaller group.
13 May 2009, 22:47
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Originally Posted by neilda
I'm definitely curious why some on here appear so anti Ribeye.
13 May 2009, 23:08
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Originally Posted by Richard B
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14 May 2009, 04:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 558
Originally Posted by Chris
Neil, were you at Ribex with a freinds on Saturday? Did I go out for a run in the Ballistic 6.5 with your group?
Hi Chris - yes you may have done. I was with my son Harry and friend Peter - I was wearing a yellow jacket... That Yamaha 200 engine felt very powerful! If it was you, thanks for looking after us.
Originally Posted by C2RIBS
Hi Neil, As you see I use Ribeye for Charter, have had 650 with 150 4 stroke Yam for three years and never let me down, have now had the 785,s with 250 Yam for last 18months and again never let me down. I also find the Ribeye team very supportive. Speak as I find terrific and no complaints with kit or the people behind Ribeye. Also good second hand value , holds its price well. Good Luck Ian
Ian, that's clear and useful. I'd really like a 650 but a new one is just pushing the budget too far. However that's good to know - thanks for posting, you've tipped me further towards a Ribeye...
Originally Posted by Polwart
Actually not sure that you will find many people on here who hate Ribeyes, but what you will find is a following of people who do believe that they are not the best boat in the market (but fine for moderate family use in reasonably weather). However there are a small number (possibly one!) of people who own(ed) a Ribeye and refuse to consider that any other boat could be better - and that winds up the first group of people!
Aha! It's beginning to make sense! Thanks for explaining - as you might imagine same thing happens with cars. I remember buying an Aston a while back and there was a group of sad die-hards at the AMOC who basically said if it wasn't a V8 built in 1982 by men with hammers called Derek it wasn't really a proper Aston; they refused to consider that any other Aston could be better. So I bought a V8 built in the 1980's (by Derek) to see what all the fuss was about and ran the two side by side - which sort of shut them up. Of course they were wrong - no car is ever perfect in every way. In fact Dereks' was a bit of nightmare as we didn't build terribly good cars in 1982.
My 'research' has been thorough - but, I admit sitting in the dry in my study. Being on here is a useful part of pre-purchase discussion and I reached the conclusion that there are some sea-going monsters, (the Range Rovers of the Solent) and there are some that are tuned up Subarus, others that are competent family hatchbacks. The Ribeye seems a steady BMW, not built for rescuing a channel ferry, not made for heading over to France in a Force 9 gale or winning a race, but for a family day out - it's up there there with Ribtec and Revenger, but not an 'enthusiasts' maybe such as Cobra, Avon, Humber and Osprey.
Sorry this has hi-jacked the photo thread... it just seemed the moment to ask the question and the replies have been very helpful.
14 May 2009, 06:36
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Originally Posted by neilda
it's up there there with Ribtec
Originally Posted by neilda
and Revenger,
 I feel a riposte from a Revenger owner coming up !
14 May 2009, 06:56
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
 I feel a riposte from a Revenger owner coming up !
or even a BMW owner.  I'm thinking more Ssangyong Musso. Half decent engine, sorry about the rest of it.
May i suggest, that Neil retires to his study, pours up a large brandy and with the aid of the search facility on this site, does his research again.
14 May 2009, 07:15
Country: UK - England
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14 May 2009, 07:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 558
I've been looking very closely at the Revenger 715 and have been to see a few. The build quality doesn't (superficially) differ that much - looked under, in and around... but accept that I must have missed something.
Certainly searching around boatyards and those for sale on 'tinternet they are described as comparable with the others I've mentioned - they also appear to be one of the easiest boats to sell second hand too.
But still searching on here - I can find 'Mollers' having a dig at every opportunity  but no major problems. It's actually quite hard to find a decent unbiased critique.
Interesting comparison with the Ssangyong which was a capable and decent 4X4 but looked awful and was worth roughly the price of two pencils once you'd driven it out of the showroom. Interestingly new Ssangyongs now come with a 5 year 250,000 mile warranty and seen as moderately bullet proof. But I wouldn't have one!!! I'd have definitely put the Ribeye 600 as a BMW 318i (not bad for a first car) and the 650 as a 320/325i.
Bit early for a brandy.
14 May 2009, 08:00
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BMW my a--- more FORD MONDAO
14 May 2009, 08:08
Country: UK - England
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You'll actually notice that my 'digging' is mostly in response to Twim's 'bigging'. 
Ribeye ribs are not rubbish, but they are a medium vee, mass produced boat of average quality. Ribeye Ribs are not particularly cheap, therefore I don't understand why a buyer would opt for one over and above other brands.
A superior brand with a similar spec and lay out could be bought for similar money and have a stronger residual.
14 May 2009, 08:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 558
Originally Posted by Mollers
You'll actually notice that my 'digging' is mostly in response to Twim's 'bigging'. 
Ribeye ribs are not rubbish, but they are a medium vee, mass produced boat of average quality. Ribeye Ribs are not particularly cheap, therefore I don't understand why a buyer would opt for one over and above other brands.
A superior brand with a similar spec and lay out could be bought for similar money and have a stronger residual.
I know the digging - I've seen the original thread!
My budget was £16k for a second hand boat (ideally something with no more than 150 hours and in really nice condition) and I've now revised that budget to maybe £25k for new or very nearly new. I am not going to drive to Ireland to get one either.
Strictly leisure - nice weather only, with the family.
6m is ideal, 6.5 slightly better still. Jockeys up front, bench at the back - 4 stroke engine.
If that was the criteria (which it is) what else should I look at?
I've seen a Cobra Nautique in Anglesey that looks interesting....
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