31 October 2004, 20:24
Country: UK - Wales
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Ribnet boat spanner
I posted the enclosed e-mail about a couple of hours ago and now find that it has been removed.
I also explained why I posted the e-mail and my understanding of the roar that it will create.
I enclose the original e-mail as sent to JK for your info.
I have re-posted as JK took it upon himself to remove. I do refer to previous quotes whereby I agree that he has a right to remove as it is his site.
Not so when others are sought to fund a Ribnet boat as I understand then it is an open forum !!!
I have not heard from you since I re e-mailed the responses.
I am also a little concerned as to your replies to others re. the ribnet boat/engines and also the you post "that you are discussing with a couple of builders with others in the sidelines" - or words to that effect. We are what we are and will not be played off against others and I am sure the "others" will agree with that. You also state that it is hard to pin builders down - please ....that is not a fair comment.
Whilst I have no love or hate for any inboard there are those who have posted with the best of their ability ideas on various engines. I have to some part agreed with them but maybe not their language and their points must be appreciated when there is no such thing as a perfect RHIB inboard.
Please forgive me for being candid and notwithstanding our interest in producing a Ribnet boat I must point out that the boat is for your personal use - there is no proper business base for it and ownership will be in your name .
Yes some pr agreed but note that builders/manufacturers are not reliant upon a forum for sales and that ownership/mangement of a web site is not an open passport. I do take note that a forum can air good and bad points for a builder and that transparency in your findings will be essential. However the condemnation of those putting forward constructive points is not ethical. Please also note that any man and his dog can set up a forum including the dangly bits.
After all if we all wanted a free car we would set up a web site (but a good one) for a few hundred £, then chase a cheap deal and if being honest set it aside our business and pay tax as a benefit for personal use.
As I say, sorry for being so candid, but as it stands I am uncomfortable with a few posts that you have made when the gain for us is quite small. At the same time I have been keen on your project as it was something different bearing in mind that financial gain, direct or indirect is not our prime mover.
I guess that this blows us out of the water but at least we will be known for being to the point and being held to no one. My advice would be to avoid product placement and do you own thing with your own money and at the same time keep your good site as an idependant site.
As Mr Bush and Blair will testify "you will be damned if you do and damned if you dont" so I guess best left alone.
01 November 2004, 07:01
Country: UK - England
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..just curious at the "ethics" of making public a private conversation?
01 November 2004, 07:54
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by quinquarimarine
I posted the enclosed e-mail about a couple of hours ago and now find that it has been removed.
Much of what you state as fact is simply wrong. I temporarily removed your original message as I wanted to talk to you about it first before entering into a public dabate. I called you at 7.30 last night, but you declined to talk to me.
My perspective on the matter is this:
You approached me about being involved in the project. I did not solicit anything from you.
We have had numerous discussions over the last six months or so. I have given you information that you requested. I have taken the time to visit you and discuss the project.
You are aware that I have been having discussions with other manufacturers, and I have never made a secret of it. I am not playing you off against anyone, but until I sign a deal I will quite reasonably keep my options open.
You also state that it is hard to pin builders down - please ....that is not a fair comment.
In nearly six months of discussions you have still not given me a price. On 19 October you sent me a partial budget, and I emailed you by return asking for the gaps to be filled in and some items to be clarified. Having had no reply, I emailed you again on 25 October.
You don't return phone calls. I'm beginning to feel like a stalker continually leaving messages for you. It's embarrassing!
If you don't want to be involved with the project, that's fine. Just say so.
As for what Quinquarimarine will be known for, as far as I am concerned you are simply a timewaster.
03 November 2004, 23:20
Country: UK - Wales
Town: St Davids
Boat name: 6 vessels -various
Make: Quinquari/Humber
Length: 10m +
Engine: Twin ETEC200s
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 130
Dogs Dangly Bits
Oh John,
Please do not underestimate either our intelligence or record of events - look at your emails - remember talking to my wife when you called my personal home number last Sunday night - remember your time down here .... yes ..then grow up and buy your own boat with your own money and stop scrounging on others.
Agreed we offered to help but then we learnt your tongue as to others on the site. And they are who tried to help.
Best of luck to those who give this guy a freebie as it has been clearly shown that any man who offers resistance will be damned. Don’t forget that if you fund the boat or the bits then the big personal use of the boat by the owner must be declared for tax and VAT.
Thanks to the guys who e-mailed us in support and Jono in your posting I agree with your point on public/private but I guess it is our public duty to alert those private investors !
Curious to note that there was no other public posts is support either way. From us fair enough as we are a distant commercial company but nothing for JK ... just a point to dwell on.
Quinquari - timewasters no .. that is the last we can be called. Astute to scroungers then yes we are learing that our levels of trust may be too old fashioned.
JK you know the truth and at least you accepted one fact …. we are not cross because you pulled out …. we figured you out first and pulled the plug on you.
Off now to set up a web site selling sofas – hoping to get a couple of free seats from companies and am then going to build a spacecraft FOC. With a bit of luck hopping to promote the dangly bits hanging from the moon for the next FRIB voyage.
04 November 2004, 00:09
Country: UK - England
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Shape up! you're talking like a child!
04 November 2004, 07:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Chichester
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Posts: 215
Originally Posted by quinquarimarine
Oh John,
Please do not underestimate either our intelligence or record of events - look at your emails - remember talking to my wife when you called my personal home number last Sunday night - remember your time down here .... yes ..then grow up and buy your own boat with your own money and stop scrounging on others.
Agreed we offered to help but then we learnt your tongue as to others on the site. And they are who tried to help.
Best of luck to those who give this guy a freebie as it has been clearly shown that any man who offers resistance will be damned. Don’t forget that if you fund the boat or the bits then the big personal use of the boat by the owner must be declared for tax and VAT.
Thanks to the guys who e-mailed us in support and Jono in your posting I agree with your point on public/private but I guess it is our public duty to alert those private investors !
Curious to note that there was no other public posts is support either way. From us fair enough as we are a distant commercial company but nothing for JK ... just a point to dwell on.
Quinquari - timewasters no .. that is the last we can be called. Astute to scroungers then yes we are learing that our levels of trust may be too old fashioned.
JK you know the truth and at least you accepted one fact …. we are not cross because you pulled out …. we figured you out first and pulled the plug on you.
Off now to set up a web site selling sofas – hoping to get a couple of free seats from companies and am then going to build a spacecraft FOC. With a bit of luck hopping to promote the dangly bits hanging from the moon for the next FRIB voyage.
04 November 2004, 07:45
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
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Originally Posted by quinquarimarine
Curious to note that there was no other public posts is support either way. From us fair enough as we are a distant commercial company but nothing for JK ... just a point to dwell on.
Perhaps some of us thought it were very childish to bring this kind of ranting into the public domain? I hope that the majority of people on here are mature enough to form their own opinions on this matter, whichever "side" they believe, without resorting to this kind of "post war". Speaking for myself only, I have discovered that it is impossible to change the views of anyone who deliberately sets out to be antagonistic. We ALL believe we are right whatever our point of view. Is that not the case?
It may, therefore, serve you, as a business, better to keep these matters private. Look at David B. He may well have been right about Steyr engines (I, for one could not comment without personal knowledge), but the manner in which he conducted himself on here did not do the image of Parker ribs much credit. That is a shame as I am sure that they are a reputable firm, but I certainly would not want to deal through anyone who puts forward such a poor image. Thankfully some of their other agents exhibit a much calmer and more level-headed approach.
So please don’t assume that lack of outward signs of support on this forum has any conclusion one way or the other.
04 November 2004, 08:22
Country: Greece
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The point I think quinquarimarine is rightfully try to make is WHY?
1. Why a product should be provided free (a RIB in this case)
2. What is the International or National eperience of the person/s wish to get this product free?
3. What would be National and/or Interantional exposure of that product?
4. Why this product would be considered to be the best or better than others if it was promoted by these people? and what would be the guarnteed (or estimayed) return to the product provider?
5. What are the relevant qualifications of these people who want to promote this product?
and the list is endless but I think the above makes my point. Going to be red bloobed again  
04 November 2004, 08:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Binfield
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Posts: 452
I fear death by posting this, but
To put this all into prospect and i am sure for all the other people reading this, this is a good place to have "discussions". I have had many, many good inputs that have been very helpful to me and i am sure all of us.
With so many people conflictwill happen, so lets get on with the postive stuff
long live burning lots of 2 stroke oil
long live drinking lots of beer
04 November 2004, 08:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
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Hi Manos,
Are not the answers to your questions the concerns of the people involved? Why are you so interested in what someone involved in a contract gets out of it? I mean, I’m as nosy as the next guy is, but it isn’t really my business to know the details of any contract.
My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that I would happily supply a product to someone at cost, if I thought that the exposure generated from it would constitute sound advertising investment. Look at the way all major producers promote product placement. If a supplier doesn’t wish to supply JK with a boat on mutually acceptable terms, then that is their prerogative. It certainly shouldn’t be reduced to a public slanging match. That does no one any favours.
As to the possible bias of someone who is endorsing a product that they have got “a deal on”? Well, would you buy something, just because someone says, “it’s great”? Knowing that they may be biased (and I am not, in anyway, saying that JK would be biased), would you not take their views with a little pinch of salt? Hell, I used to get LR products at very knock down prices, on the understanding that I reported back to ‘em with my views and the views of others. I pride myself (in a self-opinionated sort of way) that I gave fair comment to other people who asked. I am a LR fan, but I won’t hide their weaknesses if any one asks…….
So I know you and I will never agree on much, but let’s deal with them on a rational basis eh?
Cheers, Jono
04 November 2004, 08:44
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jimbob
long live drinking lots of beer
Yup! I'm for that!
04 November 2004, 08:54
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Originally Posted by Jono
Hi Manos,
Hell, I used to get LR products at very knock down prices, on the understanding that I reported back to ‘em with my views and the views of others. I pride myself (in a self-opinionated sort of way) that I gave fair comment to other people who asked. I am a LR fan, but I won’t hide their weaknesses if any one asks…….
Cheers, Jono 
Ah, so LR build quality is your fault
04 November 2004, 08:57
Country: UK - England
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Make: Three Wise Monkeys
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Originally Posted by Alan
Ah, so LR build quality is your fault 
Hey! I've got broad shoulders, but hey they're not THAT broad.....
04 November 2004, 09:02
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Originally Posted by Jimbob
I fear death by posting this, but
You should be OK. Things do get a bit heated from time to time, but so far there haven't been any death threats that I know of!
04 November 2004, 09:05
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
but so far there haven't been any death threats that I know of!
04 November 2004, 09:06
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
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Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by John Kennett
You should be OK. Things do get a bit heated from time to time, but so far there haven't been any death threats that I know of!
Are you sure?
04 November 2004, 09:08
Country: UK - England
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04 November 2004, 09:09
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jono
Are you sure? 
I'm sure that there aren't any I know of . . . !
04 November 2004, 09:37
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
I'm sure that there aren't any I know of . . . !
I believe Blind Pugh is at this very moment hunting down the FGT to press the black spot into the palm of his hand. A sad end.......
04 November 2004, 09:55
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
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MMSI: 235027678
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Posts: 3,339
Originally Posted by Jono
Hi Manos,
............ So I know you and I will never agree on much, but let’s deal with them on a rational basis eh?
Cheers, Jono 
Hi Jono,
I was mearly asking a few of the questions someone should ask before they embark in a marketing project. (Have not mentioned budget, manpower, sources and resources etc etc).
Whether this is a viable project or not (as the case may be) is for others to decide not me as is not my project.
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