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Old 15 December 2004, 12:20   #1
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RIBnet Club


as discussed in a previous thread I am researching the viability of a RIBnet club affiliated to the RYA.

The general idea will be to arrange trips meets e.t.c in a more formal way and recieve the benifits RYA membership gives you. I can' realy give any more info at this time.

just wanting to gauge interest realy

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Old 15 December 2004, 12:42   #2
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Originally Posted by Action Man

as discussed in a previous thread I am researching the viability of a RIBnet club affiliated to the RYA.

The general idea will be to arrange trips meets e.t.c in a more formal way and recieve the benifits RYA membership gives you. I can' realy give any more info at this time.

just wanting to gauge interest realy


I've been keeping up with the other thread and whilst it sounds like a good idea to form "a club" is it really worth all the hassle.

"Ok i'll play devils advocate here for a bit"

A while back we debated BIBOA in detail, the conclussions were that it was a great "club" for people interested in long distance cruising in big ribs, we debated the membership fees and various other things.
My point is would a club really work ? take for instance this weekend, the east coast mob are all meeting up at levington for a run up the the chip shop somewhere, there is a gathering down on the south coast and there may be something happening up north somewhere, do we really need an official club to organise this when we are already doing it through Mr K's ribnet ?

Would people be willing to fork out a membership fee to join such a club ?

All just an opinion though !
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Old 15 December 2004, 13:10   #3
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Originally Posted by Action Man
..........and recieve the benifits RYA membership gives you. ..............
I'm a member of the RYA and don't really know if it is of benefit or not

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Old 15 December 2004, 14:18   #4
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If I can weigh in my tuppence's worth as well...

The merits or not of BIBOA have been debated at length in the past. Some people think its great others that it doesn't do it for them. BIBOA is RYA affiliated by the way although what benefits any powerboater gets out of the RYA is very questionable IMHO! I personally gained a lot from being in BIBOA in terms of meeting folk, going on cruises etc. I also put a bit back in by being Cruising Coordinator for a couple of years - a thankless task at times I'll tell you!

I'm find it interesting that JK has floated the idea of a club. One of the strengths of is the informality and lack of organisational bullexcretia that sometimes go with clubs. For a bunch of East Coast mudlarks, Solent ribsters or those strange people from the North West to organise an event, meet up, piss up etc you don't need a club you just need a communication tool to bring together likeminded people e.g. the forum! In fact there are people here who would never go to a BIBOA cruise on principle because they have to pay to join but happily attend a event. We now can pay if we want to support this forum. If you have to pay then to be in the club to meet up then you are straight back into those issues. Plus of course who gets to be commodore, chairman, secretary etc etc.

The other key thing to remember these days is liability. Again this has been discussed before. If you run an event then you'd better have officers and officials liability insurance. Othwewise when someone on the cruise gets injured or injures someone else you might well get sued. (pretty much a certainty these days). BIBOA's officers and liability insurance costs several thousand. Where is the club going to get that from? JK's piggy bank? No from subscriptions, which given the level of membership intially I submit will be significantly higher than BIBOA to cover these costs.

The thrust of the rib club thread seems to be about access to sailing/yacht clubs and their facilities. Personally if thats important to you then join a club (pretend to be a yottie if neccessary ) or join BIBOA and use that as your RYA affiliated membership. Either that or boldly walk in, sign in as a member of some impressive sounding but non-existant club like the "Royal Goodwin Sands SC" and I bet you won't be challenged!!

Out of the fog......
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Old 15 December 2004, 14:33   #5
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Originally Posted by Alan
.......... Either that or boldly walk in, sign in as a member of some impressive sounding but non-existant club like the "Royal Goodwin Sands SC" and I bet you won't be challenged!!
I prefer NFYC (No F****** Yacht Club) No one ever asks

Assuming RYA is affiliated with nearly all clubs as a member you should be alright to use any club as an occasional visitor.

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Old 15 December 2004, 14:42   #6
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well said alan

i think ribnet is doing very well geting us lot together for our trips not being any form of club and i hope next year will repeat some of the great days out ive had in my little rib

sub five thames trip
biggles IOW trip
Wayne rogers airshow
levington days
herne bay fun
southend air show

and the many more held around the uk by like minded poeple on this forum just turn up and your be welcome is the order of the day

the tool is ribnet itself not a club. want to go out just add were your going in the criuse section and see who turns up

Dan TD5
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Old 15 December 2004, 18:02   #7
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I am going to stick my oar in now!
I am a founder member of BIBOA and I believe it to be a good club that has lost it's direction. Rather than walk away from it I have taken over as "Cruise Co Ordinator" to encourage more people from all over the UK and Europe to organise cruises.

Alan W has mentioned the insurance side of running a cruise and it is this (or the lack of it) which could cause a big problem for anyone who wants to organise any cruise, get together at any time.

BIBOA is NOT an event organiser. It's members are, and by becoming a member of BIBOA you automaticaly have the safety net of a very good insurance policy which will safeguard you in the event of mishap.

I do not know how much the membership is,around the £50 mark I suspect.which works out at less than a pound a week. In my book that is very good value for money. It is your choice. Run an event without insurance and run the risk of being sued or join a club that can give you the protection you need to enjoy your boating. Alan P
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Old 15 December 2004, 20:16   #8
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Action man perhaps you should form your own members into a pressure group within BIBOA. If people want to have a rib club it sems to be less effective to have many little ones. 10 or 15 members of a bigger club can be an effective lobby group!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 15 December 2004, 21:47   #9
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Action man perhaps you should form your own members into a pressure group within BIBOA. If people want to have a rib club it sems to be less effective to have many little ones. 10 or 15 members of a bigger club can be an effective lobby group!
That was exactly my philosophy when I was unhappy about the lack of cruises/interest for people like me. Rather than mutter into my beer about it I chose to try and change things & I think I did some good in the process! BIBOA like most clubs is crying out for people to actually organise things so I am sure the new cruising coordinator would be very happy to help you run an event!
Out of the fog......
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