04 March 2010, 13:44
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RIBNET RYA Sea Survival Course
Following on from
Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
Ribnet members discount £69 a head if the group size is 15-16
Alternatively £76 if group size is 9-14
Price includes certification, handbook and vat.
There have been a couple of people who did not originally reply to the thread who have booked on the course which is good, but sadly only 6 Ribnet members have booked in total. Rather notably it was those that insisted on the March date who largely have not followed through with the booking.
This is a shame because RAD and Lurcher both voted for the Feb date and it was those who have gone on not to book that forced them both out.
Although we have not reached the number required for the Ribnet discount I think it is unfair for me to ask those who have booked to top up their fees because of someone they don’t really know. So the course will go ahead and those who have already booked can stick at their discounted price.
I will endeavor to put some non-Ribnet power boaters (and sailors) onto the course to top the numbers up a bit.
I would also be happy to take a booking from RAD and Lurcher for the original discounted price on another date so that they do not miss out.
There is of course still space available (17 March) for any other Ribnetters who would still like to join us.
Look forward to seeing those that are coming.
04 March 2010, 16:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
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Doug thats a real bugger - we are both looking forward to it - sadly it still looks like no physical stuff for me - but let me know if I can contribute pennies to the classroom session - really sorry to hear RIBnet has been up to it's usual party piece of all mouth and no trousers
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
04 March 2010, 18:01
Country: Other
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As KY said the 17th March is a real bugger.
Unfortunately when the first thread went up I couldn't commit to anytime in the middle of February or March, because of important work related meetings planned for one day around that time each month.
I knew by mid January that I could have done the 17th February but not the 17th March, but obviously by then it was too late as March had been agreed.
Please don't let this experiance put you off doing another one as I'd still be interested.
04 March 2010, 20:22
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Hi Doug
That's a shame - we are looking forward (sort of !) to the 17th and I'm looking forward to the safety boat training on the the 27th/28th.
04 March 2010, 22:39
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I looked fowarded to my course too...if you not strong swimmer, or unfit, time to get fitter! it is a very physical course for the unfit!
Tip: buy a cheap set of water proofs - non-lined or use dry suit....heavy waterproofs get really heavy in water! My old compass waterproofs was nightmare, arms and legs filled up of water and acted like lead weights!
I now have drysuit! , and never uses those waterproofs....
you will enjoy. or at least the instructors will enjoy the last exercise of the day!!
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
RYA Training Courses & Safety Equipment Sales
04 March 2010, 22:56
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by SPR
Tip: buy a cheap set of water proofs - non-lined or use dry suit....heavy waterproofs get really heavy in water! My old compass waterproofs was nightmare, arms and legs filled up of water and acted like lead weights!
surely there is limited benefit in learning / practicing in light weight gear unless thats what you are ultimately going to wear?
04 March 2010, 23:15
Country: UK - Scotland
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Depends if you want to pass! (you need this ticket for commercial endorsement.)
If you can not board the Life raft unaided, you fail.
I know from personal experience.....275 N lifejacket, Heavy Waterproofs and unfitness meant I failed!
I can re-sit the practical again, but at end of day i learnt a few things:
1) 275N Lifejacket, SprayHood, Crotch Strap and light is what i needed.
2) My waterproofs were rubbish, needed Drysuit
3) i was unfit!
4) needed to fit stainless steel ladder to transom of RIB to aid entry if i was thrown out.
5) But chances on being in water if i had now crew was High, and needed to make sure I had all my personal kit on my body,(including VHF, PLB, Laser Flare, Rescue Streamer, Day/Night Flare, and Knife) and I should wear Drysuit even in summer.
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
RYA Training Courses & Safety Equipment Sales
05 March 2010, 05:46
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
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Looking forward to this - sounds like a lot to learn - or in my case watch
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
05 March 2010, 06:23
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Originally Posted by SPR
you will enjoy. or at least the instructors will enjoy the last exercise of the day!!
Can't imagine what you're getting at, Scott
05 March 2010, 07:36
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
... those who have gone on not to book that forced them both out.
I think that is a bit strong there Doug, anyone reading the original thread will see that there no forcing but rather a clear stating of dates that could and could not be done. At the time there were at least six people here who were looking for a course, sadly plans change like financial circumstances and other factors.
I should also add that 3 of the Alderney 6 have told me that they have confirmed their bookings, this is the first that I have heard that they may have not. No link to this thread was sent, so perhaps this is a furtive dig?
It was still my intention do attend the course, but I cannot be held responsible for who does and does not turn up; all I can and did say was what dates people here wanted.
The original thread also shows that Doug made it very clear indeed that no one was committed until they paid, this works both ways: If you do not pay by the time the course fills then tough, no one's place was being held on the strength of threads on here. Ergo no one should be reported as having FORCED anyone to do anything on the strength of a thread on here.
I have been mucked about plenty of times by "all talk and no trousers" on here, so please do not try to cast me as the villain when we all put our heads over the parapet from time to time.
05 March 2010, 07:51
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Doug ,
If things go according to plan on 16th I could make it but won't really know till pm on 16th . Is that too late ? Can I turn up on the day and pay ?
05 March 2010, 08:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
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Engine: Yamaha 25hp
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Posts: 868
Doh - sorry Martin -  my comment wasn't aimed at you or indeed anyone specific - just another example of how hard it is to get anything off the ground here as there is a lot of talk and no action
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
05 March 2010, 08:07
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Originally Posted by Knot Yet
Doh - sorry Martin -  my comment wasn't aimed at you or indeed anyone specific - just another example of how hard it is to get anything off the ground here as there is a lot of talk and no action 
what have you done now! i've told you before, brain in gear before mouth in overdrive!
i haven't ask before but how are you doing?
05 March 2010, 08:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
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Posts: 868
I think its called open mouth and insert foot!
Virtually fixed now thanks Biff - well except for engaging my brain!
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
06 March 2010, 07:22
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Originally Posted by Knot Yet
Doh - sorry Martin -  my comment wasn't aimed at you...
Thats alright
06 March 2010, 16:47
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Wasn't able to chat today at Ally Pally, but will have a look and see if any of the dates are appropriate.
Out of interest, does the certificate have a time scale you have to show in order to upgrade to comercial status on say your Advanced Powerboat certificate.
07 March 2010, 13:23
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There are three of us who would like to do the course. Do you still have space.
07 March 2010, 14:41
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Alderney
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Posts: 3,047
Originally Posted by redthunder
There are three of us who would like to do the course. Do you still have space.
I am pretty sure they do. The course maximum is 16 and the last count was 7 or 8, I think.
You can get the info here:
And to book give Doug a call tomorrow: 02380 231122
07 March 2010, 15:04
RIBnet admin team
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Patent Medicine
I've been off sick for a couple of days, and I must say that Ribnet has been a great boost for the morale - except that it hurts when I laugh
08 March 2010, 23:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Yoda & Obi Wan
Make: XS700
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Posts: 1,032
Thanks all for your replies, I have been away for a few day exhibiting at the RYA Dinghy show
Originally Posted by SPR
If you can not board the Life raft unaided, you fail.
Maybe in the STCW/MCA world but not on our Sea Survival courses. This is not a pass/fail course. There is no formal assessment/exam. If you can’t climb into the raft unaided then you will hopefully have learnt something. I would say about 15% of students can't (partly depends on which raft we use on a given day) but they still get there certificate. The aim of the day is to improve people’s chances of survival if the worst ever happens.
Originally Posted by malthouse
... sadly plans change like financial circumstances and other factors.
The only financial circumstances that changed were that you tried to put a commission fee onto the discounted Ribnet price and take a profit off other ribnet members while still getting a free place from me. I then told you the Ribnet discount was not for you to mark up, handled the bookings myself and withdrew your free place.
Originally Posted by LURCHER
Doug ,
If things go according to plan on 16th I could make it but won't really know till pm on 16th . Is that too late ? Can I turn up on the day and pay ?
Pm me and I will give you my mobile, the remaining places may have filled up by then, if not your welcome to join us last minute.
Originally Posted by RAD
Out of interest, does the certificate have a time scale you have to show in order to upgrade to comercial status on say your Advanced Powerboat certificate.
No, however some larger employers own risk assessments dictate training takes place every 2,3 or 5 years. Likewise offshore racers who use this as part of their ISAF training get 5 yrs on the ticket. The MCA code however does not time expire Sea Survival for the purpose of commercial endorsements.
Originally Posted by redthunder
There are three of us who would like to do the course. Do you still have space.
Red, I assume that was you I spoke to today. Will talk to you gain when you call back. PS Your boat is named after my dog.
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