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Old 30 October 2014, 12:53   #1
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RIBnet's Macmillan Nurse!!!

After completing an audit between Justgiving and Macmillan I can confirm that all of your donations have reached Macmillan Cancer Support and show against the fundraising reports within Macmillan.

Today I have completed the final totals and I have the following updates:

The Southampton Boat Show buckets which were two buckets on the RIB 4 Macmillan Stand and one on the Zodiac Stand. Low Flyer banked £20 and I banked £323.58 making the total raised at the show £343.58.

Mr & Mrs Jizm worked very hard for round IOW and raised a massive £330!!!

Selling Macmillan T-Shirts has raised £40.67 so far…

The boat jumble, selling the left over RIB 4 Macmillan parts made £134.50

The last RIB 4 Macmillan part (the compass) sold for £10.99 on an eBay auction. This money went to Macmillan via paypal.

My Grandparents have sent £20 for Round Britain.

Mike Thornton has donated £100 for Round Anglesey and a leg of Round Britain, this cheque has been sent to Macmillan will also be linked to our fundraising totals. (I’ve added this onto the Round Isle of Wight 2014 & Round Anglesey 2014 Total)

Burgie1 donated an incomplete engine for spares or repairs, which was sold for £220. £110 of this has gone into our RIB 4 Macmillan Justgiving page and £110 has gone to his daughters Cystic Fibrosis Trust Justgiving page. In total she has raised £1,433.50 for the CF Trust circumnavigating the Isle of Wight with us this year.

Our final RIB 4 Macmillan bank account balance was £208.30 this has now been donated to the RIB 4 Macmillan Justgiving account. Thanks to Biffer!

The RIB 4 Macmillan sold at auction for £13,000. My eBay account was set up for the auction as a ‘Direct Seller’ for Macmillan so that we could receive the donation via our just giving account and avoid any PayPal charges. We also did not pay any commission on the auction or the sale, therefore, as promised 100% of the sale price went to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Here are our fundraising totals for our Ribnet projects….

Round Isle of Wight 2013 £8,817.45

Round Isle of Wight 2014 & Round Anglesey 2014 £12,673.43

RIB 4 Macmillan & Round Britain £20,614.93

Grand Total: £42,105.81

It currently costs just over £50,000 to run a Macmillan Cancer Support Nurse for a year, however if you break this down to the bare bones and remove all the bells and whistles I’m sure that we have donated enough money to say that we have made a massive difference.

Thank you to everyone who has supported these projects, you should feel very proud of yourselves.

I really can’t thank you all enough, you really are great people.

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Old 30 October 2014, 12:54   #2
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A thank you form Macmillan Cancer Support…

Hi, my name is Tracey and I manage Macmillan’s fundraising across Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. I joined the team in November 2013.

I first came into contact with Alex in early 2014 when I heard about your amazing fundraising in 2013, I don’t think anyone in the entire history of Macmillan has arranged a RIB circumnavigation of the Isle of Wight, and you certainly did it in style with huge support in preparation for the day as well as on the day itself. Alex then decided to build a RIB for Macmillan and hold a second circumnavigation of the Isle of Wight. Supported by a great team, a very patient wife and children, Alex has encouraged so many to raise an incredible £42,105.81.

What makes Alex’s story so special is that through his own personal experience, he did not receive support from Macmillan, yet he committed to raise funds to ensure others don’t have to face their cancer journey alone and that is truly humbling. I was so inspired by Alex’s story and his sheer determination to get things done, I invited Alex to share his personal story and fundraising achievements with our UK Regional Director and the fundraising team. Our Director got behind Alex and opened doors for us to get Alex’s fundraising promoted on our national Face Book and Twitter pages.

Alex has also been working with Steve, Fundraising Manager for Wiltshire and having met with Alex a number of times has come to appreciate the sheer magnitude of the task that Alex has embarked upon. Out of nothing, you have generated a substantial amount of money over the last few years. Both Steve and myself have also both become aware of the close personal camaraderie that exists within the RibNet community. Biffer has his own cancer experience and has been a huge support for Alex.

We took part in the Isle of Wight cruise in June this year, joining Biffer on his awesome boat. Sadly, most of us will have our own cancer story, and it was a moving experience when all the boats lined up at the Needles with the Macmillan banner. It was an unforgettable day, thank you Biffer!

Our fundraising team tried in vain to secure a spot at the 2014 Southampton Boat Show for the RIB, but of course Alex managed to pull it off. I spent a day at the show with the boat on display and felt really proud to be just a small part of this story.

Alex has always been determined to fund a Macmillan Cancer Support Nurse for a whole year and I wanted to let you know what your money has been used for.
Macmillan nurses are funded almost entirely through the generous voluntary donations of our supporters. All Macmillan nurses are registered nurses with at least five years' experience, including two or more years in cancer or palliative care. They complete specialist courses in managing pain and other symptoms, and in psychological support.
When someone hears the devastating news that they have cancer, Macmillan nurses are there to provide support right from the point of diagnosis. They take the time to listen and provide personal information as well as discuss treatment options and help with decision making. They are there to manage symptoms and side effects of cancer, as well as help with practical things such as financial and benefits advice.
They provide emotional and psychological support to patients, their carers and loved ones. They signpost people to specialist support, for example advice on nutrition if appetite is an issue, or physical rehabilitation after treatment. Most importantly, they are there to listen to patients, carers and loved ones and support them to make the right decisions to live well through their cancer journey.
Click bellow to find out more about our nurses, how you can get support, or meet some of the team.

On behalf of Macmillan, thank you all for your support. You are helping us to improve the lives of people living with cancer.
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Old 30 October 2014, 12:56   #3
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Case Study:

Charmaine is a Macmillan Breast Cancer Nurse Specialist at St George’s Hospital in London. She knows how life changing a cancer diagnosis can be. ‘When someone’s diagnosed, it’s an earth-shattering moment. My main role is to give them information – because information is power, and helps them to make informed choices.’
Charmaine is there for her patients from the moment they’re diagnosed, all the way through the cancer journey. As well as providing information and support, she’s there to listen too.
‘Sometimes it’s just letting them offload their worries. They feel like they can’t talk to partners or family members because they don’t want them to see a chink in their armour. So I tell them they can talk to me about anything they want.
“Being a Macmillan Nurse means that I look after patients from the point of diagnosis all the way through their journey”
Charmaine says it’s also helpful for her patients to talk to others who have finished treatment. 'Cancer can be all-consuming, but we try to show them there’s light at the end of the tunnel. They just need to get through treatment, and then learn to live with the effects of the cancer – not for it to take over their whole life.'
And Charmaine can see the impact her support has. 'I love my job because I know I make a difference. Because I see patients come out the other side, stronger and able to talk about it. Being a Macmillan nurse is like wearing a badge of honour, and I love it.'
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Old 30 October 2014, 13:02   #4
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Absolutely fantastic effort on your part Alex you deserve all the plaudits you receive.

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Old 30 October 2014, 13:13   #5
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A great achievement Alex and a very big WELL DONE
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Old 30 October 2014, 13:22   #6
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Well done dude
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Old 30 October 2014, 13:29   #7
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Massive 'high-5' to your efforts sir.

Well done.
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Old 30 October 2014, 13:57   #8
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Awesome Dude :-)
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Old 30 October 2014, 15:45   #9
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Fantastic job Alex,you can give your texting finger a rest now!
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Old 30 October 2014, 15:55   #10
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Speechless, that is amazing work beyond words.
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Old 30 October 2014, 16:02   #11
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RIBnet's Macmillan Nurse!!!

A fantastic achievement by yourself and the whole of the Ribnet community that managed to find the money, parts and time to make this the success it has turned in to.

£42k is an outstanding result.
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Old 30 October 2014, 16:09   #12
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Astonishing, brave, dedicated and Inspiring.

Just a few superlatives to describe Alex and his efforts. Well done to him and the entire team.

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale
07930 421007
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Old 30 October 2014, 16:19   #13
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Well done Alex give yourself a big pat on the back
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Old 30 October 2014, 16:56   #14
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Originally Posted by jambo View Post
Absolutely fantastic effort on your part Alex you deserve all the plaudits you receive.

Sent from my iPhone using RIB Net
Couldn't say it better myself!....and the rest of the Team too of course!
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Old 30 October 2014, 17:34   #15
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Im certain this lady would love to thank you personally Alex..and all the rest of the members who helped raise the money.... unfortunately.. she cant to it because cancer finally took its toll on her life at 86 years old. She was first diagnosed with cancer 35 years earlier. MacMillan’s and other charities sure helped her come to terms with it ..offering help and support.. then finally palliative care

Although she can no longer thank you.. I can and do.

Thanks very much Alex and everyone else ..

Your efforts are very much appreciated.. by ordinary people.. like me and my old mom.
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Old 30 October 2014, 19:20   #16
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Alex who

seriously though, well done to everyone on RIBnet, especially Alex of course
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Old 30 October 2014, 19:41   #17
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Hi Alex very well done a tremendous effort from you to make it happen, and to every one else who took part
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Old 30 October 2014, 19:58   #18
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The support a Macmillan nurse will make is just fantastic. Well done for having the vision to make it happen, the commitment and the leadership to carry everyone with you Alex. Awesome!
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Old 30 October 2014, 20:14   #19
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Simply brilliant! Well done Alex, and to everyone who helped, donated time and money, for such a deserving cause
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Old 30 October 2014, 20:20   #20
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Great work 'dude'.

You have what my ol' man called 'stickability'.

Great idea, brilliantly orchestrated and unswervingly seen through to the conclusion, navigating just a few obstacles on the way....

Been a privilege to be involved in a minuscule way.
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