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Old 19 April 2001, 18:02   #1
Town: IL
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RIBs in the U.S.

I really have a fascination with the RIB style boats but they are a rare site. Can anyone explain why there are so few RIBs in the United States? Are they not popular yet? Are there certain laws or insurance restrictions that prevent them from being used? Or have I just never been to the more popular states that they are used in. I would appreciate any feedback. Please feel free to e-mail me.
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Old 26 April 2001, 15:53   #2
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Wait and see, they will come ...

pushed from the Brunswick Corporation (Sea Ray, Boston Whaler, Baja, Mercruiser/Mariner and Mercury, Bayliner, Maxum, etc.)

The new generation from VALIANT RIBīs is great.

Best regards from Germany, Hamburg

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Old 26 April 2001, 18:37   #3
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It's simply taking longer for them to catch on than it has in Europe. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more RIBs in the states before too long.

For instance, see the news page for information about a new company Importing RIBs into the USA.


John Kennett
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Old 26 April 2001, 20:47   #4
Town: IL
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Thanks for the input. How do the RIB prices in Europe compare to other more "traditional" boats (From a U.S. standpoint)? Are they usually looked at as less expensive and easier to maintain then a "traditional" boat of equal size? I've got so many questions. Perhaps I'll catch up with some of the suggested publications listed on this site.
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Old 06 May 2001, 12:58   #5
Country: USA
Town: Ft Lauderdale FL USA
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I sell Rib's in Florida and they price out more expensive that some locally manufactured Fiberglass(plastic) boats if compared size for size. I don't feel this is a fair way to compare boats as it does not take into account a RIB'S many features. If comparisons are made on an ability basis i.e. Capacity/speed/fuel efficiency then RIB's do price out less expensive because you are comparing boats of unequal size. Smaller RIB's to larger plastic boats.
Most of our buisness is Yacht tender orientated however we have seen an increase in runaround sales in the last few years. Most people in this area use the 18-24' range of plastic boats for fishing and it is a real hard market to crack. No one wants to be the first.

hope this helps E-mail any time.
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Old 30 May 2001, 04:38   #6
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I can empathize. In the Los Angeles USA area the only ones that are common are the Coast Guard/ Navy patrol boats and they are probably trial vessels from manufacturers, also some oil platform vessels and probably most common- large ribbies that are outfitted and rented to the movie production companies that are big out here. There is a huge movement for under 14 ft inflatables however. They mate well with the 4 strokes mandated by California law. One other large reason in California is that people are just not into outboards here. In/out sterndrives e.g. Volvo with cobra sx are the big ticket item in our market and inflatables typically come with outboards. The infrastructure is weak here. I don't feel comfortable with ordering Henshaw tubes half the globe away! Needs another 5 years for an impact I think, or someone got to win a couple of open races. Elsewise it looks like a Northern European/ South African thing. Regards, John
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Old 10 August 2001, 06:12   #7
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John Hi,
I don't think it's only a Northern European thing. I live in Greece. 20 - 25 years ago when I bought my first inflatable (Bobmard B3S & Yamaha 30), people looked at the boat like she was an alien. Now the inflatables in general and specifically ribs are as common as cars on the road. In fact there are more than 5 large industries producing ribs, not to mention the small units of 3 to 8 people and of course the imported from Europe's industries. To make it more comprehensible, I must tell you that a new profession was born the past 7 - 10 years. The "Boat Parking". People having enough land space to park some 50 to 150 ribs, rent their place per month.
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Old 10 August 2001, 07:21   #8
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I things are about to change in the USA very shortly. The boat mag "Soundings" are on the ball and are busy writing features about RIB's for the October edition. When we had the Sprit of Cardiff in America early this year it caused a sensation where ever it went. Feel free to contact me about any developments that I know are going on. Alan P
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Old 10 August 2001, 12:52   #9
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I second, what Alan Priddy has said that Soundings magazine are planning a BIG spread on Ribs in the OCT. issue. After completeing the 1999 Round Britain, I contacted several US boating sources and Soundings was the only magazine that showed any interest in a story. Hopefully this issue will ignite a spark in the American boating community, and the recreational buyers will begin to see the inherent strenghts of Ribs. Lets keep our fingers crossed that this article (and hopefully more articles will follow), will foster what many through out Europe already know, Ribbing is a blast.

[This message has been edited by sirzap (edited 12 August 2001).]
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