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Old 26 August 2009, 22:23   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Farfetched
Make: Solent
Length: 6m +
Engine: Merc. 150 Outboard
MMSI: Lucederterv...?
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 50
RIBs on the Medina River...

I'm teaching on the Medina River (always fun) and today three ribs came up which looked pretty awesome. They're black tubed with Redbay type wheelhouses on them and diesel inboards, one with an orange wheelhouse and two black. They were about 7m or so but I don't think they're Redbay's cos they had a pretty narrow beam and were a bit unstable at low speeds and their manoeverability wasn't amazing, so, being a fan of redbay's I doubt they were.

Looked like teaching or charter ribs, anyone got a clue where they were from or what make?

Also on a practical note, a lot of ribs come through the Medina going up to Newport, this is past Folly Inn and the Island Harbour, please mind your wash as you go past our dinghies, 6 knots in some ribs is still a huge amount when your on an exposed pontoon rigging a dinghy.

Cheers, Josh
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