hi and a merry xmas to you all, firstly i am pretty new to this stuff so not sure , i have been told my boat is a ridgid rib . it has a v hull as a rib with a sealed wash deck , where the ribs have tubes mine is the hull continuing up to a fiberglass tube approx 6inch dia , will post photo,s asap as i would like to know wot i have, cheers,
sorry nowt like, i have never seen owtlike it, alhtough i am new to it i have been attatched to sea fishing for 40 yrs and have never seen owt like it, i will post pics asap
You say it's Rigid and I can see it's a Boat so the only question that needs answering is: Inflatable or not? Does it have valves or any means of putting air into the tubes? As they are fibreglass I would imagine not. But is does look like a RIB.
Irrespective of the answer it will probably handle like a rib and most the items on the forum will be relevant apart from patching hypalon/pvc tubes.
So yes welcome and enjoy your Ribbing or Rbbing whatever it turns out to be.
right here goes not sure how to add these photo,s but there is a 1st time for every thing as you can see its not what you would call a rib but is simalar, well to me it is!so tell me chaps what the heck is it, thanks steve
mmmmmmmmmmmmm simalar but where that has the cathedral hull mine is a v hull, where yours has the bonded gunwhales mine is all constructed of one peice !
Looms a bit like a Shetland "Fast Fisher" or similar.
Hull ID most likley moulded / fixed in around the transom somewhere.
Other alternative is the 4 rivet remains or holes in a roughly 2" x 3" rectangle that will tell you where the maker's plate used to be rivetted on......
As Englishles says - if it's got a V- hull it's not going to be too far off rib handling, and there's an entire outboard section here will be relevant!
it is possibly a coastworker?? built on the isle of wight, in the 90s send some more pictures if you can also dimmentions, the made a 18ft and a 21, and have just started making the again.