Originally Posted by codprawn
Considering the awesome reputation Mike Ring has why don't his boats get more discussion going on this site?
Some very nice pictures and video clips - just can't understand why so many companies use flashy designers for their websites. Having a tiny frame in the middle of the screen is a joke considering most people are running at least 17 or 19" monitors these days!!!
The site is made by my partner and we are using the same frame to UK site as on ours, we made the site 2 years ago when it was a trend over here to have frames like this, we are trying to build the frame so it adjusts after wich screen you have but we have been running into some problems with the existing frame.
Most of the pictures that we have used on the site has been delivered in Scandinavia and are often black and grey, as i have understand its not very common colours in the UK and thats maybe a reason that people dont find them interesting.
Can be wrong but only thought that i have.