In responce to "Matiboy" the other day I said I would port licence fees for the River Thames.
Well here we go....
The Environment Agency - the licencing authority - calculate the charge by the
area of your boat
So my rib 3.5m x 1.68m = 5.88 square meters
Then use the following table
Area (sq m)...............1 Day............15 Days............1 month
Up to 10....................£7.................£13...... .............£21
11 - 20......................£9.................£34.... ...............£39.50
21 - 30......................£13...............£46..... ..............£60.50
31 - 40......................£19.50..........£65.50.... ..........£87
41 - 50......................£23...............£87..... ..............£105
51 - 60......................£26.50..........£105...... ...........£132
61 - 70......................£33...............£126.... .............£153.50
71 - 80......................£37...............£139.50. ...........£178.50
Over 80(Very Big Rib)£39..............£159..................£199
I hate formating tables!
These are short term licences - You are allowed 6 one-day or 2 15-day or 1 31-day licence a year. I can get the yearly prices if anyone is interested!
The Agency is currently working on a web based system to allow you to purchase your licence "On-Line" (I have suggested that they put an electronic copy of the current form on their web site for now)
At the moment the licences can be applied for by contacting the Thames Office and then by post - or at one of the locks in person
Contact details for the Thames Office can be found on their web site at
Any other questions - let me know