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Old 22 November 2009, 21:23   #1
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Rnli crew rescued

Thankfully all are rescued. Hpefully in god sape. Keep up the good work lads.
Take it easy ....but, take it all the way.
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Old 22 November 2009, 21:26   #2
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Glad all are ok.
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Old 23 November 2009, 05:59   #3
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Was it a D-Class or IB1 ?
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Old 23 November 2009, 06:56   #4
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nasty place Wexford Harbour, pleased all are ok.
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Old 23 November 2009, 08:03   #5
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Glad they were all okay - especially the crew member who ended up so far away from the boat

Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely

Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
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Old 23 November 2009, 09:24   #6
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 6 Crew members safe after Lifeboat Capsize
Monday, 23 November 2009

Three RNLI volunteer lifeboat crewmembers are safe and well after the
Wexford inshore lifeboat capsized yesterday (Sunday 22 November
2009) during a training exercise south of Ravens Point off the Wexford
coast. Two crewmembers managed to stay in contact with the upturned
lifeboat and were winched to safety by the Irish Coast Guard helicopter
while a third crewmember was recovered a mile and a half northeast from
the scene by Rosslare RNLI lifeboat.

The Wexford D class inshore lifeboat was launched at 10.15am this morning with three volunteer lifeboat crew onboard. The volunteer crew were exercising in Wexford Harbour. A search was initiated when routine communication with the boat was lost and flares were sighted in the area. Both Rosslare RNLI lifeboat and the Irish Coast Guard were tasked to investigate.

The Irish Coast Guard helicopter recovered two of the lifeboat crew from the upturned lifeboat. The third crewmember was recovered by Rosslare lifeboat in the water some distance from the scene and transferred to the helicopter. They were taken to Waterford Regional Hospital for a medical check. The three lifeboat crew are recovering well from their experience.

Commenting on the incident RNLI Deputy Divisional Inspector Gareth Morrison said,

" The RNLI are relieved that the three lifeboat crew are safe and recovering well after the capsize. This is a testament to
the high standard of training and the quality of the lifeboats and equipment used by our volunteers. RNLI volunteers train
in various conditions to be prepared for all types of emergencies. The volunteers out on exercise today were experienced
members of the lifeboat crew and were training in strong winds and surf. The RNLI has commenced a full investigation in
liaison with Wexford lifeboat station and the Irish Coast Guard into the incident.

The RNLI wishes to express its thanks to the Irish Coast Guard and Rosslare RNLI lifeboat crew for their professional
and prompt response."

A relief D Class inshore lifeboat has been dispatched to the lifeboat station and will be available for service from 1830 hrs.
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Old 23 November 2009, 21:11   #7
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Originally Posted by Larry Sea Star View Post Crew members safe after Lifeboat Capsize
Monday, 23 November 2009

Three RNLI volunteer lifeboat crewmembers are safe and well after the
Wexford inshore lifeboat capsized yesterday (Sunday 22 November
2009) during a training exercise south of Ravens Point off the Wexford
coast. Two crewmembers managed to stay in contact with the upturned
lifeboat and were winched to safety by the Irish Coast Guard helicopter
while a third crewmember was recovered a mile and a half northeast from
the scene by Rosslare RNLI lifeboat.

The Wexford D class inshore lifeboat was launched at 10.15am this morning with three volunteer lifeboat crew onboard. The volunteer crew were exercising in Wexford Harbour. A search was initiated when routine communication with the boat was lost and flares were sighted in the area. Both Rosslare RNLI lifeboat and the Irish Coast Guard were tasked to investigate.

The Irish Coast Guard helicopter recovered two of the lifeboat crew from the upturned lifeboat. The third crewmember was recovered by Rosslare lifeboat in the water some distance from the scene and transferred to the helicopter. They were taken to Waterford Regional Hospital for a medical check. The three lifeboat crew are recovering well from their experience.

Commenting on the incident RNLI Deputy Divisional Inspector Gareth Morrison said,

" The RNLI are relieved that the three lifeboat crew are safe and recovering well after the capsize. This is a testament to
the high standard of training and the quality of the lifeboats and equipment used by our volunteers. RNLI volunteers train
in various conditions to be prepared for all types of emergencies. The volunteers out on exercise today were experienced
members of the lifeboat crew and were training in strong winds and surf. The RNLI has commenced a full investigation in
liaison with Wexford lifeboat station and the Irish Coast Guard into the incident.

The RNLI wishes to express its thanks to the Irish Coast Guard and Rosslare RNLI lifeboat crew for their professional
and prompt response."

A relief D Class inshore lifeboat has been dispatched to the lifeboat station and will be available for service from 1830 hrs.
Very glad all are well. nasty seas off Wexford these last few days. In fact basty seas off most of the Irish coast this last few days. Even the water inside Bull Island in Dublin harbour looked very uninviting as I passed it on Thursday last.
Any meaning read into my message is the product of your own mind...
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