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Old 02 January 2012, 01:34   #21
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Dont forget the indipendant lifeboats,,sorry rescue boats , that often loose out on publicity via the media and unlike some are not backed up by a multi million pound organisation ,

getting back to some sort of a very basic proficency test ,,not bad idea though i would imagine the RYA lot that will say pb1 or 2 will cover that ,,,.
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Old 02 January 2012, 02:15   #22
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Aye, but let's not forget that this multi million pound organisation is funded by donations and largely crewed by volunteers on standby.
RYA may say what they will, however they are not actively policing the waters.
Neither do they enforce a standard where, for example, if somebody enters waters where they may need rescuing, the rescued party needed to have the relevant safety checks/equipment.
Simply, there is no standard of safety to bear upon the individual. Until there is, we can't moan.
Unless we celebrate this lack of policing as our freedom.
If the latter is the case then we take the rough with the smooth.
If we want policing, then we lose our freedom.......speed limits, etc.,
Self policing may be the only way to keep our dreams alive. Why not work out a way of doing that before the cuffs come upon us?
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Old 02 January 2012, 09:09   #23
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Originally Posted by soley1 View Post
and a lot the other way round
Never had that with my local press.
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Old 02 January 2012, 12:17   #24
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Originally Posted by mister p View Post
Is it down to us to prevent RNLI interaction?
Any ideas?
I'm willing to take it further, something like a proficiency test for example?
As you say, it's a waste of resources and, God forbid, of life.
The Purpose of the RNLI is to save lives at sea and its vision is to end preventable loss of life at sea.

Today this is achieved by providing:
A 24-hour lifeboat search and rescue service
Sea and Beach Safety advice
A seasonal Lifeguard service.

The RNLI believe boating should be fun, but even the most experienced seafarers should prepare for the worst. Every year lifeboats respond to thousands of incidents, many of which could have been prevented with simple safety precautions.

A lot of you will have heard of the Safety Equipment Advisory (SEA) Check that we have offered for many years. This was a completely free, friendly and confidential service that looks at safety aspects involved with your boat. SEA Check was neither a test nor an inspection and there is no pass or fail. Conducted by a highly trained volunteer, SEA Check was a personal face-to-face safety advice service that took place on board your own craft. You set the time and we tailored our visit to your vessel and the type of boating that you do.

This service will remain but is currently being revamped under the new banner of “Advice Onboard” along with “Advice Ashore” and will be rolled out the early part of this year. As a Lifeboat Sea Safety Officer I would encourage the RIBnet community to avail of and promote these new services and I plan to start a thread closer to Easter on this topic to explain the new set up.

I know that there are other Sea Safety Volunteers in the RIBnet community and together we will be able to help everyone who wants to take the RNLI up on this free service.
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Old 02 January 2012, 14:36   #25
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Always willing to give advice and RNLI SEA Checks to anybody in the Fife area, or around Cumbernauld Area.

I am attached to Queensferry Lifeboat Station, as many of you know boat is in Elie Fife.

We will be holding a Sea Safety Day at Elie prob in May will keep you all informed.

The 2012 tide tables for Fifth of Forth is now up on club website , along with some sea safety and the 5th Open powerboat cruise dates will be announce soon prob end of June.

IMHO a good rescue is one that nobody has been seriously hurt, you want people to call for help ASAP, without fear of fines or costs. Any delay could cost life.


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Old 02 January 2012, 14:48   #26
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It would be nice if they spelt Ranie correctly in their press-release

but that looks like normal conditions here, really rough one minute, then flat calm the next (2nd part of vid).
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Old 02 January 2012, 17:56   #27
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Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
I agree with CJL, I've seen a fair few RNLI "claims" over the years where in reality the rescue was mostly carried out by someone else and the RNLI took over and brought them in.

They clearly do a fantastic job, noone would question that, especially me having needed their services when there was noone else around... I just think they are a sucessful and high profile enough orginasation to tell it how it is sometimes, it would not hurt for headlines to read "local water user saves stupid swimmer"...
I also agree with CJL and while there is no denying the outstanding work the RNLI do, the way they report all heads involved in a shout as lives saved in their annual numbers does not do them credit. The news release was patently unfair as the Zapcat crew had done all the heavy lifting and were on course to put the kayakers safely on the beach.

However, labelling muppets as such in their media comms would have a similar effect to charging people for shouts, i.e. people would tend to avoid a distress call to a point where a PanPan becomes a Mayday.

BTW I wasn't impressed the way the RNLI crew approached and then used the Zapcat helm as a samson post at 2.00 and they should have come alongside using the stern quarter of the RIB for a safer tube to tube contact. The way they were bow on to the Zapcat's starboard rear quarter, not pn;y made it hard for the RNLI crew to reach and maintain contact with the Zapcat becasue of the RIB's high bow but with the following swell they could very easily have been on top of it in an instant with very nasty consequences.

As always though fair play to the RNLI for being ready and willing to put out in gnarly conditions.
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Old 03 January 2012, 01:08   #28
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Originally Posted by Daibheid

I also agree with CJL and while there is no denying the outstanding work the RNLI do, the way they report all heads involved in a shout as lives saved in their annual numbers does not do them credit. .
Good point ,with regards to the after rescue returns report that is sent back after each shout there are enough headings on the form describing the outcome
eg false alarm with good intent,
Machinery failure,
Lives saved
Others coped,
Vessel stranded
Persons Assisted
Persons cut off

The list goes on,,,,
Of the returns forms that I have looked at over the years and from a number of different stations the information in my opinion is generally accurate.
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Old 03 January 2012, 10:07   #29
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RNLI boats have been launched at Dover, Bembridge, Dungerness and Gravesend in last few hours into what thye describe as very challenging conditions. Yep no arguement we are seeing force 10-11.
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Old 03 January 2012, 11:15   #30
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Yes I have just been out for 10 mins off Ramsgate, exciting!

Back to the subject, I'm pleased to see everyone grasps the concept we are not knocking the RNLI's ethos or anything they do.

My point is they dont need to claim glory for things they dont, but on reflection I wonder if its the press crediting them more than them claiming???

I can personally recall two experiences where the RNLI were credited when others really carried out most of the rescue, and I know I have spotted others over the years, but these two spring to mind as I whitnessed both first hand.

No 1, CG asked any vessel to assist as reports of a guy in the water off Southend. I was infact off Sheppy in Kent at the time, but WOT... 10mins I think, pulled him from the water (and he was not in a good state) and by the time I got him to the Pier the RNLI took over (fair enough), however they claimed it on their website, subsiquently in the papers I beleive.

No 2, same story off Ramsgate. A boat I was with pulled a guy from the water but the newspapers reported it as RNLI. Now of course, not sure if they instigated this or of papers got it wrong of course.
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Old 03 January 2012, 12:24   #31
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I think the concensus of opinion is the media often publish the detail of rescues incorrectly and not the RNLI. For those taking part in rescues usually the person/s being rescued are very gratefull and it should be enouth rather than media attention so does it matter anyway who gets the credit. We all know the RNLI do a fab job and may they and all the non boaters who respond to requests for help continue to do so.

One issue perhaps is that the media may think looking at the RNLI statistics of call outs is those are the definitive statistics and numbers, I expect there are around 30% more rescues than reported each year. Ive personally picked up two kayakers last year and also towed 2 small powerboats and one demasted small sailing vessel back to safety, however I did not report those to anyone as all were fit and well onboard, had no signs of exposure and were in very good form. (and dont start telling me I should have done X Y or Z, sometimes you know when something is minor and can be handled or when you need to call for further assistance) My point is im sure there are a lot more rescues that occur that do not get registered or reported on.
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Old 03 January 2012, 16:19   #32
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
RNLI boats have been launched at Dover, Bembridge, Dungerness and Gravesend in last few hours into what thye describe as very challenging conditions. Yep no arguement we are seeing force 10-11.
Here is one example of todays rescues locally from BBC
A man who fell out of his dinghy after rowing out of Portsmouth harbour during a storm with Force 12 winds has been rescued and airlifted to hospital.

Police and Solent Coastguard were alerted when they received a call from a sailing club in Gosport.

Brian Taylor, coastguard watch assistant, said: "He went out with 60 knots of wind around his ears."

The victim, who was suffering from severe hypothermia, was airlifted to Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra hospital.

"We don't know what he was trying to do but it's not very sensible during a Force 12 with storm force winds of up to 62 knots an hour," Mr Taylor said.

"By the time he was found he had spilled out of his dinghy.

"He was very confused and is now in a pretty bad state."

Maritime and Coastguard Agency Press Office: ROWER RESCUED IN GALE FORCE WINDS
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Old 03 January 2012, 16:48   #33
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Well my office window looks out over the entrance to Portsmouth Harbour towards Gosport Marina and I didn't see him..... Mind you at one point the Wight ferry disappeared in the driving rain as it was struggling to get into position to dock. Nice now though.

Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
Here is one example of todays rescues locally from BBC
A man who fell out of his dinghy after rowing out of Portsmouth harbour during a storm with Force 12 winds has been rescued and airlifted to hospital.

Police and Solent Coastguard were alerted when they received a call from a sailing club in Gosport.

Brian Taylor, coastguard watch assistant, said: "He went out with 60 knots of wind around his ears."

The victim, who was suffering from severe hypothermia, was airlifted to Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra hospital.

"We don't know what he was trying to do but it's not very sensible during a Force 12 with storm force winds of up to 62 knots an hour," Mr Taylor said.

"By the time he was found he had spilled out of his dinghy.

"He was very confused and is now in a pretty bad state."

Maritime and Coastguard Agency Press Office: ROWER RESCUED IN GALE FORCE WINDS
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Old 03 January 2012, 16:58   #34
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
Here is one example of todays rescues locally from BBC
A man who fell out of his dinghy after rowing out of Portsmouth harbour during a storm with Force 12 winds has been rescued and airlifted to hospital.

Police and Solent Coastguard were alerted when they received a call from a sailing club in Gosport.

Brian Taylor, coastguard watch assistant, said: "He went out with 60 knots of wind around his ears."

The victim, who was suffering from severe hypothermia, was airlifted to Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra hospital.

"We don't know what he was trying to do but it's not very sensible during a Force 12 with storm force winds of up to 62 knots an hour," Mr Taylor said.

"By the time he was found he had spilled out of his dinghy.

"He was very confused and is now in a pretty bad state."

Maritime and Coastguard Agency Press Office: ROWER RESCUED IN GALE FORCE WINDS
What a 'numpty head' is all I can say, hope he is OK though. The small sailing boat I towed back to studland bay that had demasted was a group of 4 numpty heads who went out in a near force 6, they had life jackets, well the sort of water sports jackets, no radio and no phone, when they waved at me as I zoomed past in such a casual way I thought they were just saying hello, once I had moored up to a buoy in Studland Bay I took my binnoculas out and had a close look and realised it was a small sailing boat without its mast and they were in need of help. I went out to them and towed them back to the beach, I only got a very casual thanks, they seemed very ignorant of the danger they were in. The world is full of numpty heads ha ha
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Old 03 January 2012, 17:14   #35
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Its been a busy day for the RNLI crews, such dedication to help
Dungeness and Dover RNLI lifeboats launched in Storm Force 11 conditions to vessel in distress
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Old 03 January 2012, 19:01   #36
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
I only got a very casual thanks
My experience; you got more than some, me included. The upside, the inner glow lasts a long, long time

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Old 04 January 2012, 16:52   #37
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Dungeness and Dover RNLI lifeboats launched in Storm Force 11 conditions to vessel in distress
sail training in storm conditions that had been well forecast???
Dave M
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Old 06 January 2012, 15:43   #38
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RYA suspension for storm force 11 yacht owners | News | Pbo

RYA suspend training company following the eight hour rescue . A shame for one of our local companies but maybe it was just a bad call on the day
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Old 06 January 2012, 16:05   #39
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
RYA suspend training company following the eight hour rescue . A shame for one of our local companies but maybe it was just a bad call on the day
A bad call on the day? really??

Will be interesting if the facts ever come out but in my book setting out with a force 9 and 10 in the forecast is crazy, more so if you have inexperienced crew.

It appears the skipper was well aware of the forecast and even made his knowledge public by way of social media suggesting which sails he might try!

Not the first incident for this company (third in around 12 months i believe) i hope commercial pressures have not overcome the safety of crew and vessel in decision making.

Thankfully all crew are ok and top marks to RNLI for what sounds like a very difficult rescue.
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Old 06 January 2012, 16:06   #40
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would this be the same boat? MAIB Report at following link:
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