30 December 2011, 09:02
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RNLI out again
Take a look at the sea conditions for one of the latest rescues
Penarth lifeboat rescues two kayakers near Lavernock Point
30 December 2011, 10:06
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Sea state isn't the issue here. The problem is that inexperienced kayakers see water and think that it's just as safe as any other section/area of water. In my eyes that sea looks fun to play around on with the correct equipment and training  but this is true in every situation alittle experience/knowledge is a dangours thing.
It's not fair to get the RNLI out for people that are under prepared under trained and just idiots I think they should be charged rescue cost and a vine but thats just me
Rant over! going to go make a cuppa and get back to work as my boat needs it engine back.
30 December 2011, 10:08
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Originally Posted by Jamesg514
I think they should be charged rescue cost and a vine but thats just me
sour grapes?
30 December 2011, 10:11
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Originally Posted by willk
sour grapes? 
Sorry , Fine.
That's because I was having a rant.
30 December 2011, 10:15
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Jamesg514
That's because I was having a rant. 
As you should. They needed beating with their paddles.
Big lump there at 0:55
30 December 2011, 12:50
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The Zapcat looked at a bit nose heavy /  WET  at about 1:56
30 December 2011, 12:54
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Love it......
So if you watch the video the sea kayakers were rescued by a passing Zapcat. The RNLI actually provided a valuable towage service.
 More News of the World style press releases from the RNLI!!
I know they want to secure more funding but it smacks of misleading Joe Public. One day its going to get them into trouble and that will reflect very badly on them which nobody wants.
30 December 2011, 12:59
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and yes people should be made to pay a contribution for the costs if its a repeat rescue and if its a first time rescue it should be "strongly suggested".
30 December 2011, 14:32
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If you ask people to pay they won't call you until its too late.
I speak for myself and a few others but we like going out when its rough, we wouldn't do it otherwise.
I'm not condoning going to sea if you don't know what your doing...
30 December 2011, 17:26
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I don't get it, why did they need to be rescued? It looked like a lake inside that bay. Anchor slipped? Well pull it up and paddle back to shore. Was the current ripping harder than they could paddle? Hopefully they learned something, just not sure what it would be.
30 December 2011, 18:46
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Originally Posted by CJL
Love it......
So if you watch the video the sea kayakers were rescued by a passing Zapcat. The RNLI actually provided a valuable towage service.
 More News of the World style press releases from the RNLI!!
I know they want to secure more funding but it smacks of misleading Joe Public. One day its going to get them into trouble and that will reflect very badly on them which nobody wants.
Not sure that's a fair comment. If you read the RNLI copy ( Penarth lifeboat rescues two kayakers in dangerous seas), it's fair and balanced.
They acknowledge the part played by the zapcat crew (well done, them) and although I'm not a News of the World reader the press release isn't at all the style that I associate with them. I certainly don't read anything in it that looks like an attempt to mislead. Looks to me like a good job well done by the zapcat guys, the lifeboat crew, the coastguard, and the ambulance service. Exactly as we'd like it be, surely??
30 December 2011, 18:54
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Originally Posted by Peter_C
I don't get it, why did they need to be rescued? It looked like a lake inside that bay. Anchor slipped? Well pull it up and paddle back to shore. Was the current ripping harder than they could paddle? Hopefully they learned something, just not sure what it would be.
Hi Peter
If you read the link from my previous post, you'll see that one of the kayaks (and these were not fully equipped sea kayaks, just open sit-on-tops) had already capsized and the paddler was suspected to be suffering from shock and cold.
It's not an area I know, but the locals report as having nasty conditions.
Better safe than sorry, would you accept?
30 December 2011, 23:56
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Originally Posted by SeaSkills
Not sure that's a fair comment. If you read the RNLI copy ( Penarth lifeboat rescues two kayakers in dangerous seas), it's fair and balanced.
They acknowledge the part played by the zapcat crew (well done, them) and although I'm not a News of the World reader the press release isn't at all the style that I associate with them. I certainly don't read anything in it that looks like an attempt to mislead. Looks to me like a good job well done by the zapcat guys, the lifeboat crew, the coastguard, and the ambulance service. Exactly as we'd like it be, surely??
Yeah but if you read the text that came with the video its a bit different;-
" Penarth lifeboat rescues two kayakers near Lavernock Point
Penarth inshore lifeboat, the Atlantic 85 Maureen Lilian, recovered two kayakers who had been assisted by a passing vessel. Their anchor had slipped and they were in danger of entering extremely rough seas near Lavernock Point"
31 December 2011, 08:21
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I agree with CJL, I've seen a fair few RNLI "claims" over the years where in reality the rescue was mostly carried out by someone else and the RNLI took over and brought them in.
They clearly do a fantastic job, noone would question that, especially me having needed their services when there was noone else around... I just think they are a sucessful and high profile enough orginasation to tell it how it is sometimes, it would not hurt for headlines to read "local water user saves stupid swimmer"...
31 December 2011, 15:43
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Originally Posted by Daniel
I agree with CJL, I've seen a fair few RNLI "claims" over the years where in reality the rescue was mostly carried out by someone else and the RNLI took over and brought them in.
Well, could you list a few ... because I think this has become a bit of an urban myth. Every time I see a story claiming that the RNLI has taken credit for something that someone else had done, when I've looked into it, it's been someone else making that claim - not the RNLI themselves.
31 December 2011, 18:17
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We use sit on top kayaks all the time here (They work perfect for scuba, free diving, and lots of fisherman utilize them.), and I have lots of experience using our two kayaks in the Pacific Ocean, along with lakes and rivers.
As I said their conditions looked lake like compared to the outer ocean there. They have no business being on a kayak if they can't get themselves back onto it in deep water (Should have never fallen off in the first place). Of course once back on they could have paddled like mad to get back to shore and kept themselves warmer. Neither kayak appears to have sunk, so it is purely an unprepared kayaker at fault. AT LEAST THEY HAD LIFE JACKETS ON, and it appears exposure protection, but I can't really tell what they are wearing.
FWIW I originally bought a handheld VHF for kayaking, and carry a pump in case we do swamp one of our kayaks. Both of our kayaks have enough positive foam flotation to keep them high enough in the water to pump out. Pool noodles work great! Since we wear thick exposure protection (Flotation) our lifejackets live inside the kayak.
01 January 2012, 00:06
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Originally Posted by SeaSkills
Well, could you list a few ... because I think this has become a bit of an urban myth. Every time I see a story claiming that the RNLI has taken credit for something that someone else had done, when I've looked into it, it's been someone else making that claim - not the RNLI themselves.
i agree ,its the same when Helicopters get all the credit during an incident and they were probelly just transfering a casualty that had been rescued first by lifeboat.
at the end of the day main priority is the person/casualty gets to safety as quickly as possible.
01 January 2012, 21:24
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You do tend to find the CG rescue quite a lot of people when infact its the RNLI.
01 January 2012, 21:40
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Originally Posted by chewy
You do tend to find the CG rescue quite a lot of people when infact its the RNLI.
and a lot the other way round
01 January 2012, 23:45
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We shouldn't comment on the reasons the RNLI go out. That's their "raison d'etre". To save lives. If a life wasn't at risk, then thank **** nobody got hurt. We're all fallible. I'm not condoning irresponsibility.
We're here (on the site) because we understand water risks, others don't......maybe they're new to it, some are careless, others get overwhelmed by conditions........, let's understand that.
Ultimately it was a "real life excercise" for the crew that didn't end in death......
I agree that ignorance resulting in endangering other lives is reprehensible.
Maybe we can do something about it? We can't/shouldn't ban the freedom of the seas, but reading the responsibility of the members here, is there a way of promoting responsibility on the water?
Is it down to us to prevent RNLI interaction?
Any ideas?
I'm willing to take it further, something like a proficiency test for example?
As you say, it's a waste of resources and, God forbid, of life.
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