01 July 2008, 15:31
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
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Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
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Posts: 1,959
Eskifjörður to Höfn
Photo series 2
01 July 2008, 15:32
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
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Posts: 1,959
Eskifjörður to Höfn
Photo series 3
03 July 2008, 03:13
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
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Posts: 1,959
Tomorrow is the big day the final leg, spoke to the team last night as they where having Lobster dinner at Höfn, matter a fact Lobster festival weekend is to be held at Höfn this weekend and it will attract thousunds of visitors.
Weather forecast for tomorrow is not bad as can be seen her below.
As I have only taken handfull of pictures to show you I poit you all to look at their website where you can find hundreds of pictures from each leg both from the water trip as well from the land trip.
Several videos can be found on
If you want there is a guestbook you can write you want
I am planning taking the ferry across to Vestmannaeyjar the Thursday night to welcome the gang and fly back home Saturday morning.
06 July 2008, 00:37
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Höfn í Hornafirði Vestmannaeyjar
Það voru nokkrir hvíldardagar á Höfn og á Þriðjudagskvöldið 1. júlí var okkur boðið í mat á Hótel Höfn í boði hótelsins og fengum við frábæran mat þar Kjötsúpa í forrétt og Bleikja í aðalrétt og svo eplaköku í eftirrétt.
Takk kærlega fyrir okkur Hótel Höfn.
Þar borðuðu með okkur Ester og Þórhildur en þær eru í krabbameinsdeild suð-austurlands og áttum við skemmtilega kvöldstund með þeim.
Daginn eftir var kominn tími á okkur stelpurnar að fara heim, þar sem allt var upp-pantað í Herjólf í fimmtudags og föstudagsferðirnar og brunuðum við á trukknum um tvöleytið.
Við stoppuðum aðeins við í Jökulsárslóni og tókum nokkrar myndir en því miður var þoka og rigning.
Einnig kíktum við í kaffi hjá bróður hans Steina, honum Svenna og konunni hans henni Hafdísi, svo var stefnan tekin í Þorlákshöfn og vorum við vel tímalega fyrir næturferðuna með Herjólfi þannig að við rúntuðum svolítið um Hveragerði og Eyrabakka.
Það var ljúft að komast í kojuna í Herjólfi og steinsváfum við alla leiðina til eyja.
Ég verð að viðurkenna að það var svolítið skrýtið að vera komin heim aftur og fékk ég smá raunveruleikasjokk þegar ég opnaði hurðina á húsinu og áttaði mig á því að þessu ævintýri væri lokið.
Strákarnir eru búnir að vera í rólegheitum á Höfn og kíktu á jazz tónleika í gær og svo hafa þeir bara verið að taka því rólega og spila síðustu kvöld og hlaða batteríin fyrir lengsta legginn.
Þeir voru að leggja af stað um tólfleytið í kvöld og verða því komnir á morgun til eyja.
Verður formlega tekið á móti þeim um fjögur - hálf fimmleytið á morgun niðrá Skansi.
Höfn í Hornafirði to Vestmannaeyjar
There where few days to rest at Höfn, Tuesday we where invited by Hotel Höfn for great dinner Meatsoup for starter, Trout and applepie for desert. Thanks for this Hotel Höfn, together with us Ester and Þórhildur members of the sout-east division of Kraftur and we had great time all.
Following day it was time us the girl to depart as the ferry was fully booked on Thuesday and Friday so we left at 14.00 hours. We stopped at Jökulsárlón and took few pics but unfortunately we had fog and rain so not much visaibility. We where timely for the departure of ferry at Þorlákshöfn. It was pleasant to get to cabin on ferry Herjólfur and we slept all the way to Vestmannaeyjar. I must admit it is mixed feeling being back home and it was reality shock to realise this adventure was to come to an end.
The guys are now departing for the single largest leg (01.00 hours Friday morning) and we will be arriving at 16.30 hours at Skansinn where formal welcome ceremony will take place.
Written by Alma
Summerised by Bogi
06 July 2008, 00:40
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Höfn to Vestmannaeyjar
Photo series 2
06 July 2008, 00:42
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Höfn to Vestmannaeyjar
Photo series 3
06 July 2008, 00:43
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Höfn to Vestmannaeyjar
Photo series 4
06 July 2008, 01:12
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Leiðarlok. Vestmannaeyjar.
Vá! Ég er orðlaus..... móttökurnar hér í eyjum voru ekkert smá flottar og ég verð að viðurkenna það að ég klöknaði og langaði bara að fara að skæla.
Takk kærlega fyrir okkur og fyrir frábærar móttökur Vestmannaeyingar og aðrir gestir.
Nú er ferðinni opinberlega lokið. Þetta er skrýtin stund en minningarnar eiga eftir að lifa með okkur.
Við viljum koma kæru þakklæti til allra sem hjálpuðu okkur að gera þessa ferð að veruleika án ykkar hefði þetta ekki verið hægt.
Einnig viljum við þakka öllum sem lögðu okkur lið og aðstoðuðu okkur og ekki má gleyma öllum sem tóku svona vel á móti okkur á þessari ferð okkar í kringum landið.
Megi Kraftur lifa að eilífu.
End of Voyage. Vestmannaeyjar.
Wowww ! I am speechless..... the welcome reception where great and must confess that tears could be found on my face and really wanted to cry.
Thanks for us for such a great and sincere welcome all Vestmann islanders and other guests.
The voyage has now come to an end, this is a strange moment and all the memories will be good to have for the rest of our lives.
We want to use this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone that assisted us in this adventure as without you all this trip wouldn´t have come true.
May Kraftur association live forever
Written by Alma
Summerised by Bogi
06 July 2008, 01:15
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Photo series 2
06 July 2008, 01:48
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
It has been priviledge to work the team as well as by escorting them on their first leg from Vestmannaeyjar to Reykjavík (we joined them at Grindavík) then I took the ferry to Vestmannaeyjar on Friday night to escort them the last couple of miles, got me on board Pacific 22 owned by Heidar on here, big thanks to you Heidar.
Hereafter is few of the pics I took and the last ones are just to show few of the surrounded islands and cliffs that surrounds Heimaey which is the main land of Vestmannaeyjar.
At last I want to congratulate them all with their well ended adventure and good charity cause.
06 July 2008, 01:50
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Photo series 2
06 July 2008, 01:53
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Photo series 3
06 July 2008, 01:54
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Photo series 4
06 July 2008, 01:57
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Photo series 5
06 July 2008, 01:59
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Photo series 6
06 July 2008, 02:00
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Photo series 7
06 July 2008, 21:31
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Posts: 7,110
Great pictures too
08 July 2008, 08:26
Country: Belgium
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Posts: 35
Bogib, I must admit you live in a most wonderfull country.
The scenery is top.
08 July 2008, 08:59
Country: Netherlands
Town: Breda
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Posts: 368
Congratulations to all of you.
25 July 2008, 15:03
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Got those photos from Bergur ( www.heimska.com) from the first leg, where we joined them from Grindavík to Reykjavík.
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