07 June 2008, 22:35
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Round Iceland for charity June 16th - July 4th
Kraftur í kringum Ísland (Power around Iceland) is the name of a charity cruise around Iceland which will start Monday June 16th to raise money for organisation called Kraftur which is supporting organisation for young people with cancer as well to honour upon their arrival back to Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands) on July 4th islanders will be celebrating 30th anniversary of closing of eruption in Heimey (the biggest and only habitat island of Vestmannaeyjar).
Boats participating is a Valiant 560 fitted with Honda 150 owned by Friðrik (Frikki) and Alma, the other boat is brand new Zodiac Pro 15 powered by Suzuki 250 owned by Hilmar (Himmi).
They are running website www.krafturikringumisland.com which is only in Iceland, but here are few guidelines to make it easy for you guys to follow:
Forsíða = Frontpage
Um framtakið = The project
Blogg = Blog
Gestabók = Guestbook
Mynda albúm = Photo gallery
Myndbönd = Videos
Ferðaáætlun = Travel plan
On Monday I will have my colleagues at work to set out an Icelandic map with all destinations so you will be able to follow their journey as there will be an active reporting on the progress on their website.
I will try to update all their steps on this thread, although first days may be a bit difficult as I will be working in Italy at Lake Garda......  
I will use this oportunity to wish them all the best in their endevour
08 June 2008, 22:14
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Got those pictures tonight of both boats
08 June 2008, 22:24
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Couple more photos, and map of Iceland tomorrow marked with stops.
08 June 2008, 23:30
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,935
Big trip...
That's got to be almost 1000 Nautical Miles... Big voyage in small open boats, just below the Arctic Circle for a good stretch and round Hornstrandir - beautiful but treacherous waters that I have personal and not particularly cheerful experience of. Well, hats off to the crews, but rather them than me.
Actually, on reflection, I'm stunned. That's a potentially nightmare trip and I wish them good weather, good luck and a friendly sea....
... but then, we should remember that the founding families rowed to Ísland.
09 June 2008, 00:06
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Originally Posted by willk
That's got to be almost 1000 Nautical Miles... Big voyage in small open boats, just below the Arctic Circle for a good stretch and round Hornstrandir - beautiful but treacherous waters that I have personal and not particularly cheerful experience of. Well, hats off to the crews, but rather them than me.
Actually, on reflection, I'm stunned. That's a potentially nightmare trip and I wish them good weather, good luck and a friendly sea....
... but then, we should remember that the founding families rowed to Ísland.
Their intention is to cross the ARCTIC CIRCLE   
How about take you to Grimsey to do the crossing 
11 June 2008, 18:36
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
At last, here is the map showing where they stop.
14 June 2008, 05:45
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Twenty minutes ago they left Vestmannaeyjar heading to Reykjavík. They decide to start two days earlier due to forecast as well as to use extra day to promote the project in Reykjavik bot to the public as well as to the media.
14 June 2008, 20:44
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
We met the two round Iceland charity ribs just outside Grindavik (village) and we went into Grindavik harbour where the crews had little rest and lunch where they offered us smoked Puffin (delicious) as well as tea. After about half an hour stop we continued the trip to Reykjavik and estimated cruise to be 2,5 hours. Seastate was lot better than forecasted infact a smooth ride, especially for us.
14 June 2008, 20:51
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
As we got closer to Reykjavik, Ingo and family joined us in their Ribeye, unfortunately as we approached Reykjavik harbour one chamber ripped most like as they have hit debrise in the water, so we had to take the boat up and is now at our workshop for tube repair.
Fortunately next leg will not be til June 17th, on our National day at 11.45 where they will cruise to Ólafsvík.
14 June 2008, 22:39
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,935
Originally Posted by bogib
where they offered us smoked Puffin (delicious) as well as tea.
What! No hákarl and vodka/Brennivín? Sissies! Holy Moley, those lads in the ribs look well cold. Hope the weather keeps fair for the northern leg. Luck with the tube!
14 June 2008, 22:45
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Originally Posted by willk
What! No hákarl and vodka/Brennivín? Sissies! Holy Moley, those lads in the ribs look well cold. Hope the weather keeps fair for the northern leg. Luck with the tube!
Farewell party was last night, we where told...... so tea was offered today specially for us the sissies 
16 June 2008, 21:22
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Tóta tuðra is now beeing repaired and is ready to continue the Charity cruise tomorrow June 17th, which is Iceland´s National Day.
At 11.45 local time (GMT) they will leave Reykjavik for Ólafsvík.
As I am located myself at Lake Garda in Italy this week testing new brand of ribs so rely on Alma to provide me with information and pics.
17 June 2008, 16:30
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Repair of Tóta Tuðra tubes completed this morning and both boats should have left Reykjavik at 11.45 (GMT).
Picture shows Tommi working on the tubes the other night.
20 June 2008, 19:32
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
As I at Copenhagen airport on way home and not been with internet connection I will update this thread upon arrival home during the night.
22 June 2008, 23:37
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Reykjavík - Ólafsvík
Þá erum við formlega lögð af stað í hringferðina, við lögðum af stað eftir góða kveðjustund frá Reykjavíkurhöfn um 12:30 og var stefnan tekin á Ólafsvík.
Sjóveðrið var ekki alveg með okkur en var töluverð seinkun á strákunum af sökum þess. Þeir ákváðu að bíða veðrið aðeins af sér á Arnarstapa í tvo tíma og keyrðum við stelpurnar þangað með bensín til þeirra og tókum einn af áhöfininni með okkur til Ólafsvíkur þar sem að hann var orðin frekar kaldur og blautur.
En um klukkan 22:30 silgdu þeir á Nínon og Tótu í höfn í Ólafsvík.
Þar var tekið vel á móti okkur og fengum við gistiaðstöðu í húsnæði Lífsjargar sem er björgunarsveitin í Ólafsvík, frábær aðstaða í alla staði og peyjarnir í björgunarsveitinni snerust alveg í hringi í kringum okkur og kunnum við þeim bestu þakkir fyrir. Þeir lánuðu okkur kerru undir Tótu svo að við gætum tekið hana upp og látið límið á henni þorna betur yfir nóttina. Takk kærlega fyrir okkur Davíð Óli, Halldór og félagar í Lífsbjörgu.
En smá vandamál kom upp þar sem sundlaugin var lokuð og engin sturta var í húsnæðinu en Bára og Óðinn voru fljót að redda því og leyfðu strákunum að koma heim til sín í sturtu og viljum við koma kæru þakklæti til þeirra hér með.
Eftir að strákarnir voru búnir að þrífa seltuna af sér komu þeir til baka í Mettubúð (húsnæði Lífsbjargar) og beið þeirra þá líka þessi dýrindis grillveisla sem við stelpurnar vorum búnar að standa sveittar við að undirbúa fyrir þá og var borðað um 1 um nóttina með bestu lyst enda allir orðnir glorhungraðir eftir erfiði dagsins og svo var lagst til hvílu.
Reykjavík – Ólafsvík
We are officialy started our adventure round Iceland, we left at 12:30 after good farewell reception at Reykjavik old harbour and we are now heading for Ólafsvík. The sea condition is now favourable and where delayed as they decide to wait at Arnarstapi for two hours, we they girls drove some jerry cans of fuel to them as well we took one of the crew member on board our car as he was getting wet and cold. Arrival at Ólafsvík was 22:30 hours.
The reception was very heart welcoming and we got facilities at SAR station Lifsbjörg, the facilities there is first class as well as the SAR people was extremely helpful, they even offered their trailer to take Tótu ashore and keep her inside overnight. We grant our special thanks to Davíð Óli, Halldór and to all SAR members at Lífsbjörg.
Little problem was that local swimming pool was closed and no shower at the SAR station so Bára and Óðinn offered their home to the boys and we are thankful for that.
As we got back to the station fired has been brought to BBQ grill and delicious steaks where served and that went on to 01:00 and surely the guys where hungry after a long day and after great time all went to bed.
"Written by Alma"
23 June 2008, 00:01
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Ólafsvík til Tálknafjarðar
Ferðin gekk vel frá Ólafsvík til Tálknafjarðar og mikið um náttúrudýrðir að sjá á þeirri leið og helst má nefna Látrabjarg sem er mikilfenglegt hvort sem er á það litið af sjó eða landi.
Við stelpurnar keyrðu frá Ólafsvík til Stykkishólms og fengum einnig að njóta þess að fara á sjó en bara með aðeins stærra skipi þ.e.a.s. Baldri, komum við á Innri Múla hjá honum Sveini og tóku bensín á brúsa og skemmti hann okkur konunglega og sagði okkur margar sögur.
Þegar á Tálknafjörð var komið tók Sveitarstjórnin á móti bátunum en það var fundur hjá sveitarstjórnini og gerðu þau stutt hlé á honum til að heilsa uppá vösku drengina frá Vestmannaeyjum, Sveitarstjórnin bauð öllum í sund og einnig út að borða 3ja rétta máltíð í samvinnu við Hópið sem er veitingastaðurinn á Tálknafirði og fengum við dýrindis mat og fórum svo í heimsókn til Sveitarstýrunar hennar Eyrúnar Ingibjargar Sigþórsdóttur og fjölskyldu, en hún er ættuð úr eyjum.
Svo var haldið af stað í skólann sem við gistum í og komið sér í háttin sæl og glöð eftir ánægjuríkan dag.
Viljum við koma kærum þökkum til Ingu sem sér um ferðaþjónustuna á Tálknafirði, Eyrúnar og Tryggva, starfsfólksins á Hópinu og allra á Tálknafirði sem tóku svo vel á móti okkur þetta mun aldrei gleymast.
Ólafsvík to Tálknafjörður
The trip from Ólafsvik to Tálknafjörður was great and the nature and landscape enroute so great and magnificent including Látrarbjarg which no words can describe enough.
We, the girls drive from Ólafsvík to Stykkishólmur where we had our seatrip by taking the ferry across which is a lot larger than boys RIB´s we dropped by at Innri Múli where we took petrol and Sveinn told us few stories.
As the boats came to Tálknafjörður all members of the local municipal came to port to welcome the guys as they did break on there meeting. They invited all to swimming pool and after they invited everybody to Hópið, a local restaurant where 3 course meal was served, afterwards we where invited to the headmaster Eyrún Ingibjörg Sigþórsdóttir and family, she has roots to Vestmannaeyjar. We slept at the school.
We want to thanks to thank everyone at Tálknafjörður for their extreme welcome and that will ever be remembered.
"written by Alma"
23 June 2008, 00:02
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Ólafsvík - Tálknafjörður
Photo series 2
23 June 2008, 00:04
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Ólafsvík - Tálknafjörður
Photo series 3
23 June 2008, 00:25
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Tálknafjörður - Djúpavík
Jæja þá erum við loksins komin í netsamband vorum í Djúpuvík í gær og þar var hvorki netsamband né símasamband þannig að við vorum algjörlega einangruð frá umheiminum. En mikið var nú skemmtilegt að fara í Djúpuvík og gaman að sjá gömlu húsin og verksmiðjuna.
Það var svolítill sjór á leiðinni hjá strákunum en þeir fóru á ýmsa staði Hornbjargið var mikilfenglegt og komu strákarnir með fullt af myndum tilbaka og er hluti af þeim kominn inní myndaalbúmið. Þeir kíktu í Reykjarfjörðinn Nyrði og fengu þar fiskibollur hjá Sigga Steina (bróður hans Frigga) og fjölskyldu og síðan fóru þeir á Norðurfjörð og þar var þeim boðið í vöfflur með rjóma og kaffi á Kaffi Norðurfjörður þaðan lá leiðin í Ingólfsfjörð og voru gamla síldarverksmiðjan skoðuð þar og ennþá meira af myndum teknar svo var stefnan tekin í Djúpuvík og þar dvalið í góðu yfirlæti bæði á Hótel Djúpavík og einnig í húsinu sem Ágúst Guðmundsson útvegiði okkur og viljum við koma kærum þökkum til hans og bróður hans sem á húsið fyrir lánið því allt var upp pantað á Hótelinu enda skákmót í gangi þar.
Við stelpurnar rúntuðum þetta og skoðuðum gamalt eyðibýli á leiðinni frá Ísafirði til Djúpuvíkur og var það mjög spennandi. Óhugnalegt var að keyra undir hlíðum fjallsins og ekkert nema grjóthrun niður hlíðarnar og fram af veginum. Og vont var að mæta vörubílum og farþeginn lokaði bara augunum enda langt niður hennar meginn að sjó.
Tálknafjörður to Djúpavík
It was a bit choppy for the guys, however the Hornbjarg was magnificent and they guys brought loads of pictures from this leg and they will uploaded at our gallery. They pop in at Reykjafjörður Nyrðri and got fishballs at Sigga Steina (Friggi´s brother) family then heading to Norðurfjörður where they invited to coffe and waffles at Cafe Norðurfjörður as well looked they at the old Herring factory before heading to Djúpavík where we stayed at Hotel Djúpavík.
We the girls drove by old deserted farm on the way from Ísafjörður to Djúpavík which was excited to look at. It was horrible driving the narrow mountain/cliff roads, even worse was meeting the trucks og the passanger closed her eyes as the cliffs where on her side and high look to the seas......
"written by Alma"
23 June 2008, 00:28
RIBnet supporter
Country: Iceland
Town: Reykjavik
Boat name: Cheesee
Make: Seaquel 600 XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 275 Verado
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,959
Tálknafjörður to Djúpavík
Photo series 2
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