Thought I'd post about my trip yesterday ........
I recall reading about HMS taking an SR4 round the IOW some years ago , and having been round on Whispers Mcmillan day and thinking I want to do this in my boat ! I've been looking for the right day to do it .
Fuelled the boat up yesterday with no particular plans just to head out of Poole and enjoy the day I headed along the beach at Bournemouth and thought this is OK..if I turn right a little I can go the Needles , half way there I thought if I turn right a bit again I can get to St Catherines ...and maybe just keep going round.
A quick think about tides and all seemed OK for an Anticlockwise route - I had loads of petrol and kit so despite being on my own I kept going ( a couple of texts to let people know what I was doing) .
All in from Poole it took about 4 hours - stopped off Yarmouth to swap tanks as I had about 1 litre left in my 25 litre tank - so stuck the other 25 litre tank on .
Ended up doing 82 miles in my ( known for its leisure hull , bench seats etc) 4m Avon Adventure
Having checked the tank this morning I think I used about 31 litres of petrol

. I cruised at about 20knts all the way round.
I was quite pleased to have done it - especially from Poole...
Got back to Poole did a lap of Brownsea - took shirt and lifejacket off as it was only 3 ft of water and the sun was really hot - but then felt guilty for not having my LJ as I saw Mrs Glatzel
Guess it shows if you pick your day there's no reason not to do stuff that bigger boats can do .