22 June 2011, 07:38
Country: UK - England
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Round the Island Race
Anyone going to be out to see some of the round the island race? looks like weather will be nice!
If i can sort domestic arrangements will go out early for the start!
22 June 2011, 08:43
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Hants
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Posts: 3,072
You should see us , 0500 start to cowes picking up 0530 at cowes to see race
Sent from my iPhone using Rib.net
22 June 2011, 09:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
Boat name: To be confirmed
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Posts: 294
We'll be afloat for the start and follow them up to Hurst....
Then return to cowes for a top up, return to station and change the fuel filters on the tractor.
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
22 June 2011, 16:35
Country: UK - England
Length: 7m +
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 1,619
Very ealey start to see them I think. What time do you think they may go past Hurst Castle ? I am debating whether to venture out early
22 June 2011, 17:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Cotswolds
Make: Avon SR4
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp
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Posts: 118
Hurst castle varies as the start is staggered by class...
J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race 2011 - The course
gives you all the info you want...
Hurst Point: 0730 - 1030
best viewing can vary according to wind - but the three places I think are most fun are:
- needles (esp. yachts going through!)
- Bouy off Bembridge - sole bouy marker - giving a lot of boats all heading for one tiny point - chaos and a lot of fun!
- Ryde: Ryde sands usually claim some casualties
enjoy - I might come next year - best fun race I have ever done in a yacht, but would like to see from a rib as well...
23 June 2011, 19:45
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Expresso
Make: Ribeye
Length: 5m +
Engine: outboard/petrol/100
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 79
Hoping to be out there. Daughter sailing in race, but gonna drop rib in water Friday night. Trying to encourage wife to go out early - not sure how early at the moment.
23 June 2011, 21:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Half Cut
Make: Cobra 8.6
Length: 8m +
Engine: Verado 275
MMSI: 235104619
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 381
I'm hoping to be there. I have been planning to go since about May when the H2O show on Solent Radio started plugging it. Should be a great sight.
Planning to leave Poole about 05:30 and hope to be off the Needles in time to see the fleet go by. Weather and wind permitting.
24 June 2011, 08:45
Country: UK - England
Length: 7m +
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Posts: 1,619
Originally Posted by Oscarguitar
I'm hoping to be there. I have been planning to go since about May when the H2O show on Solent Radio started plugging it. Should be a great sight.
Planning to leave Poole about 05:30 and hope to be off the Needles in time to see the fleet go by. Weather and wind permitting.
I may see you out there, planning on leaving poole around 06:00
25 June 2011, 05:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Half Cut
Make: Cobra 8.6
Length: 8m +
Engine: Verado 275
MMSI: 235104619
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 381
Put the boat in the water last night, fueled up and ready to go. Up today at 05:00. Blowing a force 4-5, drizzle and overcast, checked the weather forecast and decided to go back to bed!
Good for the race but not so good for the spectator boats.
Maybe next year?
25 June 2011, 10:51
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Hants
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Posts: 3,072
Well it was wet and wild at race starts off cowes now there have been 170 yachts retire. Many Maydays and pan pans.
Sent from my iPhone using Rib.net
25 June 2011, 14:28
Country: UK - England
Town: southampton
Make: Island RIBS / custom
Length: 7m +
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 301
i went the whole way round, was very wet of the southern side,
i past a SB3 with broken rudder, i stopped to check they were ok and they had a hand held vhf with flat battery, so i aided them by calling Island Link, the race control and informing them of the boat, damage and a posistion. they were all happy so i carried on my way.
then i passed an upturn tri, they had pitch poled and were full turtle, race control had been informed, but then i passed another rib with a sleeping bag off the upturn boat wrapped around its prop, i stoppped and asked if they were ok and they were happily cutting it off with a letherman, so i carried on my way.
the tidal race off st cats was great fun and i had a fun time.....
25 June 2011, 16:58
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Hants
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Posts: 3,072
Originally Posted by butty
i went the whole way round, was very wet of the southern side,
i past a SB3 with broken rudder, i stopped to check they were ok and they had a hand held vhf with flat battery, so i aided them by calling Island Link, the race control and informing them of the boat, damage and a posistion. they were all happy so i carried on my way.
then i passed an upturn tri, they had pitch poled and were full turtle, race control had been informed, but then i passed another rib with a sleeping bag off the upturn boat wrapped around its prop, i stoppped and asked if they were ok and they were happily cutting it off with a letherman, so i carried on my way.
the tidal race off st cats was great fun and i had a fun time.....
Well done for that trip all the way round, I lost count of how many maydays and pan pans coming in, varied from the incidents you saw to crew in the water and one missing for 7 minutes
The first call I think was at Bramble bank with a demasted boat before 0600. Then it just kept coming. The emergency call were still live at 3pm. BIG congrats to the Solent coastguard operator who kept it all together,  not heard them that busy for a long while
25 June 2011, 18:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 171
Yes, pretty chaotic around 9.00 to 10.00 with loads of calls for assitance. The services must have been stretched for a while. We loitered around the Needles for a while taking photographs in a fairly large swell and messy conditions. Haven't got any photos as my hands were kept busy at the helm but am hoping to see some from my crew at some stage.
Drifted back towards Cowes congratulating myself for staying (relatively) dry then managed to stuff it into the back of wave in what I thought were improving sea conditions. We all got very wet - as did the cameras oops
Nevertheless a great run out and most of the yachts looked like they were having a great time too.
25 June 2011, 19:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Porchfield
Boat name: Katie
Make: Stingher
Length: 10m +
Engine: Verado 350 x 2
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Posts: 697
Also had a fantastic day - mad as well, spent most the morning off the needles - quite interesting away from the shelter of the island. Had a moment - went up a very large breaking swell, got some air under the bow and got dumped on our arse ( 6.6 predator 150hp merc ). Engine and rear passengers got very wet - all I could see from the helm was the bow pointing towards the clouds! Doh! Had a 2 second flap - did a head count, restarted the engine, bilge pump on, systems check and had a brew!
25 June 2011, 20:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble
Boat name: Worth the wait
Make: Parker
Length: 7m +
Engine: Outboard
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 1,446
The coastguard and other rescue services did themselves proud today. I have never heard the radio that busy with emergency calls of every description. No matter how poor/untrained the person maiking the call, it was answered extremely well and calmly by CG.
Just to add to the mix there were several problems along the Jurassic Coast too, where the radio coverage overlaps.
A good day on the water, as one of our clients said, interestingly rough
26 June 2011, 16:52
Country: UK - England
Length: 7m +
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 1,619
I left Poole at 0530am, horrible weather, seemed a long way to the needles at that time in the morning in those conditions. Yes I was also amazed by how many maydays and pan pans, seemed more than one happening at the same time. Returned to Poole by 2pm and completely knackered. Nothing went wrong so all good. Don't think I will bother next time if weather is similar, hopefully it won't be. A dozen or so ribs were out and about.
26 June 2011, 23:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
Boat name: No name
Make: None at present
Length: no boat
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 30
Big Swell
It was grim at Bembridge ledge, livened up bysome impressive runs upwind and wave by 'Hot Lemon' - this is one of the casualties - think it happened off Ventnor and dumped at St Helens fort awaiting salvage.
Not ideal conditions for pictures and probably as rough as I have seen this year.
This is a big solid cruising style cat not a lightweight MOCRA style - in the cabin it looked really grim with allsorts washing around, Inshore rescue looking at it but this was some hours later.....
Crockett & Tubbs - role models for a generation.....
27 June 2011, 10:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
Boat name: To be confirmed
Make: None
Length: no boat
Engine: None
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Posts: 294
The comms were pretty manic all day as well as Distress Buttons being pressed left right and centre. Even before vessels left the Western Solent there were collisions, MOB markers and liferafts.
The RNLI were busy sweeping up after the fleet and we launched when the radio comms started to get a bit more frantic but all was well and we just shadowed with a RN Warship up into the Hurst Narrows.
BIG SWELLS off the Needles....
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
28 June 2011, 21:15
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Expresso
Make: Ribeye
Length: 5m +
Engine: outboard/petrol/100
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 79
We were out there at 0615, got to start line just as daughter's fleet were off. Took us a while to find them, with poor visibility and the swell. At one point in front of us a yacht tacked a bit close to another, got caught on a wave and was somehow dumped onto its bow. Fortunately, the damage was above water line. We hung around, checked everyone was OK and one boat limped back to Cowes. We didn't go beyond Hurst Castle as it looked like mayhem. I'd also got very wet, finding out my elderly foul weather gear was not waterproof. So back to Hamble and quick trip to Andark, for new oilies, before going back out again.
The finish in the early afternoon was slightly less dramatic, as the weather did improve.
We were out again mid morning on Sunday, to watch the Sigma's racing. Fog kept coming down and lifting, but at least there was not the swell.
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