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Old 06 January 2005, 12:03   #21
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Toldya I couldnt read !
Hope your cold is better.

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Old 06 January 2005, 12:06   #22
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Originally Posted by Brian
Hope your cold is better.
Much better thanks, although still got a bit of a sore throat and the sniffles hanging on! Sorry I couldn't make it but Richard seems to have had a good time! Must try again next time we're down!

Regarding the charity (and so I don't feel guilty about hijacking this thread for a bit of a personal chat!), what charity will the money go to? If you post details Tim I'm sure a few of us will gladly contribute!
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Old 06 January 2005, 13:01   #23
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The boat is a Naiad I think with an Aluminium hull. Serious looking bit of kit and I've seen her going through her paces off Southwold. As has been said Round Britain in 13hr days is not particularly special these days in the ribbing world. 5m RIBS did it back in 2001 so a 9m RIB shouldn't have too many problems. If its a charity run then more power to him and I hope he raises a lot of money. (Otherwise he might as well just donate the price of 6500l of petrol to his chosen charity )
Out of the fog......
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Old 06 January 2005, 20:41   #24
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I've been on the boat and it's a very capable bit of kit!

I'm still trying to clarify what exactly the "record" will be, as well as the exact chairty (I did know but I've forgotten). It's some sort of multiple sclerosis chairty. Details to follow!
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Old 08 January 2005, 09:36   #25
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I've heard back from Marcus, and here are the details:

The "record" is an informal one to grab the attention of the press etc. It's actually going to be the longest ever recorded crossing from one side of the river to the other at Southwold; round the country and back to the other side.

The charity is the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Marcus and his crew will be funding the trip out of their own pockets, so all the money raised to go to the charity.

Below is some information he sent me (excuse the lack of formatting; my fault)

Round Britain For Multiple Sclerosis
On the 12th May 2005 a group of ten people will set off round Britain in an open boat.
The purpose of this 1400 Nautical mile challenge is to raise as much money and awareness for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society as possible.
The crew will be onboard the Coastal Voyager, which is a nine meter rigid inflatable boat. To ensure the maximum amount of money is raised the crew will pay for the running cost of the boat.
Why MS?
It is a disease, which can affect anyone with a wide range of signs and symptoms associated with damage to the central nervous system.
The mission of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is to end the devastating effects of MS.
The Society and its network of chapters nationwide promote research, educate, advocate on critical issues, and organize a wide range of programs including support for the newly diagnosed and those living with MS over time.
We will get as many MS groups involved as possible throughout the voyage. We want to make this a “local event” meeting MS groups around the country and giving financial support to their projects.

Film Coverage by EV Productions
EV Production is part of the EV Group of companies, which specialises in
video from mobile or dangerous locations, often using miniature cameras
and remedied recorders. EV crews produced the broadcast in-car footage
of the World Championship Rally series for over ten years, and have
installed remote camera systems on round the world "Global Challenge"
yachts, stunt aircraft and racing powerboats, as well as Formula One
track cars.
The EV Production team includes a former senior BBC TV News editor, and
the company has extensive experience providing coverage of sporting and
other events to broadcasters around the world, usually against tight
With their roots in the TV industry, EV personnel understand
the needs of broadcasters and can supply high quality, edited packages,
fully scripted by experienced broadcast journalists and ready for quick
Boat Crew
The crew is made up of people from all walks of life.
The Skipper Marcus Gladwell BSc Comb Eng
Marcus has sailed round the world twice, spent two seasons working for Sir Chay Blyth’s Challenge Business above the Arctic Circle and in his younger days earned a living as a fisherman and then a diver.
He has been involved in charitable activities since 1987 when he joined Southwold Lifeboat crew. Marcus has been responsible for crew training from 1997 and took on the role of Senior Helm in 2001. Other charity events include the “Playtex Moonwalk” marathon and an attempt at crossing the English Channel underwater.

Julian Barnwell
Lincoln Barnwell
Nick Brooker
Chris Castle
Chris Chapman
Doug Ashley
Andrew Pilkington
Carl Slaymaker
Jack Fountain
EV Cameraman – Mark Wells

Shore Crew
Jerry Sherwood
Graham Ritches
EV Productions editing team.

The shore crew will consist of two vehicles, one for the boat and crew the other for the Eastern Video team. The coastal Voyager will make two stops a day and the footage recorded on board will be edited by the Eastern Video shore team and passed on to the relevant press or TV stations.
We will need six thousand litres of petrol and one hundred litres of two-stroke oil! Getting the logistics right, refuelling the boat and the crew, will be a vital part in the success of the voyage.
The Route
Day one 5am Dept Southwold – Cowes IOW –Falmouth 13 hours not inc stop Days run 330Nm
Day two 6am Dept Falmouth - Fishguard - Holyhead 10 hours not inc stop Days run 244Nm
Day three 6am Dept Hollyhead – Oban – Tobermory 9 hours not inc stop Days run 213Nm
Day four 6am Dept Tobermory - Wick 8 hours Days run 220Nm
Day five 8am Dept Wick – Peterhead – Berwick-upon-Tweed 7 hours Days run 168Nm
Day six 6am Dept Berwick-upon-Tweed –Whitby – Southwold 9 hours Days run 230Nm
The times for each leg could be considerably longer if the conditions were less than ideal.
We may also have to deviate from the proposed stops and increase the distances on some legs to stay within the time scale.
The Sponsors
We have had a great deal of support from many areas including £5,000 from A.G.E. Electrical Services Ltd, waterline sponsors including the engine supplier E.P. Barrus / Mercury, Barnwell Printers, Petans and Hammonds Garage.
The opportunity to be the main sponsor is still available and as we mentioned earlier, the cost of the charter of the boat is being met by the crew. We would like the main sponsor to make a donation to MS and cover the promotional side of the event, including the filming , printing of literature, any liveried clothing required by the sponsor and also any events outside the main voyage which the sponsor wanted to us to promote their company and the event.
If you would like to know more about the voyage and what is involved please contact Marcus Gladwell on 07887525082 or drop me a line at
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Old 08 January 2005, 10:08   #26
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Originally Posted by timofengland
The "record" is an informal one to grab the attention of the press etc. It's actually going to be the longest ever recorded crossing from one side of the river to the other at Southwold; round the country and back to the other side.
Excellent! Please post updates here if that's OK with Marcus, JK etc. Looking forward to following their progress and we'll certainly make a donation.
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