Originally Posted by Diz Carey
As the person who eventually boarded the RIB, I can only give you a personal viewpoint. This is not on behalf of the RNLI. We had good reason to belive that the Rib had only just come out of the Hamble river having re-fuelled. Although it was turning in small circles these were not of a regular pattern nor diameter. The chances of the rib coming off the top of a wash and straightening up while unlikely could not be ruled out. This would present a very real danger not only to the very many people enjoying fine sunday afternoon conditions but also a vast number of unsuspecting people in the hamble had it straight lined into the river entrance.
Firstly PLEASE don't think I am attacking the RNLI - nobody has more admiration for them - my father was - at one stage - a crew member.
If it was you who jumped on board then if I had a hat I would take it off to you - a very brave thing to do!
However I will STILL stick by my comments. Obviously hindsight is all well and good AFTER the event but surely people are always learning? Most people these days will review what took place and analyse the event to see if things would be done differently next time.
You say "The chances of the rib coming off the top of a wash and straightening up while unlikely could not be ruled out."
And yet it DID resume it's circling - despite being rammed by the lifeboat - surely that was more likely to alter it's course than it coming off the wash???
Again NOT an attack on the RNLI - just a comment made with the benefit of HINDSIGHT!!!!