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Old 01 February 2007, 18:37   #1
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Runaway RIB !!!!

Take a look at the link below, highlights the importance of a kill cord !!!!!

I've seen a real messy result in the Solent after a runaway RIB ran over its owner.
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Old 01 February 2007, 19:23   #2
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I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord, I must remember to use the kil cord,
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Old 01 February 2007, 21:18   #3
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No Kill cord, not a lifejacket in sight (Apart from lifeboat/customs)

Sounds like the RIB got a right whack, wonder if she'll be up for sale?!
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Old 03 February 2007, 20:16   #4
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I have been testing this for a year now. Will be out for sale this spring.

Wery happy with it.

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Old 03 February 2007, 21:49   #5
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Originally Posted by RibRoy View Post
I have been testing this for a year now. Will be out for sale this spring.

Wery happy with it.
That system looks really good, do you know how much they are? And is it just the driver who wears it or does everyone on board where one?

Thanks, Freddie
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Old 03 February 2007, 22:05   #6
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Looks good. How much and how does it work. Do you need to fit bits on the engine to make it work etc ???
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Old 04 February 2007, 16:24   #7
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What about this then?
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Old 05 February 2007, 22:07   #8
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Originally Posted by RibRoy View Post
I have been testing this for a year now. Will be out for sale this spring.

Wery happy with it.
I've thought about something like this for a while, and although it sounds like a good idea at first, I have one major reservation about it - "the immobilizer is activated automatically when you move 20 to 40 meters from your boat" - if your steering is hard over at full lock when you leave the boat, you may not be more that the necessary 20-40 metres to trigger the immobiliser. This would be potentially lethal if the boat continues to circle around you. The web site doesn't explicitly state if there's a panic button to kill the engine in case of the automatic sender failing to do it's job. Even if there is such a facility, I don't know if I would want to put my trust in a fallible electronic device when a simple lanyard does the job very efficiently and reliably. It goes against the KISS principle.
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Old 05 February 2007, 23:20   #9
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Originally Posted by Richard B View Post
I've thought about something like this for a while, and although it sounds like a good idea at first, I have one major reservation about it - "the immobilizer is activated automatically when you move 20 to 40 meters from your boat" - if your steering is hard over at full lock when you leave the boat, you may not be more that the necessary 20-40 metres to trigger the immobiliser. This would be potentially lethal if the boat continues to circle around you. The web site doesn't explicitly state if there's a panic button to kill the engine in case of the automatic sender failing to do it's job. Even if there is such a facility, I don't know if I would want to put my trust in a fallible electronic device when a simple lanyard does the job very efficiently and reliably. It goes against the KISS principle.
Richard - I am inclined to agree. I think it is also much more likely that my crew spot if I forget to attach kill cord than e.g. if I have left the digital tag thingy in my waterproof jacket when I took it off.

Kill cords are not 100% infallable. There are several people who have posted on here with engines that wouldn't start because of dodgy kill switch wiring - but that is relatively straight forward to debug. Working out if it is the remote sender or the "master unit" on the boat that develops a fault is going to be a headache in itself.

This electronic approach would not trip immediately if you fell over the transom with the engine in gear (straight into the prop!) e.g. if you have gone to investigate a problem at the back. Most kill cords won't reach far enough to examine the engine properly - this either means you kill the engine or make a conscious decision to disconnect the cord.

Also it is easy to test a kill cord is working before leaving the jetty, but to test this electronic one would require you to get off the boat and go a walk.

And finally if I drop my red cord over the side it will cost me a few pounds to replace. No doubt the remote sender costs a lot more...
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Old 06 February 2007, 07:36   #10
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also do you have to leave your electric on all the time so you can have the luxury of tilting and starting?
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Old 06 February 2007, 09:21   #11
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Originally Posted by Richard B View Post
I've thought about something like this for a while, and although it sounds like a good idea at first, I have one major reservation about it - "the immobilizer is activated automatically when you move 20 to 40 meters from your boat" - if your steering is hard over at full lock when you leave the boat, you may not be more that the necessary 20-40 metres to trigger the immobiliser. This would be potentially lethal if the boat continues to circle around you. The web site doesn't explicitly state if there's a panic button to kill the engine in case of the automatic sender failing to do it's job. Even if there is such a facility, I don't know if I would want to put my trust in a fallible electronic device when a simple lanyard does the job very efficiently and reliably. It goes against the KISS principle.
I agree.

As well as what Polwart said,20-40 metres extra before your engine cuts out is a hell of a long way extra to swim if you're solo.It could mean you being up to 80 metres away from the boat by the time it's stopped and you've got over the initial disorientation of going in unexpectedly.
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