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Old 23 September 2007, 18:08   #21
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Have a couple of observations to make:

Regarding the post from BassBoy i'd pretty much agree with most of it but would like to clarify a couple of points.

The course assumes that you have a good deal of experience and knowledge and as such, the emphasis should be more on testing you than teaching you.
I'd agree with this statement insofar as the statement made in the RYA Powerboat Logbook is

Candidates should be competent to the standard of the intermediate powerboat certificate with a thorough knowledge of navigation and chartwork to the level of Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate

However i would be keen to emphasise that this does not mean that the

emphasis should be more on testing you than teaching you.[/
Yes of course there is a need to ensure that you are up to standard on the navigation and chartwork side and of course your boat handling should be very good already but the Advanced Course is very much just that - a course - and as such that's the way an Instructor should approach it with you. After all there are plenty of subjects introduced at this level that will not have been covered before and may be new to you.

Finally i would very much agree that it is key to ensure that you are happy with the people/school that you are going to deal with - speak to them, visit them and put them through their paces. If they survive that they deserve your investment!!

Regarding PeterBs question re STCW95 medicals in my experience the STCW95 ones are not time limited. That said everyone i know who has one works on the basis of a 3 or 5 year update to keep abrest of changes.


Paul Glatzel
Powerboat Training UK, Poole & Lymington & Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington,
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Old 24 September 2007, 06:35   #22
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test or teach

Hi Paul
It's good to see that we are largely in agreement! (As we should be)
To clarify.....the test vs teach bit really refers to boat handling. Perhaps I should have made this more obvious.
I'm sure you find as I do, that a fair number of ADV candidates need a gentle reminder/refresher on some basics.
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Old 24 September 2007, 21:17   #23
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Old 21 October 2007, 21:10   #24
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Just a quick post to say that I did this course this weekend and it was great.

The school I did it at is a contributor to this forum. My Instructor is also a forum contributor.

I'm knackered now and going to sleep for hours...........might add some more detail later...................

3.5 hours out in the dark last night was totally new, scarey, fun, enjoyable and rewarding.......!
(missed the rugby though ;-) )

If you are thinking about doing this course then go for it.

Thanks Dan!

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Old 22 October 2007, 16:29   #25
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Originally Posted by peterb View Post
Doug - I asked my first aid trainers in an email how long my STCW95 Medical First Aid on Ship (3 day course) would last and they replied with the answer "5 years". Is that because it was the 3 day course and not the one day version? Or were they wrong?
No they were not wrong.

STCW Medica First Aid and Medic care last 5 yrs for the purposes of STCW/commercial vessels.

The RYA ask for First Aid training to be in the last 3 yrs, this is standard for most 1 days course.

Different organistaions selesct different durations, most use 3 yrs as that is what the HSE state. Howevere PADI state that their divers shoul refresh every 2 yrs regardless of who you trained with.

EFR say that their certificates last 2 yrs however are recognised for 3 yrs by other bodies.
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