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Old 11 September 2005, 08:03   #1
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RYA basic training

I think it is about time I attended some training as i have owned boats for years, 9 plus years and never attended training, as i am looking to buy a picton cobra now i was thinking it might be a smart move to get sea training etc. This question may have been asked before but does anyone know how much training is generally, just a ball park figure so that when i approach some schools i know roughly what good value should be, thanks all
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Old 11 September 2005, 08:25   #2
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Chris lost of the schools post on here and in IMHO they are some of the best. Do a search and you will find links to them. While some do have specials, most of the costs were close when i was looking. You need to think about location for travel time/night stop costs. Speak to some of them and see who you get on with. Some offer better prices to RIB net members . Good luck .
Remember It is only possible to live happy-ever-after on a day-to-day basis
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Old 11 September 2005, 10:29   #3
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Course Prices...


Just gone through a similar search myself (although in Scotland). Basically all the Schools seem to be charging ~ £200 for a two day Powerboat level 2 course. The only exception I found to this was a Centre owned by Edinburgh District Council, which was about half the price. Whilst they have a good reputation I chose not to go to them, because they seem to go for high volume of people on each course (although presumably the RYA set some student-instructor ratio) but I didn't think I would get the same level of coaching in my personal areas of weakness.

Hope that helps,

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Old 11 September 2005, 14:22   #4
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Suggest visit the RYA site then peruse the sites for various of the schools. Prices do vary but then so too does what you get for your money. As a guide we charge £290 (inc VAT) for Level 2, for us this includes Fuel, use of waterproofs (some schools charge), and copies of the RYA Powerboat Logbook & Powerboat Handbook. Schools will vary as to whether their prices include more or less than the above.

As the Nei(a)ls suggest ring the schools, see how they seem like they will satisfy your training needs and go with your gut feel. You might check this link out as it gives a checklist for assessing schools

It certainly pays to shop around and get a feel for the various organisations out there, if you are going to spend a reasonable chunk of cash its only reasoanble that you get the best return on that investment

Happy shopping

Paul Glatzel
Powerboat Training UK, Poole & Lymington & Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington,
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Old 11 September 2005, 19:16   #5
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Originally Posted by Paul Glatzel

Suggest visit the RYA site then peruse the sites for various of the schools. Prices do vary but then so too does what you get for your money. As a guide we charge £290 (inc VAT) for Level 2, for us this includes Fuel, use of waterproofs (some schools charge), and copies of the RYA Powerboat Logbook & Powerboat Handbook. Schools will vary as to whether their prices include more or less than the above.

Hi Chris
We charge £190 + £4.50p for your log book ( No VAT), or you can have own boat tuition for £300 but can split the cost by getting family or friends to do it with you . All our courses include fuel use of water proofs and of course life jackets. We keep our prices low to get people to come to the Isle of Wight and we have every navigation mark in the book and lots of traffic , if you can do it in the Solent you can do it any where. As to you get what you pay for yes that is absolutley true , but by paying a higher price does not alway's mean you will get a quality course a lot depends on your Instructor in that is it a job or is it a passion does he/she teach full time or week ends . I agree with Paul about looking on the RYA website and choosing a short list of schools . I would then call them up and ask what you would be doing on your course ask about the boats ie big or small ,engines size, new boat or old , can you do other courses with this school .I wish you good luck with your search for tuition and the fun your going to have on your rib.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 11 September 2005, 21:05   #6
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We're not gonna get into list of who can do it cheapest are we?
Makes no odds to me cos I'm a long way away from this guy, just south of the perma frost
Dave M
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