13 October 2001, 23:17
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Rya Quiz
So the RYA have written a quiz aimed at level 1&2 power boat training. 25 questions, some that actually need serious thought.
17 October 2001, 21:33
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RYA Quiz
Noticed your message re the RYA quiz. It isn't actually produced by the RYA as the site has no official links to the RYA - the quiz is though based around the RYA syllabus. The site is like RIB.net in that it has been produced by an enthusiast (me) rather than by a commercial outfit.
I am currently working on the Advanced quiz - does anyone have any good questions they think would merit inclusion? Need a question, three answers (one of which is right!) and your reasoning.
Can I suggest the link used is www.powerboat-training.co.uk as using your link would lose the navigation
18 October 2001, 02:28
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answer please?
I got them all right except the out board starting sequence?... the answer please...
18 October 2001, 07:02
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I've just taken the quiz. Some interesting questions! In Sweden and the Adriatic Sea the tide is not a problem so this was actually the first time I encountered this kind of questions.
I've never heard any of my instructors or any course material mention that receiveing a warp from a towing vessel could cost you dearly. This is a very important point and it is surprising that no mention of it is given in the official course literature.
And just as sirzap, I was stuck at the outboard starting sequence. The righ answer will depend on what engine you have, obviously, as many modern engines have electronically controlled choke/ignition.
On the other hand, just because your car has an automatic gear box, it doesn't mean you shouldn't know how to change gears manually.
18 October 2001, 07:09
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Starting sequence
I'll check out the file tonight to see what the site accepts as the correct sequence. That particular question always causes no end of debate as it is somewhat subjective!
19 October 2001, 07:23
Country: UK - England
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Looked into your question about the correct answer and I think you inadvertantly highlighted a bug in the site.
The question:
Put the following operations for starting an outboard into order:
a. check for water cooling telltale
b. turn starter key
c. operate choke
d. prime engine
e. close choke
f. set throttle to start, gear to neutral
g. fit kill cord
The programming accepts the following answers:
- gfdcbae
- gfcdbae
- gdfcbae
- gdcfbae
- gcdfbae
- gcfdbae
However the error you have highlighted is that unless you enter the letters without any gaps (as above) is says you got it wrong. I will correct this over the next few days.
You might also want to check this link out - its quite amusing
Thanks for highlighting the error
20 October 2001, 07:52
Country: UK - Scotland
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Hi, I just did the quiz - score 28/30.
Now, this just goes to show that I have been listening to these forums and taking in all of the advice, also I have been studying Admiralty Chart 5001 (symbols etc.).
Thanks folks, I just wish I had found this site 12 months ago.
Keith (learning more each day) Hart
20 October 2001, 08:02
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I just tried it, great idea but it got stuck and kept repeating on question 4! It also seemd to highlight the right answer which I'm sure wasnt meant to happen..
20 October 2001, 08:14
Country: UK - Scotland
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One I got wrong was the one about priorities when accepting a tow. I thought it was more important to check the suitability of the towing boat first. My reasoning was that if it was NOT suitable then you could be endangering more lives. However the possibility of paying salvage seems to be given priority!
Keith (more concerned with safety than money) Hart
20 October 2001, 13:25
Country: UK - England
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Paul, very sorry the should have given the credit to you not the RYA. An interesting challenge look fwd to an advanced quiz although even this one beat me, (my students don't need to know that though). This is a good one for the winter to stop the skill fade. Pete
22 October 2001, 05:33
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Now that you have passed the test/quiz, I' m sure that Santa is more convinced to put under the tree that gps you wrote him about.
By the way, I 'm trying to convience Santa to bring me an upgrade (gps/map/fishfinder) for Christmas too.
Michael a.k.a "Bat Falcon"
22 October 2001, 08:40
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Excellent quiz. Got 29/30 but I'll put the one wrong answer down to the coding on the engine starting sequence
Sasa is correct. The starting sequence for a modern engine such as an Optimax is slightly different. It would be something like:
Fit Kill cord.
Ensure throttle is in neutral. (although safety lock should prevent start in gear.) Despite the fact that my merc throttle control has a cold start lever it should NOT be used.
Prime engine - also not really neccessary but if you have say just changed fuel tanks maybe useful.
Turn key to first position - engine pump will turn over and prime system.
Start engine on key. Choke is taken care of by the ECU on the engine. No smoke, no need to rev the nuts of the thing, it just ticks over!
Check tell tale.
I miss the clouds of 2 stroke smoke we used to get when we started our old Johnson V6........not!
22 October 2001, 08:43
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 26
I've just taken a look at the site and tried the test. I got the first one right but every other question after that has an answer highlighted. Unfortunately this is always the right answer ! I think there must be another glitch in the system.
28 October 2001, 18:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
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Hi, sorry you experienced a problem. There doesn't appear to be an issue with the site that I can find. Is it possible that someone else used your PC to undertake the quiz before you? If they did it would cause exactly the problem you highlight - subject to your PCs settings - sorry if this sounds like passing the buck - it's all I can think of!
ALL: Does anyone want to send through some questions for the advanced section?
29 October 2001, 07:28
Country: UK - England
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I've just done some of the questions and it appears that which ever answer you take, e.g. "A" remains highlighted in the next question.
You probably need to reset all fields to non-highlighted/selected before presenting the next question.
As "A" is the correct answer to the first few questions this would give the appearance of giving the correct answer
30 October 2001, 07:14
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 406
I see what you mean now. I'll work on sorting this over the next week - thanks (Nick - apologies to you too, note though that doesn't highlight right answer just appears to do so for first couple of questions)
Thanks again
02 November 2001, 07:32
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 26
Hi Paul,
Thanks for that....I saw your reply and started to worry that I might have been imagining it cos no-one else had done the quiz.
Just tried it again and it works fine.
08 December 2001, 14:17
Country: UK - Scotland
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Talking of quizzes, anyone like to try this one?
Best of luck!
Keith Hart
10 December 2001, 22:32
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Posts: 14
May not be in the spirit of the thing, but click "view source" and all the answers are there to see! such sloppy coding...tut tut!
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