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Old 11 February 2012, 17:50   #1
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RYA response

The enquiry into events at Sailing Championships have been finalised here-
RYA Tribunal proceedings relating to Ben Ainslie concluded | News | News & Events | RYA

Of interest is the statement from the RYA- "The Tribunal also recognised that there was an apparent lack of active management of media boats at this and previous events leading to repeated infringements of the provisions of the event media boat guidelines. In addition, formal rights of redress against official boats were not available to competitors."

With the Olympics sailing arriving soon at Weymouth and the other events in Berkshire I hope this is a wake up call to the RYA bringing in a very large number of boats for media, safety, security. I know a few on the forum has been given roles so lets hope proper training is completed. Biff can you throw any light on the rules/guidelines for official boats?
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Old 11 February 2012, 20:46   #2
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So what action if any was taken against the media boat?
Did Mr. Ainslie have a point?
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 11 February 2012, 22:01   #3
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"The Tribunal noted that it had had an opportunity to view evidence that was not available to the International Jury during the hearing at the event"

so wheres the video? anyone found it?
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Old 12 February 2012, 08:39   #4
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
The enquiry into events at Sailing Championships have been finalised here-
RYA Tribunal proceedings relating to Ben Ainslie concluded | News | News & Events | RYA

Of interest is the statement from the RYA- "The Tribunal also recognised that there was an apparent lack of active management of media boats at this and previous events leading to repeated infringements of the provisions of the event media boat guidelines. In addition, formal rights of redress against official boats were not available to competitors."

With the Olympics sailing arriving soon at Weymouth and the other events in Berkshire I hope this is a wake up call to the RYA bringing in a very large number of boats for media, safety, security. I know a few on the forum has been given roles so lets hope proper training is completed. Biff can you throw any light on the rules/guidelines for official boats?
This one will be down to us as field of play marshal leaders. Last year 5 of us were given the task of identifying exactly this problem and sort out with Locog how best to police it
While the press and coach boats seem not to think they are hindering anybody there will be a 3 strikes you're out type of thing going on
For us five we have agreed that nobody will get in the way of the sailors. The BBC guy pointed out they needed good shots. I pointed out that the camera could pick up a fly on a cows arse at a mile away and that these sailors have trained all there lives for this one moment
No one will get in there way if I can help it. I'm not there to watch the sailing but to do a specific job to do
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Old 12 February 2012, 08:45   #5
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Another thing. I know that Ben is our man but the rya sponsor team gbr.
Are they the right people to give an unbiased opinion
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Old 12 February 2012, 09:55   #6
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The RYA are not the right peopleto comment or make any rulings on this or any other dispute that may happen. Because they are a self appointed and they make their own rules there isn't anyone to challenge them about what they ulitmatly say. Well that is until now. I am challenging a set of rules they agreed with the UIM that have no relevance to what we are doing! Alan P
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Old 12 February 2012, 12:27   #7
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Originally Posted by biffer View Post
This one will be down to us as field of play marshal leaders. Last year 5 of us were given the task of identifying exactly this problem and sort out with Locog how best to police it
While the press and coach boats seem not to think they are hindering anybody there will be a 3 strikes you're out type of thing going on
For us five we have agreed that nobody will get in the way of the sailors. The BBC guy pointed out they needed good shots. I pointed out that the camera could pick up a fly on a cows arse at a mile away and that these sailors have trained all there lives for this one moment
No one will get in there way if I can help it. I'm not there to watch the sailing but to do a specific job to do
Cheers Biff, I knew you would know and the always professional approach as you say a job to do
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