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Old 06 February 2014, 14:15   #1
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RYA Safety Advice - Good or Bad or Missing The Point ?

As you may know the RYA have started to issue safety advice, just seen one as a follow up to the MAIB incident report about the Rib accident in Padstow last year.

I’ve cut and pasted it below. My thoughts are, who the "£$% wrote that as they seem to have missed the key bit of information about the accident. They then go on to list a few safety tips and don't even mention wearing lifejackets. The key thing they have missed regarding the padstow incident is that it was caused by inappropriate boat handling, e.g hard turn to starboard while putting the throttle into full power by the person standing next to the helmsman, with weight in the bow section and a hard keel over the back end went light, lost grip and a hook occurred throwing passengers out which then was a big issue due to not wearing a kill cord. So knowing your boats limitations and safe speed and handling should be on that list of advice.

They also mention that the RYA courses intermediate powerboat and advanced powerboat are more suitable for more powerful or higher performance craft, well I’ve done both and cannot remember anything specific to higher performance craft or more powerful craft being mentioned at all.

I sound like a right grumpy got today, it just really annoyed me that such an important issue and such an opportunity for people to learn directly from a horrible accident has been diluted, or main points missed completely. It reads like some numpty head slapped it together without reading the MAIB report and without any thought.

The safety article below;

RYA urges powerboat drivers to heed safety advice
Following publication of the MAIB's report into last year’s RIB accident the RYA is urging drivers to always wear a kill cord and to important safety steps.

Following the publication of the MAIB’s report today (30 January) on its investigation of the tragic RIB accident which took place in the Camel Estuary, Cornwall last year, the RYA is urging owners and drivers of small open-powered boats and RIBs to stay safe by following these simple safety steps:

1.Always wear a kill cord.
2.Keep a good look out.
3.Keep passengers and crew seated safely with secure handholds.
4.Maintain good communication throughout the journey.

Salutary reminder
Richard Falk RYA Training Manager “Last year’s accident was a salutary reminder to us all of how important it is to always wear a kill cord when underway.

"However, with most incidents there is rarely one single causal factor, but rather a number of contributory factors. In a majority of cases the avoidance of any one of these factors would have either prevented the accident or at the very least minimised its severity.

“That is why it is vitally important that boaters should never lose sight of any of these basic safety steps that should be followed every time they go out on the water, in particular to always wear a kill cord when underway.”

"If one good thing can possibly come from this tragedy it's that the issue of kill cords has received a great deal of media scrutiny.

"We would like to hope that has made more people aware of the hazards of operating craft without a kill cord attached."

Assisted the MAIB
The RYA assisted the MAIB (Marine Accident and Investigation Branch) in its investigations into this sad incident and continues to work with the Branch, the Maritime Coastguard Agency and the RNLI in promoting safety on the water.

It will be implementing the recommendations made with regard to its Powerboat Scheme as well as taking additional steps to further highlight hazards associated with high speed craft through our range of publications.

The RYA Powerboat 2 course is an excellent entry level course for anyone considering driving a small open-powered craft or RIB. More advanced tuition for more powerful or high performance craft available through our intermediate and advanced courses.

Safety Steps
1. Always wear a kill cord
Always, always use a kill cord and ensure that it is correctly attached to the driver of the boat. Wearing of kill cords is essential, as highlighted in the RYA’s annual Safety Advisory Notice 01/14.

The kill cord when correctly worn will stop the engine if the driver becomes dislodged from the helm position. You should always switch off your engine before coming alongside someone in the water.

2. Keep a good look out
Ensure the driver of the boat keeps a proper lookout at all times. When towing anyone on water skis, wake-boards or inflatables always have a spotter in the boat to monitor the people being towed.

3. Safe seating and good handholds
The driver, passengers and crew must have a firm handhold at all times and be seated on seats and not on the sides or the boat or at the front - particularly at high speed. Speed should be matched to the conditions – in rougher conditions slow down.

4. Good communication
The driver should warn passengers and crew prior to making any manoeuvres at speed or approaching rough water or wash from other vessels.

‘Think: Wear Your Kill Cord’ stickers are available from the RYA, contact training@rya.org.uk.
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Old 06 February 2014, 14:57   #2
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Interesting post.....

However ....I think the RYA have to try and make thier points in as simple a way as possible to keep the 'masses' happy & understanding.

In addition the RYA understanding of 'high performance' or 'high powered' has (I feel) not kept up with the times ....would you consider a 4m RIB with 30 hp high perfromance or high power ? Most on here don't I'd guess - but you'd still hit maybe 25knts.

If you have one person on the boat it pick up fast - load it with four or five and it'll be very sluggish.

I'd guess we 'might' share the views below as 'experianced' ribnobbers;

Its normal for a RIB to roll into a turn

Its normal to wear a LJ

Its normal to operate in shallow water

Its 'normalish' for it to slide and hook in a tight power on turn

Its not normal for a passenger/ crew to operate controls

Its 'normalish' for a 7m boat to have 200+hp

Its 'normalish' for private boats to have a beer or two at lunch time

Its normal for us humans to make mistakes ( like the above)

Despite all the above - the KC would have saved them

Accidents are very very very rarely just one thing - (this one a good example).

The kill cord is the final ultimate safety that (if in place) in this case would have saved lives even after all the other circumstances had happened - i think thats why they are stressing it ......for the 'uneducated masses' ( that probabaly wont ever read the report or even know about the accdient or any of the others)

So maybe you are a bit grumpy today - but that doesn't mean you're wrong

You're just viewing it as an experianced and responsible high performance boater
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Old 06 February 2014, 15:32   #3
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Originally Posted by PeterM View Post
Accidents are very very very rarely just one thing - (this one a good example).

The kill cord is the final ultimate safety that (if in place) in this case would have saved lives even after all the other circumstances had happened - i think thats why they are stressing it ......for the 'uneducated masses' ( that probabaly wont ever read the report or even know about the accdient or any of the others)
+1 agree completely
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Old 06 February 2014, 16:03   #4
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I am still grumpy ... its the weather, when will it end ?
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Old 06 February 2014, 16:11   #5
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I woke up this morning. I'm happy.
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