Hi All,
Just receive this from RYA Scotland and will share! Booking Form attached..
RYA Scotland Powerboat Forum 2010
The purpose behind the Powerboat Forum is to bring together all power boaters from across Scotland to meet and encourage the development of skill, knowledge and communication in relation to powerboats and their use.
This conference is aimed at individuals, Clubs and Groups, Commercial organizations, Instructors and Trainers, RYA membership is not required to attend the event
As this conference is the first of its type in Scotland, a range of subjects have been chosen to inform, and encourage the use of powerboats.
We’ve worked hard to make this conference as accessible as possible, and we are always happy to include any person with an interest in power boating or who are planning to become involved in power boating.
Please do share this programme with anyone you think may be interested.
The conference cost for is £20 per person, which includes all aspects of the activity as well as lunch and refreshments.
The RNLI have offered to carry out a Life jacket Clinic, Bring yours along and get a free inspection and the latest advice.
Proposed Programme Timings
0930 – 0945hrs
Coffee and registration
0945 – 1000hrs
Welcome and introductions
Health & Safety briefing
1000 – 1230hrs
Morning Workshops:
The role of a ships master and how modern power boating can learn.
RNLI and Sea Safety
Engines and How they are changing
1230 – 1315hrs
1315 – 1545hrs
Afternoon workshops:
(A practical presentation Weather Permitting)
Accidents and what happens after.
Navigation at speed and how it can be achieved
Powerboat Scotland
RYA Scotland Up Date
1615 – 1630hrs
Debrief and thanks