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Old 21 April 2004, 07:42   #1
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RYA Training schools

Hi all
am on my soapbox on this one, but it is valid for anyone wishing to undertake any training.
please check that before you part with any cash for tuition that the school is a recognised training centre and displays the RYA Logo in its advertising
then please check that its is able to run the courses it is offering via RYA website a situation has arisen on the Island
a guy phoned wanting to do a safety boat course i explained to him that even though a safety boat instructor and RLSS rescue boat trainer assessor i can not do the course as my school is not recognised for safety boat tuition
reason being i am not attached to a sailing/windsurfing school and do not have the equipment ie fleet of dinghys/windurfers to give a quality course
i do teach these for other schools and RLSS anyway guy phones back
all sorted so and so school is going to do it and guess what no dinghys/windsurfers like me so in my opinion the client is being taken for a ride , and am going to have a moan to John Menzies about this.
so please check the schools credentials see what kit they have and that their boats in good condition and most important dont part with any cash if they are not a recognised training centre. moan over
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 21 April 2004, 11:15   #2
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Well said Tim. Fully agree with you. I am now registered for Safety Boat courses but we run joint ones with a local RYA Dinghy RTE. It works much better giving the pupils a much wider variety of dinghys to rescue etc.
Reference the new intermediate course, the last 2 people who came on the course about 2 weeks ago had done their Level 2 somewhere else in coastal waters. They had never seen a chart or tide table during the L2 course. worrying!!!!!!!!!
Let alone the 2 people who came for an advanced course last year who had never been taught how to reverse a powerboat!!!
It is such a shame that there are RYA RTE's out there who do not give there clients what they pay for. Perhaps Log Books are not given out so they cannot read what was meant to be taught on the courses??
Jon Mendez is really trying to crack down on the schools who give the RYA a bad name. So always let him know.
A RYA RTE very close to me told a person enquiring about qualifications to drive a commercial powerboat abroad as he was setting up a dive school that all he had to do was a 1 day ICC. A common one I hear is "I was told to do the 2 day ICC then come back and do the 2 day Level 2 powerboat course"!!

Torbay & Dartmouth Powerboat School
01803 855508
The South West Premier RYA Powerboat Training Centre
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Old 21 April 2004, 13:57   #3
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Originally Posted by David Hickman
A common one I hear is "I was told to do the 2 day ICC then come back and do the 2 day Level 2 powerboat course"!!
It would be interesting to know what's going on here, David. On the face of it, four days tuition for a ticket that the RYA allow you to issue after successful completion of a two-day PB Level Two course, yes?
However, look at it from another point of view - Like when I rang up a sailing school in 2001 with only limited experience and asked for an ICC course, the Principal suggested that I enrol on the Day Skipper Theory course, followed by a practical course. Whilst it would give me more knowledge and pieces of paper than absolutely necessary, he felt this was a more appropriate method of awarding a legal document which allows the international use of a motor yacht of up to 78ft LOA.
I wonder if the 2-day ICC course being offered is a classroom theory session to bring candidates up to speed before the Level 2?
Human nature dictates that we all like to follow the path of least resistance, so maybe some people don't want to do four days of tuition when two days gets them the "tick in the box".
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Old 21 April 2004, 15:42   #4
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Rya Power Boat Level Two

i have two agree with tim i am now looking for somewere local to do my
power boat level two and contacted a number of schools for prices and what i would need to lean before the training out of the four only one school said
i should buy a book basic book on rights of the road shapes and signs and charts bouys so i understand the basic before turning up
most said its cost this just turn up don,t worry
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Old 21 April 2004, 17:10   #5
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Assumed knowledge before you start the PW lvl 2 is zero. Thats why its not essential for you to buy any books, just if you already know it the instuctor just has to test you instead of teaching you.
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Old 21 April 2004, 17:32   #6
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Hi there!
While you're on the topic, can someone advise mewhen it would be appropriate to do my Advanced course? I've completed my L2 last summer and have been operating a RIB regularly since then, 2-3 times per week except for the periods between Nov 03 and February 04. I'm sure there's a minimum level of experience??

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Old 21 April 2004, 17:50   #7
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Have you thought about the new RYA Intermediate course. It is a great stepping stone from L2 to Advanced.
To do the RYA advanced it is recommended that you have navigation knowledge to Day skipper shorebased standard. Also hold a 1st aid and a VHF operators certificate.

Torbay & Dartmouth Powerboat School
01803 855508
The South West Premier RYA Powerboat Training Centre
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Old 21 April 2004, 17:50   #8
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When is someone at the level to take the Advanced Certificate?

The 2004 version of the logbook states "...competent to the standard of Intermediate Powerboat Certificate with a thorough knowledge of navigation and chartwork to the level of Dayskipper shorebased certificate". It also states that you need First Aid and VHF certificates

The way i assess it is to ask the person some theory questions, do they understand Course to Steer, get them to talk me through the rule of twelths etc. Additionally i state that i'd expect them to be able to easily handle any powerboat bringing it neatly alongside, knowing how to leave a pontooon safely etc. In short i shouldn't have to teach them how to do the basic things.

What i now make the point of doing is speaking to all potential Advanced attendees as it is unfair on the person if we accept them onto an Advanced Certificate course when they are patently below the standard required. This is really key as presently the certificate can be commercially endorsed and to sign someone off who could then take out fee paying passengers would be irresponsible and devalue the qualification for others.

If you want to chat over this (irrespective of who you intend using )please do not hesitate to call/email

Daniels point re the book is valid and i think it is a good idea to read up and prepare before a course - you'll get more from it! The RYA is shortly (May/June) publishing a book - "The RYA Powerboat Handbook" which will do the job

Clearly different schools say different things to people re what qualifications suit their needs. This is predictable as there are different ways to achieve the various goals and routes will vary according to what someone ultimately wanst to achieve. Make sure therefore you call a school, speak to an Instructor and quiz them hard. If they cannot jsutify why they are advocating a different approach then they don't deserve your hard earned pennies!

Paul Glatzel
Powerboat Training UK, Poole & Lymington & Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington,
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Old 21 April 2004, 18:14   #9
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Thanks for both your responses!

I own the RIB along with Ingrid Abery the photographer who attended your course a couple of weekends ago. She had nothing but good to say about the course and the school. I look forward to meeting you at some point. I will also call or email regarding the intermediate course.

Best regards,

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Old 21 April 2004, 19:03   #10
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always check out the school first their are some very dodgy schools out there
one in particular always springs to mind re the books i always show students
peter whites book the rya navigation book gps book weather at sea book
outboard motors, and rules of the road i also print off from my instructors manual
any thing they want give advice and teach them more than is required for the theory as i want safe powerboaters out there , all good instructors are happy to give advice as to what is the best course to do and what is involved
so please do check with the RYA website first and help get rid of the cowboys
also steer clear of schools who don,t advertise their prices as they go up as well as down
regards tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 21 April 2004, 19:06   #11
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were you the guy,s at 2003 Swan Regatta with Sergio if so hi
regards tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 21 April 2004, 19:17   #12
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Hi, small world! Will be good to catch up.

For those for whom Ingrid Abrey's name rings a bell she was the photographer who snapped the truly amazing barrel roll of the RIB last year - Barrel roll &

Paul Glatzel
Powerboat Training UK, Poole & Lymington & Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington,
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