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Old 12 October 2004, 18:52   #41
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Surely as Powerboat instructors you have to buy a boat?
As a driving instructor you would need a car?
So why as a SRC instructor should you not have radio simulators?

You can't tell me the PC simulator is anything like real life?

Or am I missing something here?


Go four posts up from the one you quoted and you will see that I also advocated hiring. I think this would help somebody starting off to price the course competitively and maintain quality.
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Old 12 October 2004, 18:53   #42
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Originally Posted by David Hickman
PC Simulator is not like the real thing!! Besides, most of my pupils have or are inteneding to but 1 until DSC/VHF and not 2 units linked together.
Your 601 sets are great in the classroom. The scanner picks them up in the same room but nothing yet from Brixham CG(300m down the road).
What is the real transmitting power of a simulator Jon? What sit he difference between a demo/simulator and the real thing??

less than 300mW
some components removed on the power output stage

as far as functionality goes there is no diff at all.
Everything you can do on the real set you can do on the simulators.

Hope that helps

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 12 October 2004, 18:58   #43
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With Jono Gortons problem of transmitting from a closed loop, is it the connecting cable causing the problem? and if so can that problem be solved with inline attenuators or would that damage the output devices.
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Old 12 October 2004, 20:03   #44
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[QUOTE=Jon Brooks]
Having taught radio for many years the biggest fear from most students is picking up a mic and talking to someone else.
Being able to practise with something that is as near to the real thing has got to be better.

IMHO the course should be longer to allow students to play radio.
The SCR in its current form does not allow for lengthy "radio play"

I agree with you completely. But as a freelance assesor working frankly for not a lot I could not justify the cost of the units. I don't know how much yours cost, but I now Simrads are the region of £500 and technically require individual licences! I work for a number of schools and not one of them have radio simulators. In fact I only know of one school that does.
Perhaps if the cost was more realistic or, as has been mentioned, hired it might make a difference.

On my courses I try and spend as much time as possible on "radio play". I use real life sceanarios as well. It may well be that one day is insufficent, but then theh cost would have to increase and then where would we be? People complaining more than they do now about having to do the course

You are in advantageous position of getting your kit as you work for ICOM. I tell you what, you supply me with a set and I'll promote ICOM - how's that for a deal?
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Old 12 October 2004, 21:05   #45
Country: UK - Wales
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Doug Innes at Stormforce Coaching has a set of Simulators and is in the Soton area. Knowing Dougie he'd hire them out
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Old 13 October 2004, 07:46   #46
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Originally Posted by Solent Ranger
You are in advantageous position of getting your kit as you work for ICOM. I tell you what, you supply me with a set and I'll promote ICOM - how's that for a deal?
We have made the M601 simulators as cheep as we can.
The other thing we do with thses is take the dealer out of the loop.
You can buy these direct for the same price a dealer would.

We can not undertake a hire or lease package.
Maybe someone should press the RYA to shell out and do this.

If I wanted kit for training from here I would pay dealer rates.
Company would not do me an favours for lining my own pockets!!
They are very strict on staff purchases.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 13 October 2004, 20:17   #47
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Hmmm, so no-one cares then?

Or was it the wrong answer?

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Old 13 October 2004, 20:23   #48
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Originally Posted by Mike Martin
Hmmm, so no-one cares then?
- about what... you've lost me!
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Old 13 October 2004, 21:53   #49
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Originally Posted by Mike Martin
Here's an interesting angle for you from the point of view of the bloke who gets all the phone calls, emails and letters from those poor unfortunates who have done the "shortened" 1 day SRC and have actually retained little or none of the info delivered to them.

The course when introduced was a 2-day course with the upgrade (from VHF Restricted) being 1 whole day in it's own right. However, under presssure the MCA agreed that the course could be condensed and the bits that aren't specified in the ITU syllabus could be left out.

I personally re-took from scratch (even though I already had Restricted) on the grounds of checking the course content and how the other (non-RA) candidates took it in. My memory was refreshed.

As it was 2 days there was enough time to teach IN DETAIL all the things that people continually ask me about now, a couple of popular ones:
How do I call when MMSI isn't known?
I know how to do MAYDAY, how do I call another boat?
Why can't anyone hear me on C70?
I Know how to press the red button but how do I actually call someone?
How do I get an MMSI number?
Can I take my MMSI number from boat to boat (several various forms)?
Is it OK for me to use SSB with my SRC?

Just a taster
Well I posted the above response to the original question but it seems to have dropped below everyone's Radar, so I was just wondering.

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Old 13 October 2004, 22:25   #50
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Interesting that most of the questions are quite basic and covered by the course syllabus, IIRC! (Must admit I can't remember about transfering MMSI's)

I did my SRC at Bisham Abbey Sailing School, and they supply course material (ie G22) at the time of making a booking, with the advice to read and understand as much as possible before the course. So, most the day is spent "hands on" with the excellent "real simulators" (Jon, I'm sure the Icom ones are just as good if not better ) and this fits the "What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, but what I do I understand" model. And it helps you use the course material as a reference manual, not just as a means of passing a test on the day.

I'm still struggling with transferring MMSIs - the answer must be on the radiolicensing web site!

OK here's my little quiz: What are 6, 8, 72 and 77 for?
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Old 14 October 2004, 10:37   #51
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Sorry, transferring MMSIs I don't know what you mean by this???!!! It seems that you should be talking to me though doesn't it.

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Old 14 October 2004, 10:39   #52
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Don't worry Mike - I think I put my other half right last night on that one. You can't transfer them, right? It was a trick question.
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Old 14 October 2004, 11:29   #53
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That's right, they are a vessel identity and as such remain with the vessel they are issued to.

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Old 07 February 2005, 13:23   #54
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DSC Simulators

Caught this thread a bit late but found it interesting

Clearly as many others have said if you want to learn radio then you want to use real radios- Simrad and Icom training sets are effectivly just that. Real radios with the transmitters removed. I bought 6 Simrad sets just over three years ago and found they revolutionised my DSC training. Many other schools also now have them which I am glad to see as it raises the standard that we are all deliverying.

As Stu (rogue Wave) mentioned I do hire out my sets to other schools and freelancers. The package includes 6 live DSCs, a live Navtex and a selection of dummy EPIRB, SART and hand held radios.

I would like to see the MCA or RYA insist that all schools were using proper kit instead of PC software programmes. However until that date comes I am happy to be able to deliver to my students a far more realisic training course than most of my competitors. Considering that many schools are charging £75 to £100 for this course students should be demanding proper kit.

hope this does not sound like an advert but I do feel strongly on the matter.

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Old 07 February 2005, 13:35   #55
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Totally agree,

Now JG Tech as joined the forum ( i purchased the simulator off them) may be he can offer further assistance.
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Old 07 February 2005, 14:35   #56
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I went to the RYA SRC instructors seminar in London last year.
Kim Fisher from the MCA stated he wanted all schools to move towards using live simulators and the PC as and add on or back.

Since we have had the price changes I think our M601's are cheaper than the Simrad.
We can also do them based on the new M421, cheaper still!

This is one of the only things we will sell direct to RYA schools.
By doing this it keeps them as cheap as we can.

Again may be worth speaking the RYA and getting them to offer lease or hire sets to the schools.
Or maybe a good investment for some enterprising person!

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 07 February 2005, 15:14   #57
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Fully Agree with the above. I think the feelings of customers paying good money for RYA courses in general and ending up with poor boats, kit and equipment etc. is running high amongst the RTE principals on this forum.
You cannot beat the real Icom simulators for courses. OK we use the pc based sets as well, but I do get so frustrated with it!!! I find it a PIG to work sometimes!!!
Happy to hire my sets out to others if required.
Let me know what the latest prices are Jon by e mail please, also for the 421 demo sets.

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Old 07 February 2005, 15:44   #58
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ok prices

M601 kit (2 x M601, 2 x PSU, interconect cable) £575.92 inc Vat and del.

M421 Kit (2 x M421, 2 x PSU, cables) £348.22 inc VAT and del.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 07 February 2005, 16:58   #59
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Again agree with the above , we use Simrad voice trainers , Simrad RD 68 and McMurdo F1 DSC and PC'S
I would like to see the RYA when they come to do their inspections of our schools also check what else we offer and what equipment we have . I have a couple of schools near me who use PMR radios for vhf which in my opinion is not giving value for money.
Tim Griffin
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Old 02 December 2011, 19:18   #60
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VHF SRC questions


What are questions like for the SRC exam?

Examples would be helpful.

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