I keep my RIB on it's trailer at a local storage facility, it's been stored there when not in use for @20yrs now
It is very local, less than 5 mins by car, so it is easy for me to get to.
So it's very rare that I don't visit it at least once a week all year round, just to check the cover is still on, the tubes are up to pressure etc.
But every time I visit I drive past this sad looking RIB who's owner obviously doesn't visit often.
From memory it turned up @10yrs ago, and I don't think it's moved since.
The yard are very hot on non-payment, and the rules are strict with regard to disposal and recovery of fees due, so the owner must be paying the annual storage fee.
I'm tempted to put an offer in via the site owner, possibly just along the lines of I'll take over the storage fees plus a few hundred quid.
It could make a nice project to sell on in the spring.