09 December 2004, 09:24
Country: Ireland
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Sounds about right, I did the same, 4 coats tubes and hull. Although the first time I took it out was after 5-6 wks. I then used up the rest of the bottle with two more coats.
Were you using the boat alot during that 12 wks?? I used mine about once a a week, the odd time it was once every two weeks. The more you use the boat the less you will have to clean it as every time you use the boat the crap slides off the waxed hull. I generally make sure I took her up to 50kts and hold her at that speed for a minute or so and then do some high speed turns at 35kts or so to dip both sides of the hull in for a clean. This generally gets rid of all the build up of crap. HTH!
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
09 December 2004, 09:45
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by swginn
I know it's expensive but its a one off solution. No more antifoul forever!! Eventually your costs in antifoul, getting the boat lifted, paying someone to antifoul it etc would pay for it!! You could always charge other owners in the same situation as yourself to use it so they can antifoul their own hulls.
Its worth a thought anyway!! Get a discount off Laurence!
Hmm, I'm not sure how our harbour master would react if I asked him! He'd either laugh at me or hit me!!
On a serious note I had thought about the lift but moorings over here have a 2-3 year waiting list and cost a fortune.....anything increasing the billable? sq footage is a bit of a no no........I already pay nearly £600 a year just for the rib. (not sure if that's good or bad.......comparable to the UK???)
I think I may have to use the old weedkiller and see if I can find an environmentally friendly version! A lot of people over here use parazone but again not exactly good for the environment!
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
09 December 2004, 11:06
Country: UK - Wales
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I didn't use the RIB as much as I should have (about once every 3 weeks in the end), but each time we got up to at least 35kts which should have blasted off most of the 'cling-ons'.
I'm not going to antifoul, so I'll SBS her again before I put her back in and try and get out more!!
Does anyone know whether you can spray it, and if so, how?
09 December 2004, 20:50
Country: UK - England
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You can't spray it, and must follow the instructions very carefuly ensuring only 3 x very fine coats are applied with a good 20mins left between each one. This seems to work well if you go round the boat in one direction as when you get back to where you started it is time to go round again.
My boat is like new with it on, and has saved devastating the hull with that old fashioned antifoul crap, I do however get the slight tea stain look, but it comes off very easily. I have not had one nasty attach itself to the hull or drive. It works just as well on the leg and has kept it looking like new.
I do understand that you need to use the boat now and again to keep the stuff working, there are no problems with using it on trailer boats, in fact it has been tested succesfully on these, so being out of the water for a while is not a problem.
Hope this helps.
09 December 2004, 22:49
Country: Ireland
Town: Carigaline/Baltimore
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Just been thinking about your RIB DGR. when did you powerhose it?? This might have stripped some of the wax layer off?? Also you're only supposed to clean it with water otherwise the wax layer is compromised.
Oh and you can spray it!! (read the instructions!)
Spray application available for professional use; - Protects against UV and waterstains; - Effectivity remains but changes during season. Reapply (only clean with water!) every season/12 months.
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
09 December 2004, 23:02
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Peter Port
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: XS-Ribs
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Ah now if you could spray it, I could probably manage to get full coverage on one of the drying pads and let it dry just in time for the return of the tide!?
I'd probably have to do it a couple of times but it might be worth the hassle. The thought of having to hand do it all seemed a bit chore like!
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
09 December 2004, 23:08
Country: Ireland
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Sorry Pettal, it has to dry for 8 hrs before getting wet!! Spray application will not work as well as hand application either! Looks like you'll have to lift that RIB out.
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
09 December 2004, 23:10
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Peter Port
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Make: XS-Ribs
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Posts: 375
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
10 December 2004, 07:21
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by pettal
I'd like to use safeboatskin, but it's not very practical for me so any suggestions appreciated.
My boat lives in a marina year round and gets pulled out once a year to have it serviced and cleaned up.
I don't own a trailer so pulling in and out is reasonably out of the question.....unless I pay £20-25 to have it lifted out. I don't have anywhere to keep a trailer so that that idea out of the window.
There is a drying pad in a few of our marinas that I could make use of, but again restricted by tide and time and probably couldn't get enough coats on in time.
I don't want to anti-foul as it slows down the hull and is a right royal pain in the bum to take off and put back on every year. I actually pay someone to do my other boat but that's an old C.I. 22 and not a major problem if the bloke f*cks it up.
I did look at copperbot or whatever it's now called but is a bit bl**dy expensive.
I have previously beached a mates boat and used a fast acting weed killer (a bit nerve racking when your not sure if it will stain the hull or not) and that worked quite well.......although not very eco-friendly!
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
I was talking to a Pacific owner the other day about weed growth. He said that about 20 years ago, he watched two fisherman in Camber Dock roll out a length of heavy duty rubber onto the slip. They then drove their Dory's up onto the rubber and using one of those weedkiller spray applicators, covered the bottom of the hull with cheap bleach.. 24 hours later, all the growth had gone, leaving spotless hulls..
10 December 2004, 07:27
Country: UK - England
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Now there's an idea  What about a Bleach marina where you pay to moor up in bleach  Mind you there could be a few plastic soap dish boats like mine that could melt
10 December 2004, 07:38
Country: UK - England
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Maybe thats a facility Stuart could offer at his RIB MAD centre..  A couple of gallons a day flowing into Southampton Water would help clean it..
10 December 2004, 07:39
Country: UK - England
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Spraying is not an option, it needs to key into the hull using a circular motion e.g. hand job. I must say it is as easy as putting on a very fine layer of car wax so takes very little time. As stated though you must leave it for at least 8 hours/overnight before putting it back in the water. Perhaps there is someone on here who could help with the hand job, many hands make light work
10 December 2004, 10:00
Country: Ireland
Town: Carigaline/Baltimore
Boat name: XS-600
Make: XS-Ribs
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Well if spray application is not an option, why does it say it on the bottle!!
English: 1. Usable for all smooth (also painted) surfaces (synthetic / wood / steel / aluminum). To be used under and above water including drives / hoses / pipes. Do NOT use over MICRON CSC or any dissolving paint – remove these first completely. 2. Clean thoroughly, remove loose paint. When cleaning with Acetone or alike wash the hull with water and soap before applying the product. 3. Dry. 4. SHAKE WELL before use. Return bottles where product does not mix properly. 5. Apply with a cloth as THIN as possible (the thinner the better) while 6. rotating 7. Dry 30 min. 8. Do not polish 9. Apply following layers 10. Let dry 8 hours before launch 11. NEVER use mechanical tools – voids warranty. 12. For optimal result: sail regularly. 13. Keep out of reach of children. 14. Avoid skin and eye contact. 15. When swallowed consult doctor 16. Store between 5°C. and 50°C. 17. Do NOT use on gangways (slip danger) 18. Bottle (30-40m2) enough for: (minimal) 2 layers: 15-20m2; (optimal) 3 layers: 12-15m2; (best) 4 layers: 9-12 m2 19. Damages? – repeat: nr. 2..8. EXTRA: - Spray application available for professional use; - Protects against UV and waterstains; - Effectivity remains but changes during season. Reapply (only clean with water!) every season/12 months.
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
10 December 2004, 17:24
Country: UK - England
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Spray on? beats me as it goes against all that they tell you to do on the hand job application, if it says that on your bottle, then it must be on mine. I have a spare bottle and will dig it out to see. All I can say is that I did it the hand way and it has worked well, if you want to spary it all over be my guest, if it doesn't work and it told you to do it on the bottle, well get your money back  By the time you have sprayed it 3 times the stuff will be everywhere and you will have used a dozen bottles.
I have just spoken to the sole importer Steve Reid from i2D Uk Ltd, he informs me that YOU CAN spray it on, but it is the very fine mist type of spray gun with adjustable nozzle like car sprayers use with, he states that the sprayer costs about £80, and it must be a very, very light coat x 3. So I was wrong I guess, I apologise, but I don't know if you would need more or less of the magic fluid.
10 December 2004, 19:22
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Originally Posted by peteb
Now there's an idea  What about a Bleach marina where you pay to moor up in bleach  Mind you there could be a few plastic soap dish boats like mine that could melt 
I am sure that I saw on one of these science programs such as Tommorows World that somone had developed a enclosure made of waterproof material that you could drive the boat into then seal up the end and apply antifouling chemicals which killed the fouling organisms within the enclosure.
Cant remember much else about it though such as how it was ealed when the boat was in and whether the chemicals would then damage sealife when the boat was driven out again.
Hey found something similar-http://www.armoredhull.com/
11 December 2004, 08:42
Country: Greece
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Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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I'm sure that you all know much better than I do and that this SAFEBOATSKIN is working 100%
I've asked around and haven't found anything except the information which is availiable on the net. The questions that spring to mind then are:
1. Where (which country) is this/these products imported from (SAFEBOATSKIN & SAFE BOATSPEED)? Holland may be? or the US? I have aksed in the US and a guy that has used many clear ANTIFOULING products , he mentioned various brands such as:
Dolphinite go-fast bottom paint, clear Didn't work
Aurora bottom wax or whatever it is called - no value.
Scatt - Actually worked better then the others above but still not worth much.
One other secret solution someone gave him.Wouldn't tell what it was because the EPA would be upset. Tried it on a square foot section and it didn't work either.
And he concluded that Best solution I've found is to pull the boat and clean the bottom on a schedule based on water conditions. Which IMHO is the right answer to all of this
2. If SAFEBOATSKIN and SAFEBOATSPEED are such wonderful products wouldn't people use them else where in World? No one has heard of any of them except two or three guys in this forum which isn't much.
3. Where and who is using it? (an answer Mr Blogs in Kazakstan will not do  ). An actual (not made up) verifiable sales figure will do
4. Why is it so expenssive? All this staff about great solutions and the rest is C..P.
The R&D that goes into developing a clear antifouling solution that will work that is quite something and aparently you need huge amounts of money to do it and only companies the likes of International Paints or Jotun or people like have the financial backing and can develop it.
5. Who are the developers and when did the the R&D for this product took place?
11 December 2004, 10:35
Country: Ireland
Town: Carigaline/Baltimore
Boat name: XS-600
Make: XS-Ribs
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Posts: 682
Well from this page of references, it looks like it could well have originated in the States with most of the references being from there . Even Hot Lemon is using SafeSpeedSkin (See bottom).
It has really taken off here in Cork, most chandlers/dealers stock it and swear by it. From suggesting it to people on the marina and out on the water, a lot of them have actually turned around and said that they use it too and are very pleased.
Why do you have to be so skeptical about everything Manos!! I suggest you try the stuff, fair enough its expensive but you do get a money-back guarantee with it so you haven't much to lose!!
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
11 December 2004, 10:53
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
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Swginn I am skeptical becasue IF (BIG IF) I use something that will cost me over £100 (or over $200.00 or over Euros 200) I make sure that I do not through my money in vain.
So far the most important questions (actual most/all of my questions) have not been answered and your view 'well people use it in Ireland and they think is good' I'm affraid will not do for me and whether 'Hot Lemon' used it or not makes no difference to me. One boat sometime ago. ANY OTHERS?? If it was soooo good more would have used it. Don't you think?
A friend suggested to be guinny pig. Well have no objection if he forks out the £100.00 and does all the labour
Still if these guys who sell it are serious about selling it. They should market it properly, mention the compnay that manufactures it, track record of products, test reuslt (which they do mention) but verified and by which authority and where etc etc. I don't spend my money for something which before you know may have fallen at the back of a lorry
11 December 2004, 10:59
Country: Ireland
Town: Carigaline/Baltimore
Boat name: XS-600
Make: XS-Ribs
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Posts: 682
Fair enough I suppose, its your own money, do what you want with it.
Just thought that if you weren't satisfied with it you could simply get your money back??
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
11 December 2004, 11:02
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
90 days SaƒeBoatSkin® and 30 days SaƒeSpeedSkin
But if you do not know is behind it do you believe it? I don't
And as I said no track record of any short by the company that makes it. NOTHING at all
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