27 July 2011, 19:25
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Safety briefing for non boaties coming aboard
We've had a number of people on Into the Red the past few days. For boaties its easy - "no need for kill cord to restart, basic safety kit in here, rest of it Under the seat including first aid and throw line."
For non boaties, what would be on the list? Explain how the throwing line works and such?
27 July 2011, 20:10
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
For non boaties, what would be on the list? Explain how the throwing line works and such?
Introduce them to the big red "Jesus" button on the VHF. I'd not want 'em trying to collect me.
27 July 2011, 20:23
RIBnet admin team
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assuming you've got competent crew aboard:-
'This is how the lifejacket works and how you put it on.
Please comply with any instruction immediately and without question.
Please stay sat down (or appropriate depending on seating), and hold on with both hands.
Do NOT attempt to help or do anything that involves moving from your seat unless specifically asked to do so.
Ask,and we will tell you if it's safe to leave your seat.
If all the crew go overboard, this is how you call mayday'
and as willk says, tell them not to try and collect you!
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27 July 2011, 22:43
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
Introduce them to the big red "Jesus" button on the VHF. I'd not want 'em trying to collect me.
Sorry, what is a "VHF"?
Nos, that all seems to make sense. They came out expecting a potter, none seemed keen to wear ljs and since there were so many two wore pfds. We did insist though, and they soon realised the risks when I throttled up.
27 July 2011, 22:56
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
Sorry, what is a "VHF"?
Nos, that all seems to make sense. They came out expecting a potter, none seemed keen to wear ljs and since there were so many two wore pfds. We did insist though, and they soon realised the risks when I throttled up.
I've taken people out on their first ever trip afloat a few times and the other rule I've always insisted on is one for myself which is:-
Don't ever look,sound or act worried or scared. Even if you think you might be in trouble,look and sound like you're enjoying yourself.
Panicking people who don't know what to do is a really bad idea and could easily be more dangerous than the original hazard.
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28 July 2011, 05:28
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Official safety brief approach
MCA issued this as a basis for all persons going out on boats and is not just aimed at commercial craft
Annex 12 - Safety Briefing
Worth an understanding so if all hell broke out and there was an emergency and subsequent enquiry you can show something official. This can be printed and laminated for keeping on the boat. Just an idea
28 July 2011, 07:28
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I've taken people out on their first ever trip afloat a few times and the other rule I've always insisted on is one for myself which is:-
Don't ever look,sound or act worried or scared. Even if you think you might be in trouble,look and sound like you're enjoying yourself.
Panicking people who don't know what to do is a really bad idea and could easily be more dangerous than the original hazard.
Thats why I so frequently try to start the engine when it is in gear / kill cord not in place:
(1) it helps me get used to staying calm when it won't go
(2) it helps the pax get used to it not springing into life immediately - but all being good in the end.
Honestly  its not just I'm a forgetful idiot
28 July 2011, 08:25
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I think I'd like to know where the ejector seat button is to jetison the driver when he starts acting like a prat
28 July 2011, 08:45
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A trip out boating with you lot sounds like a right barrel of laughs!
I have a 15 minute slow run up a river before I can give me pax a taste of full throttle, which is just the right amount of time to sort out life jackets, how the kill cords etc work. I don't have a fixed vhf on board, or a gps, so don't have to explain how those work, so it's more of just a "sit down, hold on in a relaxed kind of way, and let me know if it's too quick, to rough, or you just aren't enjoying it" kind of briefing.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
28 July 2011, 11:17
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Depends on the risks likely to be encountered.
I would hope that part of the safety brief on this occasion was to look out for the salties.
Media Release 1 - Department of Defence
Fortunately no one seriously hurt. Media Release 2 - Department of Defence
28 July 2011, 14:40
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Did a man overboard drill with my non seafaring girlfriend which she found useful. Next time we went out we took a mate, who she promptly asked me to 'drill like you did to me before' . She doesn't think before she speaks!
I'm very much with you on keeping calm even in potentially bad situations - it really does keep a twitchy passenger much calmer if they see you apparently enjoying it all (even if you aren't)
28 July 2011, 14:53
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
A trip out boating with you lot sounds like a right barrel of laughs!
I have a 15 minute slow run up a river before I can give me pax a taste of full throttle, which is just the right amount of time to sort out life jackets, how the kill cords etc work. I don't have a fixed vhf on board, or a gps, so don't have to explain how those work, so it's more of just a "sit down, hold on in a relaxed kind of way, and let me know if it's too quick, to rough, or you just aren't enjoying it" kind of briefing.
I agree-I've found it easier with a long displacement run to do it in. It's easier to work everything into conversation, with the bare minimum at the point of boarding the boat.
I'm fairly intolerant of noobs at everything though, ever since the day I did the standard 'hang on to me here, and follow where I go' when I took someone for their first pillion ride.
She was fine, and wanted me to go progressively faster-that is, until on the entrance to a sharp right hander with a wall on the left side.
She decided to have a look to see what her friend was doing on the bike behind us-so she put her arm around my neck,turned round and sat bolt upright.
Apparently, the sharp elbow in the ribs and the swearing wasn't quite what she was expecting.
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