08 June 2005, 22:09
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safety briefings
Hello all,
I enjoy reading the forums and have learnt alot so I have a question. I did have a quick look at the FAQs, but didn't see anything relating to it.
I regularly take out a variety of people on at work on RIB's, dories, and now a RBB. We are carrying out a variety of specialist scientific tasks from the boat and also cover an area ranging from inland waterway to CAt D waters.
Routinely, we will brief any new crew and staff as to the obvious items ie. remain seated, hold on, shout if there is a problem as well as specifics such as MOB, engine fires, and radio/distress procedures. However, I feel that we probably are not very consistent and it would be useful to have a common form of words to base a more comprehensive safety brief on. So... ... ... over to rib.net. What do you feel are essential to include, what is nice to cover, and all this without scaring people so much they won't come aboard!?
09 June 2005, 02:59
Country: UK - Wales
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Try reading this report - good section at the end suggesting safety prep talks etc.
Think this report should be essential reading for anyone planning on taking passengers on any sort of commercial basis!!!
09 June 2005, 07:47
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That might be a handy thing to have in the downlaods section. Anyone want to come up with a draft version for discussion?
10 June 2005, 14:09
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
That might be a handy thing to have in the downlaods section. Anyone want to come up with a draft version for discussion?
If its any use to anyone this is something I knocked up in a very boring meeting sometime ago - a bit anal I know but I was really bored. Never really used it just tend to play it by ear. SUre I've missed things but could be a starter for 10.
Safety Brief
Welcome Aboard
In order to ensure your safety it is important that you are told some essential information
Piranha is a 5.2m Rigid Inflatable boat or RIB. She is built to carry upto 12 people and is very safe. Even if the air tubes around the boat are punctured she will still float.
Whilst on board it is essential that everyone wears a lifejacket or bouyancy aid.
Please ensure you hold on tight at all times whilst in the boat. In the very unlikely situation of being thrown out of the boat please do not try to hold on to the boat and be dragged. Simply let go and the boat will be back to pick you up in no time. If you see someone else fall overboard please raise the alarm by shouting "Man Overboard" and pointing at the person in the water. Continue to point at the person until they are recovered.
During the trip if you feel uncomfortable with the speed or ride please let me know. Please note that after stopping suddenly it is not unusual for a small amount of fumes/smoke from the engine to move foward and during the trip some water may be taken onboard this is normal and nothing to be concerned about.
In the event of an emergency there is a fixed radio on the console with instructions on making a distress call. There is also a backup hand held radio. The left hand black container on the A frame contains distress flares and a fire extinguisher is attached to the back of the seat.
If you have any Questions please ask and enjoy your trip.
10 June 2005, 16:54
Country: UK - Wales
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Not bad but I think it should ALWAYS be pointed out - "A RIB may never sink but it may capsize"!!!
10 June 2005, 18:20
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This is obviously not professional but I'll try this out in a few weeks once I can get on the water here. Any advice on what needs to be added or edited would be appreciated.
Pre-departure passenger safety briefing
• Stay seated on the floor or in your seat at all times, only sit on the inflated tubes at very slow speeds near the shore.
• Always hold on to a safety rope firmly.
• Always be prepared for sudden and sharp turns. In the event of someone falling overboard a fairly sharp turn will be executed almost immediately so be prepared. Do not loose visual contact with the man overboard and point at them until they are retrieved.
• Should you fall overboard do not panic and try to breath slowly, remain calm, you will be retrieved in one or two minutes, assume the HELP position for that one minute. Should multiple passengers fall overboard remain together and huddle with legs intertwined and arms around the people next to you with chests together if possible.
• Should the vessel capsize and you are underneath, swim hard from beneath pushing upward on the inflated tubes, follow my instructions to right the vessel.
• Do not smoke on board the vessel at any time.
• Do not carry any sharp objects on the vessel, they must be stowed.
• Ensure your Mustang suit is fully zipped up with leg and wrist straps tightened. Your hoods should be covering your head and tied underneath your chin.
• Explain to all passengers how the vessel is operated, turns, GPS, VHF etc...
Non safety items should be mentioned to passengers:
1- Use the washroom before departing, it could be ___ minutes before you can go again unless you want to go over the side. Drink water and avoid coffee or tea.
2- Try to keep dry, especially your gloves, boots and hat.
3- Apply some sunscreen.
4- Ensure you have at least one chocolate bar in your pocket.
5- Have a cigarette on shore away from the RIB if you must.
6- And just have fun without forgetting the safety items we just discussed.
*The chocolate bar is simply in case someone falls overboard and they become hypothermic which is almost guaranteed up here. Could help warm you up a little.
10 June 2005, 20:01
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
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Firstly capsizing isn't an issue or sinking probably cos you shouldn't be taking people out in conditions that will cause a capsize, Certainly not in the UK
Suitable clothing is a must!
Fire /explosion however is an issue so you'd best be having a moment to discuss the evacuation plan if your in trouble.
Back injuries are the prime concern for any Charter skipper cos a law suit can take a few years to find it's way to your doorstep. Make sure you brief em on posture and how you want them to ride the waves and keep em looking at the water so they know when one is comng.
Show em your safety kit quicly and tell em what everything does in a sentence, sho em your first aid .and sea survival qualifications. Point out the emergency VHF procedures to a nominated person and get them to call in the radio check on the way out to sea (this familiarises em with the operation)
Explain about holding on and therefore no need to worry about Man Overboard, the go into lifejacket deployment and make sure they understand that they will not be moving towards the boat. IT's usually a good thing to make the Man overboard drill an early part of the days activities
before embarkation have a private word with each passenger, when you are adjusting life jackets is a good moment to ascertain the state of their anxiety, also ensure that the safety briefing excludes people with certain conditions
Bad back
Heart disease
Stupidity or anybody from Wolverhampton
The briefing although serious can be delivered with a degree of good humour!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
10 June 2005, 20:16
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: Too Blue
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
"Firstly capsizing isn't an issue or sinking probably cos you shouldn't be taking people out in conditions that will cause a capsize, Certainly not in the UK"
Come off it are you SERIOUS????
10 June 2005, 20:25
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Firstly capsizing isn't an issue
Read the link in Codprawns first post and you might like to revise that statement.
That's the second load of bollocks you've posted today.
This being the first.
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Although the Suzi's come with Ali props
Get with the programme, nobber.
10 June 2005, 20:53
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
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Posts: 6,562
Bollucks to your Bollucks
In the context of this thread on this Forum I presume we are talking about RIBS or RHIBS as they like to call em in St Davids
That accident was down to driver error or unsuitabilty of the craft for the task it was being asked to do....which is driver error.
If you read what I said I said you shouldn't be taking people out. and that's what I meant because the primary rule of charter driving is not to endager your passengers, which these guys clearly did. so yes Codpawn I am SERIOUS???
As for you Mr. Manning you are from Wolverhampton aren't you which probably explains why you misread my post your right about the props though on the Suzi's but they do ventilate even though they are made from Stainless Steel.
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
10 June 2005, 21:01
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
I really don't think the MAIB would be too impressed if someone DID capsize and you told them "I didn't include a mention of capsize because it would never happen"!!!
It only take one "Rogue Wave"!!!
10 June 2005, 21:05
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Little Wing
Make: Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Tohatsu 90
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Posts: 1,069
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
which probably explains why you misread my post
I didn't misread anything. You state capsize is not an issue. I state it is. If you're running rides into places like The Bitches, or doing adrenaline rides, there's always going to be a risk, whatever the weather.
Now be a man and admit that it was a momentary lapse in your otherwise, usually, impeccable advice.
Sorry, make that two lapses.
10 June 2005, 21:08
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
Originally Posted by codprawn
I really don't think the MAIB would be too impressed if someone DID capsize and you told them "I didn't include a mention of capsize because it would never happen"!!!
It only take one "Rogue Wave"!!!
yeah OK there is a point to what you are saying
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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