Hi Jahno
In answer to question 2, see page 12 of latest 'Riblines', oops sorry I forgot you don't get it. Nevermind I'll email you a copy.
When I first enquired about BIBOA and got my complimentary copy of 'Riblines' I must admit I was a bit intimidated. Huge Ribs, long cruises and nothing about tiddlers. So I joined anyway. Hence the article mentioned elsewhere and also, more importantly, my 'Highland Explorer 2002' for smaller ribs and sibs.
I have no idea if anyone will take me up on the idea. I know it is a loooooooooong way to go, but believe me IT IS WELL WORTH IT. The Scottish Higlands must be the most scenic place on earth and being out in those sea lochs surrounded by mountains, seals, dolphins, eagles...

need I say more. And the beauty of it all is that is is easily possible to do all this in a SMALL boat.
Well, if there is no response this time, I'll try again for later in the year and also for next Summer, when I hope to do the Orkney trip (fancy coming along JOHNO).
Remember it is the 'British INFLATABLE Boat Owners Association'.
Keith (a journey of 1000 miles began with the first step) Hart
PS see River 7 meeting posting also