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Old 02 May 2002, 09:25   #21
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Hi Jahno

In answer to question 2, see page 12 of latest 'Riblines', oops sorry I forgot you don't get it. Nevermind I'll email you a copy.

When I first enquired about BIBOA and got my complimentary copy of 'Riblines' I must admit I was a bit intimidated. Huge Ribs, long cruises and nothing about tiddlers. So I joined anyway. Hence the article mentioned elsewhere and also, more importantly, my 'Highland Explorer 2002' for smaller ribs and sibs.

I have no idea if anyone will take me up on the idea. I know it is a loooooooooong way to go, but believe me IT IS WELL WORTH IT. The Scottish Higlands must be the most scenic place on earth and being out in those sea lochs surrounded by mountains, seals, dolphins, eagles... need I say more. And the beauty of it all is that is is easily possible to do all this in a SMALL boat.

Well, if there is no response this time, I'll try again for later in the year and also for next Summer, when I hope to do the Orkney trip (fancy coming along JOHNO).

Remember it is the 'British INFLATABLE Boat Owners Association'.

Keith (a journey of 1000 miles began with the first step) Hart

PS see River 7 meeting posting also
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Old 02 May 2002, 12:05   #22
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This "insurance" issue.
Please correct me if I am wrong but my understanding is that if BIBOA have an organised event, they (as an organisation and therefore as individuals) are liable in law for ANYTHING that goes wrong. Unfortunately, in this increasingly litigious society of ours, this means that BIBOA commitee members get sued personally, and are not covered by insurance, unless all participants in the event are BIBOA members.
If I read some of the threads it APPEARS that the impression given is that BIBOA members dont want non-members cruising with them.
Thats absolute b*******ks.
Can someone find out about day membership or perhaps "liability waiver" or something? I for one am fed up with this schism.
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Old 02 May 2002, 12:29   #23
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Hear,hear...well said Brian.
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Old 02 May 2002, 12:45   #24
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I think you have it right Brian

however the risk of litigation extends not just to the committee members but to whomever is the cruise organiser. Ultimately there is a risk (however small) that the organiser & management of the club i.e. the committe could end up sued or in jail over some accident & incident.

But the idea of a "day" membership or some such other device is a good one and an equivalent used to exist in terms of day licences for racing. As I said earlier I'll take this up and report back to those who are interested.

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Old 02 May 2002, 12:49   #25
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However BIBOA organise a 'day' membership, just make sure it is easier to get than the River Severn - day licence!!!

Perhaps you could buy it on the day from the cruise organiser (now wouldn't that be easy).

Keith (BIBOA [Small Boat Section] member number F0630)
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Old 02 May 2002, 13:25   #26
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I think you will find that at an organised event BIBOA - or any other organiser - are responsible for things that 'go wrong' that are not insured through any other means - and are 'outside of reasonable care and control'. If as you suggest the organisatin is responsble for EVERYTHING, they could be sued if someone damages their boat on a cruise - which would suely go through the individuals own insurace. If a RIB is stolen on a BIBOA cruise is it the individuals insurance that pays out - or BIBOA? - I suspect the former.

If we take this attitude to everything - i.e. the fear of liigation, would we have had the Beaulieu Boat Jumble? - someone could hav slipped and hurt hemselves, in fact would would we have any organised events. Similar organisations overcome this problem.

There are lots of ways around his issue - day memberships as Keith has mentioned, waiver forms etc etc.

If it is considered in the best interest of the organisation to do things like open days to attract new members, then the insurance issue can be overcome - if there is the will to do so.

Carpe pm
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Old 02 May 2002, 15:31   #27
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Rather like you, I organise informal trips and cruises. For this, I take any risk that may exist upon myself.
Once a year I also organise the South West Cruise on behalf of BIBOA. When doing so I stick to BIBOAs rules.
I am not a lawyer and am not capable of second guessing what legal course of action someone may or may not take.
I can tell you however, that having been a company director for several UK and foreign companies, I have enough experience of the law to never be surprised at the legal twists and turns that can be taken. The one thing I am sure of is that "common sense" and what may be obvious or morally right, certainly doesnt come into it.
For me it's simple. If BIBOA says do it this way, I do it that way. Personal feelings are irrelevant.
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Old 02 May 2002, 16:13   #28
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The liability if it exists lies in the organising of the event not individual theft etc

Once you formally assume certain tasks for a group of people you can be held responsible if you make a mistake.So for (extreme)

the organisers recommended that we continued notwithstanding that it was blowing a Force 8 and I sunk

I was allocated a berth by the organisers which dried and damaged my boat

the organisers got their plans wrong and 15 of us ended up on rocks

It is the decision making process which is covered and insurers would normally limit cover to members because otherwise they could be insuring "the world" without knowing.

However it seems to me that an organisation could probably extend cover by agreement with their insurers on a temporary basis such as the "day member " principle even if that coextended cover is subject to certain terms i.e meeting the criteria laid down under the main policy
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Old 02 May 2002, 16:46   #29
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What is they say about giving a million monkeys typewriters and Shakespeare. So far this forum thread has covered

1) Let’s go to the Scillies
2) BIBOA membership
3) Legal aspects of insurance

Fantastic, JK has a lot to answer for !!!

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Old 02 May 2002, 20:34   #30
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We will be there on all the days and see what turns up!!?!

Thanks Alan, Brian has mailed me direct.

You coming?


P.S my lifes like a box of lego - very expensive, mucked about with by the kids and bloody difficult to build anything useful with it!

P.P.S Ithought this thread was about getting Grey C to the Scillies?
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