Originally Posted by gtflash
A scorpion has something like 65deg deadrise foreward so it cuts head sea amazingly, having read issues with them in following sea (only on here) i think it can only be someone who wouldnt know how to drive it properly, trimmed up the wider section and shallower v which carrys someway forward creates enough recovery for anything ive ever got stuck in.... It sjust about presenting the right part of the boat to the sea with any good hull really................ maybe 
BTW I would touch anything with that size Mercruiser diesel in.
I think the Ribtec makes a better work boat and the Scorpion a beter sea boat being a lot easier to keep on top of the waves in the rough. I don't think close quater manouverability is an issue with either boat. One thing to bear in mind is that the Ribtec has a single spray rail and for me this Gives a wallowy (a bit of Yaw) when cracking on.
I used both may times on charters and the Scorp is better built than the Ribtec, but I wouldn't trust the wiring on either boat if there more than a few years old
Redbay's I don't have any experience of so can't comment but they is built around the Irish Atlantic coast so should be easy to trial.
What use are you going to put the boat too?