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Old 07 March 2010, 21:30   #1
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Scorpion, Redbay, Ribtec stability

Any opinions on the pros and cons of the different types of Tube and hull configurations on late 1990's 7.5/7.4m versions of


The vessel needs to be stable at slow speeds, and stopped. Manuverable at close quaters and comfortable in exsposed North West Atlantic swell and tidal race chops.

The Scorpion and Ribtec have the same yamaha 420 240hp engine with associated weight and engine box, and the Redbay has the mercruiser 250 Hp.

I am unsure about Scorpion stability as they have tubes set up so as not to touch when stationary? also have read concerns raised about following sea and stuffing the less pronounced nose.

Ribtec again apears slighter bow and smaller tubes, what are the 7.5m hull like in a blow? and at slow speeds? do the tubes touch?

Redbay big tubes, wide beem, big engine box, but unsure about engine choice and hull drainage through the engine box?

any expirienced opinions welcome
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Old 08 March 2010, 00:49   #2
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my outboard scorpion sits tubes clear of the water, most of the inboards rest on the last 1/3 from what ive seen, I chatted to a redbay cabin guy in cowes last yr, I was amazed how much tube sat in the water, even moving... so no doubt more stable at rest, I personally subscribe to JFs theory tubes shouldnt be in the water when planning

ANy hull is a compromise, A scorpion has something like 65deg deadrise foreward so it cuts head sea amazingly, having read issues with them in following sea (only on here) i think it can only be someone who wouldnt know how to drive it properly, trimmed up the wider section and shallower v which carrys someway forward creates enough recovery for anything ive ever got stuck in.... It sjust about presenting the right part of the boat to the sea with any good hull really................ maybe
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Old 08 March 2010, 04:32   #3
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Originally Posted by gtflash View Post
A scorpion has something like 65deg deadrise foreward so it cuts head sea amazingly, having read issues with them in following sea (only on here) i think it can only be someone who wouldnt know how to drive it properly, trimmed up the wider section and shallower v which carrys someway forward creates enough recovery for anything ive ever got stuck in.... It sjust about presenting the right part of the boat to the sea with any good hull really................ maybe

BTW I would touch anything with that size Mercruiser diesel in.

I think the Ribtec makes a better work boat and the Scorpion a beter sea boat being a lot easier to keep on top of the waves in the rough. I don't think close quater manouverability is an issue with either boat. One thing to bear in mind is that the Ribtec has a single spray rail and for me this Gives a wallowy (a bit of Yaw) when cracking on.

I used both may times on charters and the Scorp is better built than the Ribtec, but I wouldn't trust the wiring on either boat if there more than a few years old

Redbay's I don't have any experience of so can't comment but they is built around the Irish Atlantic coast so should be easy to trial.

What use are you going to put the boat too?
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Old 08 March 2010, 07:29   #4
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my opinion, ribtec, i'm thinking that the redbay's layup is on the heavy side, good for a workboat but bad engine, scorpion is for speed and pleasure, yamaha, good engine, ribtec, got the engine and a good little workboat, i rigged a 7.5 ribtec with a 240 yam and got 46knts out of it so no slow coach either, if you go that route find out the original owner, me or ribshop might be able to tell you the history of her
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Old 08 March 2010, 09:42   #5
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sorry its 60degrees at bow, my geek specs had falen off
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Old 09 March 2010, 08:30   #6
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Hi Wildwords

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