03 November 2009, 11:38
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Apparently Yamaha agree with you.
One was a late 90s Diesel Renault Megan (intermittent problem would mean it didn't start but if you got out, locked it up and unlocked it you could start it)
Yep, I know someone with a Jeep Cherokee that if it doesn't start first turn of the key, they have to lock and unlock the car before they re-try. Must be a Renault quirk, as I believe Jeep used a lot of Renault parts in their cars at one point.
03 November 2009, 21:53
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Apparently Yamaha agree with you.
I've experienced imobiliser (or thats what the garage said it was!) problems on 2 different cars. One was a late 90s Diesel Renault Megan (intermittent problem would mean it didn't start but if you got out, locked it up and unlocked it you could start it) and the other was a 04 ? Citroen (Picasso I think - it was a hire car) - worked fine for two days then stalled in a car park and wouldn't go again ... maybe best there's no French O/B makers...
Had exactly that with a Laguna estate as well. It was the most frustrating peace of shite I've ever owned. I tried all different things, getting out and locking it (sometimes worked), taking the key in and out of the ignition like a Spanish groom on his wedding night, sometimes worked too but what often worked was rocking the car in gear  I mean HOW does that effect the immobilizer?!?!?!
03 November 2009, 22:20
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Originally Posted by JSP
 I mean HOW does that effect the immobilizer?!?!?!
forr sumwan dats reesponsibul forr wan fiffth ov de popyewlashun ov de norf west ov ingland i wud av thort de anser iz obvius
rokkin de likkul bastud putts itt too sleap
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
03 November 2009, 22:36
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by malthouse
Quite right, it would be the bloke that bought his outboard from the dodgy geezer at the car boot sale who only finds out when the police are waiting for him to pick his boat up from having it serviced.
Still gets the engine back though...
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04 November 2009, 11:34
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by The Garfish
forr sumwan dats reesponsibul forr wan fiffth ov de popyewlashun ov de norf west ov ingland i wud av thort de anser iz obvius
rokkin de likkul bastud putts itt too sleap
Thanks Garfy, up until now I've just been giving them a good kicking
04 November 2009, 13:13
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Originally Posted by Erin
You may well be right, but I don't know of any car since the late 80's thats failed to start due to an immobiliser problem
If I remember correctly mr jeremy clarkson had alot of problems with his ford gt
05 November 2009, 12:19
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Originally Posted by spartacus
I've watched CCTV footage of a caravan being stolen before and it just makes me angry. These guys are completely brazen. They have the van (pikey bast*ards), angle-grinders, bolt cutters, the works. If they're nicking large engines, then they're suitably tooled up for the job and have recce'd the area where they can spend 20 minutes or less removing your pride and joy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's about time all outboards engines and boats were registered with a central agency, so that enyone purchasing a bit of kit would have the reassurance that it's legitimate. Surely this could be funded through our insurance premiums? A tracking device is also a worthwhile investment.
You'd be amazed where these people can get to. We had a situation at work where there was Intelligence that there were 2 vans belonging to members of the "Travelling Community" in the area and the Registration Marks of the vehicles, along with make model and colour was given to Security and placed on a clipboard in the lodge along with instructions to not let the vans in, but to phone the Police. During the course of the night, two vans turned up at said lodge.
Security Guard: "Where are you going mate?"
"Traveller": "S***l mate."
Guard: "Okay, in you go."
"Traveller": "He's with me." (Points to van behind)
Guard: "Alright."
The next day it was discovered that a number of lengths of copper cable had gone missing, cut off some generators. Scrap value, about £50 the lot. Replacement cost, £3,000. If you knew where they'd got into you'd only ever go on holiday by road or boat.
A very large part of the crime problem in this country is caused by Political decisions. For instance, I locked up two blokes for theft. I can't tell you where this happened, but security is a major issue at this and other similar locations. They'd stolen a quantity of alcohol, in effect, shop lifting. However, because of the CRB checks that are carried out on people who work at this location this kind of offence, if convicted in a Court, they would never be able to work in a similar place again. However, despite the Super pushing for a Court hearing, it's quite possible the CPS will recommend they are issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice, which may well not show up on a CRB check
As for a Tracker, I'd have thought this would be a very good idea, but you would have to know the thing had been stolen in the first place. The Tracker will only be activated if you tell the company it's been nicked. If you don't realise for a week or more, it may well be out of the Country before you can set about locating it.
If I remember rightly, Clarkson's Ford GT had a problem with its security system in as much as he kept getting phone calls to tell him his car had been stolen; while he was driving it! Annoying perhaps, but not half as annoying as being phoned with the correct information that your car had indeed been stolen.
05 November 2009, 13:18
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Originally Posted by The Beard
As for a Tracker, I'd have thought this would be a very good idea, but you would have to know the thing had been stolen in the first place. The Tracker will only be activated if you tell the company it's been nicked. If you don't realise for a week or more, it may well be out of the Country before you can set about locating it.
No the type of tracker being discussed here is constantly monitorring its GPS position, and if it leaves a preallocated area (say 50m from its normal location) it will text you (via its in built phone) to tell you its on the move. The more sophisticated ones (and more expensive) will also alert you if the bildge is flooded, a locker hatch is opened etc.
05 November 2009, 15:35
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One things for sure, they will be back and probably get bolder until they get caught, thats the nature of thieves, greedy. It may also be a way of catching them..... imagine a tracker with a remote immobilizer fitted "When shall we stop them?"
Big waves, small boat ;)
10 November 2009, 00:13
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Originally Posted by Polwart
No the type of tracker being discussed here is constantly monitorring its GPS position, and if it leaves a preallocated area (say 50m from its normal location) it will text you (via its in built phone) to tell you its on the move. The more sophisticated ones (and more expensive) will also alert you if the bildge is flooded, a locker hatch is opened etc.
In that case, great idea.
17 November 2009, 10:48
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Just another reason im glad my rib is sat on its trailor at home away from these scum!
17 November 2009, 13:26
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....until they follow you home & then you need to replace your garage door as well.......
If they really want it, they'll have it.
05 December 2009, 20:43
Country: UK - Wales
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photos of what they did
They just cut the bugger off after grinding the bolts off, then took the steering, throttle and other gear. Scum.
05 December 2009, 21:41
Country: UK - England
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its bad enough them having cut the bolts off,,,, its even worse when they take a chainsaw and cut the engine out of the transom ,,happend a couple of times at our club a few years back ,one a near new boat .
05 December 2009, 21:47
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
its bad enough them having cut the bolts off,,,, its even worse when they take a chainsaw and cut the engine out of the transom ,,happend a couple of times at our club a few years back ,one a near new boat .
Was that down the Gare?
05 December 2009, 22:09
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by chewy
Was that down the Gare?
yep,,dont know what will happen now the steel works is closing . they own the road and most of the land down there,,,, one good thing is our boats wont turn red with the iron oxide fall out anymore ,,paint ya boat white and the next day its gone pink, lol still if it wasent for the steel works tipping the old slag there would be no gare all 60,million tons of it ,
05 December 2009, 22:18
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
yep,,dont know what will happen now the steel works is closing . they own the road and most of the land down there,,,, one good thing is our boats wont turn red with the iron oxide fall out anymore ,,paint ya boat white and the next day its gone pink, lol
It not completely, the Ore Terminal and Power Station are staying open, not sure what else is?
Tees Pilots also need access so I wouldn't worry too much.
The Gares a strange place sometimes, the fishermen take rifles to shoot the seals, soft gits struggle to tell the difference between seals and divers though!
06 December 2009, 01:25
Country: Ireland
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B*****ds!! Take a grinder to their important bits is what I say!!
Any meaning read into my message is the product of your own mind...
05 January 2010, 18:01
Country: UK - Wales
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Our friend only got £6000 for the 200 (Yam or Honda, cant remember) 4 stroke. It was only 2/3 years old. Just crap.
05 January 2010, 18:26
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL
Our friend only got £6000 for the 200 (Yam or Honda, cant remember) 4 stroke. It was only 2/3 years old. Just crap.
So that the rest of us can avoid getting taken to the cleaners if the worst should happen, do you know who he was insured with?
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