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Old 02 October 2011, 11:50   #1
TomKat's Avatar
Country: Ireland
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Boat name: Lencraft 4.8m
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Posts: 469
Sea Rider Question

There seems to be a quite a following for these craft here, I am looking at getting a slightly bigger RIB over the winter to use next year for coastal pottering about and some ringo/ski/wakeboard pulling. Family of 2 adults and 2 growig kids.

What size searider would do this. Have seen some SR4's localy with 40HP engines but not sure if they would do this. Would an SR4.7 or 5.4 be better?

Also have seen some what look to be huge engines on small SR's. What is a sensible max size for these.

Want something with the fuel consumption of my currnet 30HP engine but the size and pulling power of a 150HP!

My budget is also dictating what I am looking at, only want to spend max £3k which will buy a SR but will I just be buying scrap?

Cheers for any tips SR fans!
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Old 02 October 2011, 13:39   #2
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I'll be controversial by suggesting that a SR might not be the ideal craft for what you are seeking. They are good boats - but probably not going to find one with seats for 4. If you do it will probably be "porn star" seats which IMHO are less than ideal.

A SR4 would accommodate 2 adults and smaller kids OK - but the seating isn't ideal, and like most small boats it will be a wet ride in less than ideal conditions. Most people suggest 40-50HP 2 stroke as being "ideal", PTT is desirable. Unless the kids are teenagers and you are running "4 up" all the time you could even get away with your existing 30HP on there. A 4.7 is a rare, much sought after beast and accordingly attract a premium price. I think a 70HP is considered the ultimate package. 5.4s are much more common with something like the 90HP Yamaha 2 stroke being the "preference". If the kids are teenagers this might be the way to go as they could sit on the tubes comfortably in reasonable conditions.

It is probably impossible to go up in size from 30HP and get the same fuel economy. Your "hourly" fuel budget is going to be 2-3x as much, and whilst you might get more speed it won't be twice as fast.
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Old 02 October 2011, 13:44   #3
TomKat's Avatar
Country: Ireland
Town: Bangor
Boat name: Lencraft 4.8m
Make: Lencraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: DT55HP Suzuki
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 469
I know the fuel consumption will shoot up but can live with it.

Sounds like a 5.4 is the best option, do you reckon £3k would buy one? Dont mind something that needs TLC but dont want to spend much actual cash on it. Time I can give it!
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