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Old 18 June 2020, 17:52   #1
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Seapro 5.2

I’m off to look at a 2009 Seapro Rib with a 70 HP Tohatsu EFI engine.
I did own an Avon sport rib with Suzuki 60 around 10 years ago, haven’t had a rib since, bought a yacht
Does anyone have any views on the rib or the engine?
What should I look for, what sort of price should I be looking at etc
It’s listed on
Any advice much appreciated.
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Old 18 June 2020, 23:37   #2
spartacus's Avatar
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Welcome to the forum.

Chinese made, I'm assuming PVC? It looks to be a medium V hull (in older thread), but no idea what it's like in rough water? All the videos on YouTube are in flat calm conditions, I suppose it depends what its intended use is? The tubes are oversized, and looking at videos I've watched it tends to throw up a lot of spray, as it seems to sit back on the tubes. Granted the transom is set further in from the sponson ends. Would be interesting to see actual useable floor space as a result?

Old thread here with pictures:

Tohatsu make fairly bullet proof engines as long as its been maintained and serviced. Any engine, then you want to see it running at tickover from cold, and a compression test on each cylinder. Parts are readily available from dealers. No idea what the transom rating is, and there-in lies the problem, is getting information. Bill Higham sell Seapro inflatables, but no idea about RIBs?

Negatives for me. Seating position is a little low. Trailer looks too small for the RIB, judging by how far the extension bars are drawn out. Lack of information on Seapro. This will be more of an issue if you sell on.

Positives. Good engine, stainless propeller, hydraulic steering, everything you need to get started as first RIB budget wise.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 19 June 2020, 07:11   #3
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Just my opinion but there's a lot better out there for the money that'll last a lot longer.

Positives for me:-
Nice motor and trailer.

Massively overpriced 11 year old noddy no-name PVC tubed boat , very light build (From the reviews), possibly Chinese import (?). Been used for towing wakeboards/skiers too. Any warranty is going to be short and worth very little. It might be OK. It's going to be a money pit or just a total loss on the boat itself when it isn't.

Personally if I was looking in that size/price bracket I'd be looking at Ribcraft 545, good Ribtecs,Osprey hard noses and Vipers or very VERY good 5.4m Avon Seariders-all of which are hypalon tubes and significantly heavier build, with better seating as well-even the Avon Searider low console is better than whats on that.
The above will also hold their value far better.
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Old 24 June 2020, 11:32   #4
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I’ve got a seapro 5.2. I’d agree with nos4r2 and Spartacus. But for what I use it for, mostly close to shore work surveying seabirds it does the job. Rough seas it is okay and if you are pottering about a bay that is nice and calm you’ll be fine. Saying that my missus hates the colour and seating so she’s agreed we need a bigger rib [emoji3] so if you need a rib that’ll give you a possible reason to upgrade with full family approval that’s the one!! Happy to answer any other questions on the seapro if you like... based on my experiences.
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Old 24 June 2020, 17:58   #5
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Made in Egypt........had one
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