Hi all. Is there a given distance to travel offshore in a 4m Rib?
The boat size is not the main limiting factor. An experienced skipper or a SR4 with a very reliable engine in good conditions would be happy to go much further than a novice in a much larger boat in poor weather.
Thanks Polly. Im breaking my self in carefully to build sea experiance. Ive got my first SR4 and 40 horse 2 stroke Yam, of which both im slowly building up to be tip top. Im gaining a lot of info reading Ribnet, thats for sure.
Ok - if you've not already then get some training (RYA PB2 is the usual choice) then a few short trips relatively close to shore in areas you know, perhaps a longer trip in "company" and then you'll get a feel for it yourself. Distance from shore is not the be all and end all though -- some of the scariest places are very close to land!