Originally Posted by Narcosis
I would really appreciate any hints and tips, been on the phone for days ringing experts(  ) about laying fibre glass.
I am trying to design this around a removal 42 Lt Tectank fueltank , where have you put your fueltank?
Any pic's would be great to see, many thanx.
We've integrated a 55liter fuel tank and a 55amp batery. And we still got room to store!
The console is 170cm long and I don't remember how wide se is (I'll check it for you tomorrow)
We first made a woodenfram of 4 mm triplex.
Then laminated it all together. 2 layers on the outside (350gram) and 2 layers on the inside (350gram). And laminated the console on the hull, so no use of bolds or skrews. Just to make it extra strong and water tight!
After the lamination we put epoxy on it, just to get it all smooth and watertight.
Finished it all with DD paint (I don't know how they call it in the UK) and put some extra SS on it for the finishing tuch.
Made the seats also ourselfse. Very easy to do with some foam and Sky leather and some wood.
The Backrests we've made of SS. But, same on me, I don't have any pics of that...