11 October 2004, 18:53
Country: UK - England
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Searider kept afloat?
Evening everybody.
I have just bought Noddy's SeaRider SR4, which I will be using mostly to get to work every day (April - Nov). The boat will be living in a marina, so I shall have to slap some Jollop on her (anti-foul), which is a shame, but neccessary.
I'm now wondering whether to seal up the flooding hull system as I don't want weed and corruption growing inside there!
Has anyone had this problem with any Searider or flooding hulled RIB?
I don't really want to do this for obvious reasons, but if there is another way i'm all ears!
11 October 2004, 18:57
Country: Ireland
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Don't put antifoul on a 4m RIB, use SafeBoatSkin. It would even be possible to apply it to the inside of the flooding hull using a cloth and a pole/stick or even a mop dipped in the stuff as you don't polish it off.
Discussed earlier here:
Website for the stuff is here; www.safeboatskin.com
It does actually work!!
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
11 October 2004, 19:02
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by The Bryster
I have just bought Noddy's SeaRider SR4, which.....will be living in a marina
A rare honour indeed for a 4m Searider - and fully deserved I might add
Mr Rogue Wave will be on line later this evening to answer the technical bit. And of course to remind us that Seariders are the finest boats in their class
11 October 2004, 20:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Falmouth, Kernow!
Boat name: PlayM8
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Posts: 72
That looks like some serious Jollop Swginn! Thanks, I shall have to apply some of that next season. Might suggest it for the works RIB too.
Like you say, I will probably get away without having to block up the hull if I can find a garden pesdiside (is that how you spell it?) sprayer to apply it with. They've got a wicked range on them!
11 October 2004, 20:15
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No,No,No, you have to put it on like car polish in a circular motion, very fine coat, then leave for 30 mins and do the same again, then 30 mins and the same again. It goes on very quickly, problem is it can be difficult to see where you have put it as it is clear, but does leave a slight haze if the light is right. By the time you have been round once it is time to go again, then again. I have never seen anything like it, amazing, I have photo's of my hull before and after. It is designed for boats that go in and out as well as staying in, nice thing is it doesn't ruin your hull forever like the prep for anti-fouling. You can always anti-foul later if it doesn't suite you. I was very impressed with it on my leg, has kept it like new.
11 October 2004, 20:23
Country: UK - Wales
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Phil you got me all wrong I think they are the finest boats ever! But it wouldn't be PC to say that. I can't go hacking off Ribcraft owners as well now can I.
I am not an expert on searider plugging and i would prefer not to do it. However if the boat is going to live in the water for 6 months and be used on the plane most of the time then plug em up if you want to. I have seen it done quite cleverly at the back with a circlar deck acceess panel. this has the advantage that it has a removable core for draining purposes Rubber bungs in the nose might do it and just put a little bit of GRP to hold em in place or expanding foam in the nose and grp tape over that.
The safe boat skin mob are growing in strength all the time so I think it might be worth a try.
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
11 October 2004, 21:53
Country: UK - England
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Plugging a Searider
Avon do a stainless steel transom plug that fits in the hole and is secured with a stainless steel strongback. The plug has a smaller drain plug in it so the hull can be drained without removing the smaller plug.
This is a good way of plugging the hole without taking any drills / saws to the hull.
When I had my 4m Searider I tried the blanking plug but prefered it when the hull was left to flood.
Blocking the front holes can be simply done with silicon sealant - easily removed if you need to.
Was speaking with some guys that have had a BWM in the Scillies for about 10 years and have never antifouled it. They claim to periodically spray the hull with bleach between tides and the next time the boat was used all fouling dropped off.
I surveyed the boat for their purchaser and the gelcoat was a bit discoloured but otherwise in good condition. Might be worth a try.
11 October 2004, 22:47
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Thread for Ollie.
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
12 October 2004, 04:35
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I dont know if this helps but a salesmn for macgregor yachts once told me(they make a flooding hull sailboat)that because light doesnt get into the chamber,then weed/barnacles dont grow-he was trying to sell me a boat though
12 October 2004, 06:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Falmouth, Kernow!
Boat name: PlayM8
Make: AVON
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Posts: 72
Thank's guys.
You weren't seriously thinking of buying a Macgregor Yacht were you Timboli?!
There's loads of them things down here (Jack of all trades, master of none!).
Give them there due, they have sold a fair few of them.
12 October 2004, 10:37
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I think Timboli has a point. No weedy bits have ever grown inside the flooding bit of my flatacraft, I don't think you need to worry!
12 October 2004, 10:55
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My Searider was in the water for 5 weeks this year in the adriatic sea (warm and sunny). While i have a lot of barnacles on the transom and quite some weed on the outside of the hull, i have nothing inside. Perfectly clean
Avon recommends to clean the inside from time to time with hypochlorit though. I did not do it. I only had a look inside through the big hole at the transom and desided its OK
12 October 2004, 11:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Warwick
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Posts: 134
All this talk of seariders...
All this talk of seariders! after Rogue Waves sage advice I am itching to join the club! got a wanted ad in boats and outboards no replies as yet - still as winter draws in...
12 October 2004, 19:00
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 402
Originally Posted by The Bryster
Thank's guys.
You weren't seriously thinking of buying a Macgregor Yacht were you Timboli?!
There's loads of them things down here (Jack of all trades, master of none!).
Give them there due, they have sold a fair few of them.
Cant answer that in case I incriminate myself,even had a test sail-oops there I go again  All before I saw the Ribbing light though.
12 October 2004, 19:11
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Originally Posted by George8910
All this talk of seariders! after Rogue Waves sage advice I am itching to join the club! got a wanted ad in boats and outboards no replies as yet - still as winter draws in...
High George My name is Stuart Hopkins are we corresponding by e mail!
I've been thinking about plugging the Hull and I think if you are only going to use it for commuting and leaving it afloat then I would do it. As it will sit a lot higher in the water at the mooring. thus stopping nasty water coming over the transom! Not a problem for a day sailor really but it is when you leave em in
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
13 October 2004, 12:27
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 134
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
High George My name is Stuart Hopkins are we corresponding by e mail!
I've been thinking about plugging the Hull and I think if you are only going to use it for commuting and leaving it afloat then I would do it. As it will sit a lot higher in the water at the mooring. thus stopping nasty water coming over the transom! Not a problem for a day sailor really but it is when you leave em in
Hi Stuart - no must be another George! - I started a thread asking advice on best 4.7m rib - general view was either a SR4.7 or a Ribcraft 4.8 - on balance I think the searider's the boat for me, especially given the extremely high prices people are asking for 2nd hand ribcraft
13 October 2004, 13:40
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Originally Posted by George8910
................ searider's the boat for me..........George
Look at this http://www.babcockdisposals.co.uk/It...p?ItemID=35411 might be a project for you  Des
13 October 2004, 14:03
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by Scary Des
That's amazing! The offering price on that boat is only ~15 GBP less than what I paid for a comparable Searider with trailer in the US. Economists and politicians speak of the "global marketplace" but I just can't believe how comparable the price is! I'm sure this boat will be negotiated downward a bit, but with the value of the my trailer, it will likely work out close enough to equal. My impression was that I was probably paying more for my boat as there is a much smaller market for ribs in the States. I guess that the scarcity of sellers is matched by the scarcity of buyers here...
13 October 2004, 15:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Warwick
Make: Avon - Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: 75hp mariner
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 134
Originally Posted by Scary Des
Thanks for the tip Des - unfortunately a 5.4 won't fit in the garage - plan to store the boat at my folks house on the IoW and the neighbours are a bit twitchy (rear admiral RN retired...) and they wouldn't take kindly to 18ft of mouldering hypalon parked on the drive - I learned this the hard way during an extensive 'rebuild' of a chrysler sunbeam - now that was a motor £50 of loveliness orange with a brown vinyl roof - halcyon days...
13 October 2004, 15:48
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: JU-JU
Make: Halmatic PAC22
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 1,400
Originally Posted by George8910
...... the neighbours are a bit twitchy (rear admiral RN retired...) ....
This is an ex RN boat so he might feel right at home  Des
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