22 July 2010, 15:43
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Searider SS Control Bracket
Hi, I have an SR4 hull and the control bracket is missing from the Avon console, do I need this as it looks like the last set of controls were bolted directly to the console?
Thanks in advance
22 July 2010, 17:51
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I think they were bolted straight to the console on the SR4.
When you come to mount the controls, watch that you're not going to hit the choke or key with your knee
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22 July 2010, 18:20
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The thinking behind this is to place the throttle lever alongside, rather than behind the steering wheel.
You could achieve the same effect by using spacers (plastic/stainless washers or tube) between the control box and console.
22 July 2010, 19:49
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Thanks for the advice, I'll offer up the controls first to see how they fit.
22 July 2010, 20:20
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Originally Posted by whisper
Thanks for the advice, I'll offer up the controls first to see how they fit.
Does that mean you've found an engine?
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22 July 2010, 21:37
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I think they were bolted straight to the console on the SR4.
When you come to mount the controls, watch that you're not going to hit the choke or key with your knee 
Where were you with that advice when I fitted mine  after a few sore knees and sudden losses of power from blipping the choke I moved mine
23 July 2010, 10:07
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I found that problem on a centre boat whilst I was still teaching kids to sail, Key took the knee out my waterproofs over the summer hols! For some strange reason I always preferred #3 boat......
The bracket holes may be for the one that is used to mount twins - I've seen people ue it to mount a single on the RHS rather than just swapping the lever to the other side of the box.
While we're on the ergonomics of it, remember that the lever will be at or near WOT a lot of the time - there's an argumment for fitting it at a steep angle so the throttle lever is where your hand natutrally falls in your usual driving position (e.g if you tend to stand over your jockey like I do, raise itt up a bit so you;re not bending over al lthe time). WhenI got the boat it was fitted perfectly horizontally - it was almost impossible to ge to WOT without leaning far forward & chewing the steering wheel!
23 July 2010, 19:07
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Thanks for the info, I have just got hold of a Johnson 40hp and it has left handed controls so it looks like I will not need the bracket.
24 July 2010, 10:37
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If you don't have the bracket and need to mount the throttle a few inches away from the console, plastic pipe/tube/conduit used for protecting electrical cables works well. Get several long bolts, long enough for the amount you wish to offset it, cut several lengths of tube, and use the tube between the throttle and the console (if that makes sense).
24 July 2010, 14:40
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If the side of the console is fairly flat I like to use offcuts of upvc fascia board cut to shape as big shims,it comes in up to about 20mm thick,is easy to cut,is white and looks like a proper job.Also spreads the load and won't ever corrode and best of all is usually free.
All builders and window installers have odd bits left over.
25 July 2010, 22:44
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control bracket
would this be any good to you?
got it a couple of years ago for a project and never used it,
been in the garage ever since!
26 July 2010, 21:38
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Originally Posted by Andy B
would this be any good to you?
got it a couple of years ago for a project and never used it,
been in the garage ever since!
Thanks Andy, that is really good of you but looking at it again tonight I think I'm going to have to buy/fabricate the SR4 stainless steel bracket.
Nice bit of kit though
27 July 2010, 16:26
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no worries,
i'l put it back so i can carry on tripping over it!
01 October 2010, 12:58
Country: UK - England
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I have now found the Avon part number for the bracket (V01143)
Can any one tell me how far the bracket offsets the controls?
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