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Old 11 October 2011, 17:14   #1
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Searider tank & boat balance

Hello ,
Within the nearest time a Osprey console will be fitted to my SR 5.4 . Now the big question for me is is fuel storage & weight distribution .
The boat will be equipped with a Yam 90hp 2 stroke and furthermore I will have the possibility to store 2x 25l tanks at the stern .
My intention is also to have a inbuilt tank in the console and here I am getting a bit in trouble ..
A german fellow built in some time ago in his SR 5.4 in the same console a 80 liter tank . The tank was located in the high front part of the console in UPRIGHT position - see pictures from his boat .
I would love to have a 80l tank in the console but my concern is that the weight of the console / the weight of the full tank plus my weight (115kg) is located too close to the bow .
I am afraid that the boat becomes bow heavy .
Can somebody advice ?
I see 3 options :

1. weight distribution / balance and handling will be alright = best case but who knows ?
2. another tank than the one mentioned above has to go under the lower part of the console - closer to the stern and the center of gravity , no idea yet which size the console can accomodate
3. the console can be glassed to the deck closer to the stern to improve the balance , but once it is glassed - no way back ..

What is your fuel setup and recommendation for the SR 5.4 ??

Thanks in advance !

Regards - Jürgen
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Old 11 October 2011, 17:55   #2
Country: Finland
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Good question.

I have the navy speck SR 5.4. Battery under the console, but most of the fuel and other gear is located close rather to the transom(There is 70 litre tank) and then I carry 1-2 20L jerry cans. In easy weather or in rough stuff in following seas this is OK, somehow feels like she goes better with a little shorter waterline, slightly stern heavy. Bow is low so i would not like here bow heavy in following seas.

But in nasty, short chop(heading sea), the rides get much better when moving the jerry cans to the bow...
In my opinion my tub overhang(past transom) is little low(maybe gravity and age has taken its toll) so they are a acting like a trim tabs, this might explain why the weight at the stern is ok most of the time.
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Old 11 October 2011, 20:42   #3
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Don't think so


It's now owned by Zan so it might be worth PM ing her good self

It was also driven a lot by DM and he agrees with me. I wouldn't worry about your weight sadly I suspect you are lighter than me I've never had a prob with boat balance on a Searider. Also when you use the rear tanks for long Journey if you use them first then your balance comes back towards the end of the day.

I don't think the seat is to far forward but you can always have it set back a bit
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Old 12 October 2011, 04:17   #4
Country: Germany
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Hi Stu ,
Thanks for your comments !
May be it is a stupid comparison but on my dirt bike I had plenty of options to adjust the shock & fork to the underground condition to get best results during a competition .
With the boat this possibilities are quite limited .
I`ll send a PM to Zan to get more info about her setup .
Last night i found a couple of tanks which could be interesting and which would be positioned flat under the console and not upright .
I`ll email them to you .
But anyway - waiting for the info from you with the fuel tank options for the Osprey console !
*let me also know the lenght of the hydr hoses so that all parts for the steering will be available . A helm I found in the meantime .

Cheers - Jürgen
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Old 12 October 2011, 08:37   #5
Country: Finland
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I fully agree with Stu, searider is not a particularly sensitive for shifting in weight/balance, Having had the opportunity to do many trips with 4 kids/youth on board, have shifted/played with weights pretty much. In easy conditions, by having weight in the stern, the fuel consumption is little less that way, at least based on the flow meter reading on my boat.

But handling wise considering general usage, makes sense to have the tank more forward. My comments/worry for bow heavy in following seas might be influenced by my limited driving skills ..
If /when will do a console modification I would also consider a tank in the console. I wonder, how big tank was attached on Narcosis boat?

There is an E-Tec on the picture, is not that roughly 50 kg heavier than the Yam, so if one want to achieve identical balance to that one, think console needs to be litle closer to the stern?
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
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Old 12 October 2011, 12:13   #6
Country: Denmark
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Hi, I know mine is not the 5.4M but the 4.7 and it could possibly do a big difference. However i placed a 62 liter fuel tank under my console half a meter behind the front tube, and the battery is just in front of the console. The balance is really good with my Etec 90hp on the transom. I don't think it would be a problem for you to put the tank 2/3 forward.
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Old 12 October 2011, 16:12   #7
Country: Germany
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Guys ,
Thanks for your feedback !
The 2 rear tanks at the stern I want to have definitely as a reserve for longer distances . As for the inbuilt tank I will see what Stu will offer - respectively what will fit into the Osprey console .
The beauty of this 80l upright tank is that there is plenty of space underneath the seat in the console . Not too bad since the storage capacities of the SR are quite limited ..
In this regard I think mostly about the safety equipment .
Do not know about the UK but in Germany it is "recommended" but in France obligatory - and this is quite a lot of stuff ...

After all you wrote or I read before in the forum I think at the end the wisdom about the boat handling , balance etc comes with time and experience once the SR is on the water ..

Cheers - Jürgen
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Old 13 October 2011, 00:17   #8
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A german fellow built in some time ago in his SR 5.4 in the same console a 80 liter tank . The tank was located in the high front part of the console in UPRIGHT position - see pictures from his boat .

The pictures worrie me a bit as with that petrol swooshing around building up gas fumes in the front of the console, just under the electrics, with little ventilation.

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Old 13 October 2011, 03:56   #9
Country: Germany
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Originally Posted by Ruari 29 View Post

The pictures worrie me a bit as with that petrol swooshing around building up gas fumes in the front of the console, just under the electrics, with little ventilation.
Good point - may be that is why he sold the boat ...
No - I talked to him the tank was wéll vented . Problem he had was fuel spraying out throught the breather ( outside of the console ) in heavy seas with full tank .
Any tank in the console - does not matter whether it is flat on the floor or upright in the front has to have anyway a good vent system .

Cheers - Jürgen
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Old 13 October 2011, 06:45   #10
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I do like the idea of what your trying to do, I was myself thinking about fitting a tank under my seat in my 5.4.
Good luck

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