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Old 27 December 2010, 17:14   #1
Country: Netherlands
Town: groningen
Boat name: tess, searanger
Make: sailer, avon 5,4
Length: 8m +
Engine: inboard, suzuki 90
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 96
searider tube slowly leaking

Hello Guys,

Is there anyone who knows how to stop slowly leaking tubes from my sr 5,4?
its nog a fast leaker but they go in a week or so.
Re tubing is nog yet the thing to do i think.

Furthermore how can i see (without tearing the whole thing down) if my transom is ok (not rotten) i think its ok but to be sure.
And last but nog least does anybody have a drawing from an A frame for a 5,4 SR? maybe digital?

Thanks for yor expertise.



Btw if anyonne is interested i have a deluxe dashboard from my SR5,4
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Old 27 December 2010, 18:16   #2
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Hi Bert

Have you been able to establish where the leak is coming from. (Overpressure and use soapy water witha paintbrush) If it's valves then that is fairly straightforward, it is best to coat all the seams that you can see to look for bubbles as well as any sections which are scratched or scuffed.
The Seams on the searider are at the bottom of the tube and not behind the rubbing strake and as such run along the fibreglass flange section of the hull which makes detecting seam leeks very hard.
The upside to this is that you can use a Sealer available from Polymarine:

This will work well as long as you have the means to tilt the boat backwards and forwards which will cover the seam internally at the bottom of the tube.

With regards to the transom it would be worth tapping it with a hammer and listening for a dull thud which could indicate soft wood behind the Fibre glass, it will also flex.

I hope this helps.
Hypalon Tubes built in-house,retubing, repairs, Accessories
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Old 29 December 2010, 10:44   #3
Country: Netherlands
Town: groningen
Boat name: tess, searanger
Make: sailer, avon 5,4
Length: 8m +
Engine: inboard, suzuki 90
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 96

hey thats something to work with. I'm moving my searider to a bigger storage and have the pos. to move the boat around a little bit.
i guessed with the transom right then and tried it but no strange sounds heard and cannot get any movement in it.

if you haven more tips please feel welcome and thanks already i'll let you know if it has worked.

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Old 29 December 2010, 16:06   #4
Country: USA
Town: Oakland CA
Length: 3m +
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Posts: 6,653
Marine surveyers use a moisture meter that reads how much water is in the material in question. Have no idea how it works. It is, however, designed to ID just the situation you are concerned about with respect to your transom. Perhaps a call to a local surveyer would get you a quick reading for a small amount of money?

As far as the tubes, the soapy water method is what I use.

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