Seat and Console upgrades??
We recently aquired an Avon SR4m Searide. The boat came stock with 2 side-by-side bucket seats and a fiberglass dashboard/steering console with a small windscreen. We'd like to upgrade to a center console, and alternative seating arrangement. Todd Marine products makes an nice and affordable center console for about $175 US, but we're having a very hard time finding either a bench seat or a "jockey" seat for our boat.
With the bench seat, we'd want one with back support, and on a jocky seat one with adjustable back support (whether one passenger or two) as well. Also, if you have any opinions/suggestions as to bench vs. jockey seating, that would be helpful too.
We primarily use the boat as a diving/fishing vessel in intracoastal environs.
thanks very much for your help!